Mrs. Gu Ruyi is lying in bed, enjoying the massage of her little girl. Even if she was unconscious, she felt that her daughter was worthy of being a doctor, much more competent than the ordinary medical staff.

"Mom, Zhou Xiaocun, the eldest son of the old Zhou family, went to the hospital to wait for me this morning. Let me convey a few words to you for him, saying that his father asked him to see you as soon as possible and to make an appointment for you."

Lin Liying's hands keep moving, but her eyes have been paying attention to her mother's face. Unfortunately, since the old lady's stroke, her mood has always been cloudy and sunny, she can't guess.

"He also threatened to give him an answer tomorrow if he didn't want to regret it. He looks like he's holding your hand. Mom, do you want dad

At this moment, Mrs. Lin spat out vaguely, "no..."

"Well, I won't tell my dad. But can you solve it? Shall I bring him to see you? Or I'll find a chance to push you to the streets. "

"A few..." Mrs. Lin murmured, touching the cupboard with her fingers.

Lin Liying handed her the cardboard on the bedside table and put a pen in her hand.

A few lines of words were drawn at a stroke, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Lin Liying, as a daughter, is deeply admired by her perseverance. If it's your own stroke, you're going to collapse.

"Your sister had an accident in confinement. She accidentally took sterilization medicine. She was discovered by Mrs. Zhou. Her family was holding on to it. I'm afraid your sister can't stand the stimulation and wrote a note to old Zhou. The handle is a piece of paper. I shouldn't have written at that time. I was cheated. "

Even if Lin Liying thought about the possibility for countless times, she would never have thought that the so-called "handle" was so thrilling. There are a lot of questions behind this, and she has to think about it again.

"When you see him, let him show you the note first. At that time, I wrote it with a pen in my heart. After so many years, I may not even have a shadow. If it's still there, you can only use money for it. Don't promise other conditions. If you don't agree, let him go to your sister, whatever she wants. "

Lin Liying's eyes are black. This This It's true.

She calmed down, took a breath, and asked in disbelief, "Mom, where did you get the medicine? How could you do that? That's your daughter

"No Silk... "

Lin Liying doesn't want to hear her explain any more. Who's her mother? At that time, her brother-in-law had just died, and she would have paid attention to the old Zhou family? How can it be written in black and white if you have to.

"No Silk Nest... "

Mrs. Lin glared at her eyes and repeatedly stressed

On the contrary, Lin Liying leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes, and faced the terrible fact with disbelief. Her mother used drugs to sterilize her sister. That is to say, before her brother-in-law's accident, her mother prepared to let her sister-in-law have no more children except a girl.

Does the old lady know what she has done? Why does she hate her son-in-law so much that she would like him to die! It's terrible. Everything is fake.

Lin Liying has never been so desperate. She doesn't know how to face her mother. When a rabbit dies, it hurts its kind. She mourned for her elder sister Lin Lishan, but she was not herself.

This is what kind of a mother, heart without guilt to use her daughter as a tool, trample on her daughter's life at will? If he had not discussed with her, would he have to face such a calculation?

In the master bedroom, the mother and daughter were speechless.

Until nightfall, nanny aunt pull on the light, wake up Lin Liying.

She opened her eyes and looked at her reclining on the Kang with her eyes closed. Her mother's face was calm, and all kinds of tastes welled up in her heart. Tiger poison does not eat son, does her mother have heart?

At this moment, she couldn't stay any longer.

Lin Liying, who fled in confusion, did not dare to stay in the courtyard for a moment. She was worried that she could not help telling the truth in the face of her elder sister's simple eyes, but how dare she?

This night, Lin Liying was hit by a series of things and had a high fever. She kept whispering, "it's impossible It's all fake It's all deceptive.

It was only in the early morning that Lin Liying, who was in a coma, was found by her two sisters in law and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Zhou Xiaocun was excited for a day, waiting for a day, but his hope was dashed.

Knowing that Lin Liying is seriously ill in bed, Zhou Xiaocun curses the God for being blind. How can he wait for himself to do something good? It will be better for the Lin family to die.

When he tried to get close to the ward again, it was the next afternoon.

Looking at the haggard Lin Liying, he curled his lips - it's useless, such a big fart, it's frightening.

Lin Liying saw him as if seeing a ghost. She was scared to look around.

"Don't worry, not now. I can't guarantee it later. What's the matter with you? What does your old lady say? Do you need notes to talk about things? "

Lin Liying looked at him in surprise.

Zhou Xiaocun glanced at her with pride, "I won't show evidence first. With the evidence, who knows if you're going to poison me? I've known Mrs. Lin's trick. She was going to kill my father even if she was a granddaughter. I have a copy of the note, you let her see if there are any mistakes. I'll wait for your reply tomorrow. I'll be late... "Lin Liying listen to his threat, hate gnashing teeth, but also have to deal with him.

"I don't have to look at the evidence now," she said in a low voice. You say what you want, I will give you whatever I can, and after that you will give me a note. "

"That's right! I'm not demanding. We are a foreign big city household registration, the work does not ask how good, can have stuttering on the line, a thousand catties of national grain coupons. "

Lin Liying's eyes widened. "Are you crazy. I want it all, not to mention you. Be realistic. Don't talk about it. "

"No, my request has been reduced a lot. I didn't ask for money because of the friendship between your mother and my father for so many years."

Lin Liying shook her head decisively and said, "that's nothing to talk about. My mother can't do what you want. You can report it. She can't survive for a few years anyway. "

Zhou Xiaocun sneered: "she can't endure, but you are still there. Pay the mother's debt. Oh, you have to pay it. You said that if the leader of your unit knew that you had a mother who killed his daughter and granddaughter, what would he think of you? What will your mother-in-law think of you? If I'm right, your man seems to be filial to his parents. By the way, do you think your brother will change his career? It is said that he has been under Zhou Xiaozheng

"By the way, I heard that your father-in-law can't be stimulated. What would he do if he knew that his mother-in-law was dressed in two skins? Ha ha I'm looking forward to it. "

Lin Liying saw that he said he wanted to go, and quickly stopped, "household registration has no way, only to find opportunities for work. I'll raise it for you. "

Zhou Xiaocun suppressed his pride and said in a slow and orderly way: "I want two Haishi Hukou for me and my little son, plus a formal job for him. To ensure that the files are clean. "

Lin Liying squints her eyes. Her brain is moving very fast. She plans to stabilize her partner first. She nodded. "It's very difficult. Give me time. I'll get back to you next week."

"No. I'll wait for you five more days. I know if you really want to do it, it will be done soon. It's the bottom line. It's not negotiable. "

Zhou Xiaocun saw her nod and left quickly. Out of the hospital gate, looking at the street pedestrians, ha ha straight smile. It's done! He is going to have a good life with his little son.

As for Mr. Zhou and his three remaining sons, Zhou xiaocunda knew from the beginning of getting on the train that it was not realistic to take them with him. At first, he opened his mouth to pave the way for the back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!