Zhou Jiao looked at the group reluctantly bid farewell to the enthusiastic villagers and made an appointment to come back again when they had time. Again, the ghost knows the year of the monkey.

As soon as they arrived at the county seat, before they could go home, Zhang Guoqing and his party were pulled to his home by Zhao Dashan. They discussed a trip to the grassland in the Ming Dynasty. In fact, it was another banquet.

Zhou Jiao see this, quickly will carry the package to let Zhang Guoqing to the kitchen. If so many people eat, it is estimated that the Zhao family will be hungry for ten days and a half months.

Zhao family has nothing else. There was a lot of wine before. At the end of the drink, several young men fell down, and the meal ended. After waking up, Yi Jiefang several people repeatedly said that they did not dare to drink in Northeast China any more. They were all wine tanks.

Knowing that they are going to leave the next day, in addition to a few drunk people, a large number of tripods go home to prepare things. In particular, Zhang Guoqing also had a pot that was taken directly to the Zhao family.

Zhang Guoqing left several people to sleep, and Zhang Guoqing had time to take Zhou Jiao with them. They went to the elder brother and sister's house with cakes and candied fruits.

I left several houses one after another. I was embarrassed to come to the house without any four color gifts. Now a box of cakes and preserves is considered a great gift, but it saves a couple a lot of money.

Reunion always seems more intimate, especially Zhang Meili waited for several days to see her younger brother. It was holding the hands of the husband and wife, and she had to confirm whether they were well.

The details of life, the sophistication of the world, one thing after another to persuade, only worried about the couple living hard outside - the elder sister has never changed.

When she got home, Zhang's mother could finally take out the things she had hidden and talk to her old son about her private affairs.

Zhou Jiao lost her smile. Can she say that she knew in her heart that her mother-in-law would reduce the weight of human feelings. She gave more on purpose.

Lin Ju peanut is her grandson and Zhang Meili is her daughter. Zhou Jiao is really not easy to deal with this matter, or Mrs. Cheng reminds her to send it to her mother-in-law and let her do it at her own discretion.

"I give chrysanthemum half of the cloth and cotton. I think you think she makes clothes for Ping'an every year. This to give, milk powder to a bag of eggs. I'll put the rest away. Your second sister, I also follow the city standard, just the same as that given by your three brothers. "

Zhou Jiao nodded with a smile and pushed away the things she handed over. "Mother, let you go first. The child is still useful for 100 days."

Seeing that their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had settled down, Zhang Guoqing said with a smile: "Dad, you and your mother will set out with us tomorrow. This time, my godfather, they all go to the mountain. "

Zhang's father looked at his wife. He still wanted to see the prairie game. If you don't have an old son, you'll never have a chance to go.

"Will it cause you trouble? I'm an old lady who didn't look good in the past. Your father will go with you. I'll pack my things at home. "

"Niang, what are you, ladies? Let's go out together. I'll call you elder sister. Someone must believe it. Aunt Cheng has gone, and you just have company. "

Mother Zhang was made to laugh by her.

Soon it was decided. Seeing that it was not early, Zhang Guoqing left Zhou Jiao and Zhang's mother to cook, and went to Zhao Dashan's home to find someone to come back.

Near dinner time, Li Qinglin and Zhang Yuntao came back to Zhangjia with food and dry goods. They said that their parents gave the fifth couple.

Zhou Jiao also did not refuse, know that now go to other people's homes with meal tickets, pull and talk to outsiders to see bad. She took it directly to the kitchen, intending to return the gift before she left.

In the morning of the next day, a truck left the county town and arrived at the provincial capital to meet Zhao Chuanguang's transport vehicle and drove to the destination.

This time, we didn't get off the bus as before. Instead, we followed Zhao Chuanguang to the racetrack. With Wan Dayong, an uncle was there and was arranged to have a night's rest.

The next day, we left the transport vehicle, and a group of people led by Uncle Wan went down to the racing scene.

Singing and dancing, horseback sports, participating in the shouting, experience happiness. Unfortunately, everyone was in a hurry and happily played for a day. They went back to their homes with their local specialties.

In the next two days, the elders gathered together to spend their leisure time. Zhang Guoqing and several other people hunted around with weapons and wild animals. From time to time, they went to the herdsmen's yurt to have a pleasant exchange with the local people through drinking horse milk wine.

At the end of the game, Zhao Chuanguang and the others decided to stay for a few more days. The interesting places learned from the herdsmen had not been there, and many delicious food had not been tasted.

Once in a blue moon, some people who did not lack money and tickets immediately asked their elders to take wild things back. They played all the way and took the train home.

Zhao Chuanguang and others, who are eager to return home, have to take a transport truck with them. However, they leave some food stamps to go back on time. And the small partner after sahuaner is completely crazy.

Along the way, they either sent things back or subsidized passers-by. Until their pockets were empty, they pieced together enough food stamps to eat a full meal and went back to the county.

On a trip to the grassland, everyone was sunburnt. Even Zhang Guoqing and his wife were all red in the sun. It's a very meaningful journey. There are joys and heartaches.

This trip, what I saw and heard on the road made these young people grow up a lot. The flowers in the greenhouse after the storm washing, have some calm, have some understanding.On the ox cart, Yi liberates his hands and pillows, leaning against his companion and looking up at the sky. He felt that he should reflect on his life.

Wan Dayong, who is one year older than them, has a deeper understanding than him. He seemed to understand the so-called common people's suffering that his grandfather often mentioned in his ears.

Geng Dasheng was silent all the way, staring at the distance. What did he think? Is it a barefoot big head kid, or the shack that can be seen everywhere? Maybe it's strangers who are staggering around?

No one asked. Some things are far away from them, some things are close to them. Everyone was thinking about their own thoughts.

Sometimes some insights can affect a person's life. Just like the insight in martial arts. How much can be realized depends on the lucky value, and these are the experiences that everyone can always experience in the growth of life.

Zhou Jiao leans tightly behind Zhang Guoqing, closes her eyes, and tries to forget those disturbing faces.

Her self mocking smile, such a side of heaven, one side of hell life. She didn't know if she would be schizophrenic. In the past, I used to comfort myself with life like a play. At this moment, there is no such thing as looking at faded photos. She seemed to blend into it and become a flesh and blood stranger that she was not familiar with.

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