In the bedroom, Lin Lishan several people are sorting out the gifts brought by the guests today, sorting them and putting them into boxes. Hearing the voice of Mrs. Zhang outside, I felt very funny. All of us have sat in the confinement of a month. They know that the birds will come out of the cage and forget the return of time. They should not criticize their elders. At the same time, she is also happy for Zhou Jiao. The mother-in-law treats her like a daughter, and the relationship between her mother and daughter-in-law is very good, which is what the mother's family would like to see most.

Hearing is false, seeing is believing. Although the elders who have been to Zhangjia village say that the conditions of Zhangjia are very good. But the people's worries did not abate. Far away from the capital, we can see thatched houses and earth embryo houses all the way. When I think of the 17-year-old girl, she lives a poor life. For example, Lin Liying is more ashamed and worried, which is quite different from her imagination. For example, the two sisters in law of the Cheng family are even more distressed. They don't understand why the elder brother obeys the wishes of the children. What they saw and heard in Zhangjia on that day completely relieved them.

"Where have you been? Where to go in the future, you have to say, so that the elders of the family can rest assured. Come and sit down and have a good chat with mom. Mom is going back tomorrow. It's not easy to see you. " Lin Lishan pushed Zhou Jiao into a chair.

Zhou Jiao smiles and pulls her by the corner of her dress and hugs her waist like a child, "Mom, there is a train. I want you to run to you. I have more time now. Don't you stay a few more days this time? I'll go shopping with you. "

"If you have a chance to come here. Your aunts and aunts have all asked for leave and are in a hurry to get back to work. Come home early at the end of the year, and we'll go shopping together. "

Liu Ting, the daughter-in-law of Cheng family, asked her, "Jiaojiao, why don't you go back with us tomorrow? Your sister-in-law is a doctor. We can take Xiao Ping'an with us, and it will be fine. "

Zhou Jiao showed her hands helplessly and said, "Auntie, I want to go back early, but I can't. The school gave face to resume school, but also had to wait for the exam. Don't tempt me. I miss my dad now, and I want to go with you. "

"Let's get down to business. We'll meet you at the station then. Remember to send a telegram before you get on the bus. Don't take anything with you. You and Xiaowu will take good care of the safety and buy them after returning to Beijing. You don't have to bring in the trouble. "

Zhou Jiao nodded. She was not afraid of many things when she had space. She was well intentioned. Just listen.

Beijing is a good place for people to recommend. I made an appointment to take her to the temple fair in January.

Aunt Liu Ting and Cheng Ruzhu like Zhou Jiao very much. They think of their daughter, hope that the daughter has not been achieved. Zhou Jiao is in line with their daughter's image. As the only girl in the Cheng family's grandchildren, they want Zhou Jiao to stay in the capital and take care of something.

Cheng Ruzhu put down what she had in her hand and sat down beside Zhou Jiao. She said in a low voice how good and convenient the small courtyard that Zhou Xiaozheng moved to after returning to Beijing. She also talked about how the courtyard was and what it had. What are the popular girls in Beijing nowadays. Generally speaking, you will regret if you don't go. You will regret if you don't live in the courtyard.

Zhou Jiao listened to her whispers, searching for clues in her brain, and thinking about her father's military rank rapidly. This time her father didn't talk to her about the position and she didn't ask.

Now listen to Cheng Ruzhu and her aunt, they talk about some gossip in the courtyard. It turns out that many couples in the courtyard are not the original match, the original dog blood does not necessarily happen to ordinary people, and there are idealists who pursue fashion and freedom in any era.

Cheng Ruzhu and they finished gossip in the courtyard, then talked about the deeds of so and so, and told Zhou Jiao to go back to the capital and ignore it. Zhou Jiao is not interested in anyone who hears her name before seeing her. Instead, she can hear a trace of wind direction from it. It turns out that Madame * * has disappeared.

Lin Lishan has always been not interested in these right and wrong. At this meeting, she was busy sorting things out, wondering whether to tell Zhou Jiao about her grandmother's repayment this time. She picked it up in a muddle and gave her man the list before she got on the train. Now the more she thought about the amount, the more wrong it was. This matter is not easy to discuss with my own men except my daughter.

To bedtime, Zhou Jiao accompanied them back to the room. After the arrangement, Lin Lishan made an excuse to go back to the west chamber with her. Once in the inner room, he frowned and said nothing.

Zhou Jiao was startled and asked her in a hurry whether she had encountered something difficult to solve? Is there something wrong at home that her father won't let her know?

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Lin Lishan whispered, "it's not a big deal. It's about your grandmother paying back the money. Before I came here, she gave me a present for you. When I'm going to leave, I'll give you two certificates of deposit. If I don't say anything more, I'll say it's the money that our family has in her.

Didn't I care? I'll give it to your father when I go home. I'll catch the train in a hurry. These two or three days by train, the more I think about the amount, the more wrong. I think your grandmother did give me two certificates of deposit. One dollar. This is your dad's. There's another one that I've been with her for so many years. The difference is too big. I didn't look at it and asked her carefully. Your father left a deposit certificate less than one-third, my deposit certificate is only 20000. I'm confused. Why is it 17 years old?

In my mind, in addition to the basic salary and subsidies, money also exists in your grandmother's, she has about 50000. Last January, I also told her that she would have enough 50000 to inform me and wait for you to go to high school in Beijing. She nodded at that time. Do you think your grandmother took it by mistakeFinish, look at her mother. Are you still lucky? This is to avoid her father and give it to her before she leaves. How can you take it wrong? Think of her great grandmother, which is in line with her idea. From knowing that Zhao Chuanguang had visited her cousin, she had no hope for Mrs. Lin, who had brought up her cousin.

He was born in a big family. His vision is really small. With so much money in her, her father received the pension from the army and held on to her father's certificate of deposit. She and her mother are the legal heirs. She used to be young. Did she marry and give birth to a child, and she had to keep it? If her father doesn't come back, it's estimated that she'll swallow the money. No one knows. In fact, both her father and daughter knew about it, but her mother was not aware of it.

Zhou Jiao frowned at her worry and quickly comforted her, "Mom, you should be filial to her. Don't ask grandma. I guess she has no money. You just let it go. In the future, my grandmother's family will be involved in the separation of money and wealth. You can only see it without saying it. In case they ask you to borrow money, if the amount is large, it will be pushed to my father, and people will ask for my father directly.

I guess grandma either subsidized her mother's family or her uncle's family in Northwest China. Didn't you even get my uncle's salary last time? I think there will be more noise in the future. You just forget how much money you put in Grandma's.

There is no shortage of money in our family. My father doesn't care about money. When you go back, don't mention the money to my dad, especially the extra money you earn. You just don't see the amount and give it to him in a hurry. Don't care about the money. Think about the good things. What's money like when Dad comes back? Now we have money and power in our family. More money and less money are just numbers. If you give it to you, it will be put on the certificate of deposit. "

Lin Lishan did not give up asking, "can you really take the wrong list? Or one less? I still want to ask your grandmother. There's no reason to give my money to your second uncle. "

Zhou Jiao can't help but explain the white point. If her mother gets angry, it's going to be a big deal. Her grandfather knew that he had to sell iron and make money. One more thing, in case something leaks out, her father's money will be disclosed. It's still her father who suffers from the investigation.

"Wash three, you come here. Grandma didn't bring back my father's deposit certificate for you. I should have no money at that time. So she wrote an article on the baptism and gave a whole set of gold and jade. When my father comes back, why should she keep his uncle's salary? Just to raise money. As a result, there was not enough money. You and my father came to me, but she didn't pay it back. She wanted to wait until she could make it up. But it was a coincidence. My father's life is exposed, you go back in a hurry. What would she do?

It's up to you. I want to talk without my daughter. If you don't believe it, go to the bank and ask if these two certificates of deposit have been deposited with a large amount of money in recent days. It's hard to say. If my father didn't come back, my grandmother didn't intend to give it back to our mother and daughter. Do you think that's right? I am a daughter's family, married, for grandma, this money should not be given to me. As for you, aren't you her daughter? It's natural for mom to use her daughter's money.

So don't ask. It's boring. In fact, she still has so much money. My father and I already knew that. Our father and daughter are just afraid that you don't mention it in front of you. And don't make a fuss about it. If things leak out, my dad's family will be suspected. No matter whether they come from the right way or not, others will think bad. Not good for my dad. Even if grandma didn't pay back our money, she couldn't tell others. It's useless to tell your own mother to others, and to make jokes. We will be filial to her. "

Lin Lishan, with a sad face, hugged Zhou Jiao and complained, "it's over. I also told your father how capable he was. A lot of money was saved by your grandmother. It's going to be a shame. "

It's too early to talk? She doesn't have to know that her mother's temperament must show off to her father.

After a while, Lin Lishan suddenly stood up and asked her in shock, "Jiaojiao, do you think your grandmother won't exchange your dowry for money? I didn't even mention those things to me this time. We've all moved. What can't be left? "

Zhou Jiao couldn't help laughing. Her mother's Reflection Arc was too bad. Her father asked her to go back to collect her dowry at the end of the year, but that's not what she was thinking about.

"Don't worry, mom. The former may be used for other purposes, and 70% of them can be returned at the end of the year. If you wait for a few cousins to get married, I don't know. Don't worry about it. It's really misappropriated. It's been given away for a long time. What can you do? When my dad came back, grandma was worried. If you move the money, you will not move the dowry carelessly. She is a smart person, afraid you are anxious and noisy. Well, don't care about your belongings. Your heart is worth more than your dowry. No, it's gone. "

Lin Lishan nods helplessly. What can I do now? However, she planned to go back to ask the old lady in private this time. Instead of arguing with her, she would ask who she had given her money to. Her family's money always has to ask where it went.

She was so disappointed with her mother. She spoke well and agreed with her idea. She had already spent her savings in private. What's her life like? Why did the old Zhou family embezzle her things and her grandmother embezzled her money? There is no elder who really cares about their children.

She's afraid to go back and face her man now. Even Jiaojiao thought that the man in her family didn't know it at all. Her mother won't give her a living. , the fastest update of the webnovel!