The bedroom is warm and warm. Lin Lishan smiles and hugs her daughter. She just tells Jiaojiao what Zhang Guoqing said and talks about his expression.

Lin Lishan stroked her daughter's head. Now that her daughter is in her arms, she still missed the time when she grew up with her. In the blink of an eye, she became someone else's wife.

"Jiaojiao, mother said that just to let him know how lucky he was to marry you. My daughter is talented, beautiful and has a private house. She is not a helpless orphan. If it wasn't for the bad luck, you should sit in the bright classroom now. You are worthy of his treasure and love. Mom knows you are smarter than me, but it's useless for a woman to be smart. Only the man behind is the most important.

Before your father's accident, who didn't envy me and flattered me face to face and behind. When your dad's in trouble, those people will show their true colors, gloating and everything. That's the difference between having a good man to support you.

How men treat their own women, that woman will be how much respect, said that men and women are equal, but the secular vision still can not change, looking at everything is clearly so familiar, can all change.

I evaded everything, chose to leave the familiar place, look for your father everywhere. I don't believe your dad's going to have an accident. He is the most powerful king of war. He is a man who has no background and comes out on his own. He has a high intelligence quotient. He is brave and resourceful. How can he sacrifice? Who is the opponent? I'm just worried that he and your uncle will be deliberately framed by others. They are waiting for me to look for it.

Many people say I'm crazy, but I think about it every day. I find that I killed your father. I think it's a plot against the Lin family. If it wasn't for me, he would not have been involved.

Before that mission, he also said that if something happened, he would let me wait for him to come back. He said that he would prepare ten li red makeup for you. When he grew up, he would let you play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. When you were older, he would let you do whatever you wanted. He would protect his daughter like a princess. When you really want to find someone else, he will teach the other party first, so that he does not dare to hurt a hair of you. And said a lot of expectations for you. How can he give you up? How can you have an accident without arranging it?

I went crazy looking for answers, ignoring my military identity. Later your grandfather reminded me how many people were watching me secretly. I can only follow the arts and crafts troupe to apply for out of town tasks, take the opportunity to look around, northeast is your father's old territory, he won't have an accident here. Except for the one in the north, I took all the tasks. I was afraid that I would be late, and your father and uncle would never find them again.

Find your father's familiar comrades in arms and places, the more you know, the more confused you will be. You can only bury it in your heart. Even your grandfather dare not tell you, for fear that your rash actions will bring threat to your father. There have been many temptations, I know, some of your dad's friends, and a lot of people from all walks of life. It's a good thing your father is coming back. It's God's eye. "

Zhou Jiao leans in her mother's arms, listening to know that it must have experienced a lot of difficulties and dangers, but she did not say that she did not mention it. After the pain had passed, there was no need to recall, and she cried secretly in the memory.

"Mom, everything is over. When Dad comes back, our family will be reunited. There is no need to think about the past. In the future, you will also be a woman with talent, appearance and good men, ha ha "

Lin Lishan patted her on the back and thought of one thing and said angrily," do you tell your mother if you are in a hurry to marry Xiaowu when you meet something in the Zhou family? "

Zhou Jiao didn't know what she thought before. At that time, she and Zhang Guoqing were very close friends. They grew up together in childhood. At that time, Zhang Guoqing was her only choice. Many things got together and their husband and wife came. Different from the time travel novels she had read before, they both felt that they were themselves, and they were themselves. She often wondered whether her previous life, even if it was a dream, would come back when she woke up.

Zhou Jiao recalled her anger and worry when she found out the plot. At that time, she tried her best to protect herself, and then she married in. She said with a smile: "how can I say, there are a lot of things that fit together, and a decision is made at a certain moment. One day, Huang Zhaodi and her daughter Zhou Xue sneaked away from me. They were discussing in the room how to let me marry her nephew. They could not make a big deal. They had to guard against the fifth revenge. I overheard them. They think of a lot of tricks. They want to kill people.

At that time, in addition to a weak grandmother in the Zhou family, there was no one to let me linger on, that is, my grandmother was not as good as before. Although I don't know how many things you sent me, I rely on my great uncle Zhou Xiaocun, who lives six centimeters a day. My family lives very well, even better than those in the city. In my heart, I still have a few. The support money you remitted let me support their family.

Then my grandmother was weak and seriously ill. Seeing that she was getting worse and worse, I began to worry that they could not wait to secretly plan for me to marry into the Huang family before grandma died. I take care of my grandmother and try to find a way.

Zhang Guoqing just received Zhao Dashan's recruitment quota. As a result, when I was exhausted and wanted to recruit, he came to tell me. He had already refused and agreed with his family not to be a soldier.

I was so angry at that time that I asked him why he had a good chance to leave and later he could be admitted to the military academy. It was stupid. How difficult it was to go to high school and high school.He looked at me for a long time, then answered a word, he said, I left who accompany you? If I leave you like your father, who else will really love you? Will always be with you?

I immediately decided to marry him. It was the best way. He and I grew up, he protect me, do anything will think of me, childhood sweetheart, two little guess, should be like this. When I really want to get married in the future, I will also look for him. I know that he is just like myself. Now it's just ahead of time. And I can get out of the old Zhou family as soon as possible. Besides, his family is harmonious. His parents are generous. He treated me well when I was a child. What's more, we can live by ourselves after one year's marriage.

I asked Xiao Wu to go back and ask his parents for advice. If he agreed, he would formally invite a matchmaker to come and ask for a marriage. The next day, Xiao Wu came to me and said that the matchmaker would come.

After I went back to Zhou's home and thought about it for a while, I went to my grandmother and told her that I wanted to marry Zhang Guoqing, or I would go to find my grandfather myself. It happens that my registered permanent residence is in Beijing, and my ration is also in Beijing. I don't plan to come back. As I expected, my grandmother said to my grandfather, and my grandfather agreed as I expected. I also married Xiao Wu , the fastest update of the webnovel!