This night, Zhang Guoqing was still alert. His son woke up at about 2:00 in the morning. Before he could cry out, Zhang Guoqing had already rolled a carp. He immediately picked up his son, soaked the milk powder with one hand, and tried to test the temperature before he put it in the safe mouth.

"Ping'an baby is so good. Give your mother sleep. When you eat well, your father will accompany you to sleep. When I eat well, my father will grow fast. When I grow up, my father will take you to play. In spring, my father will go for an outing and pick wild vegetables; in summer, I will take you to swim and fish; in autumn, my father will take you to pick wild fruits in the mountains; when it is winter, my father will take you to make snowmen and play with ice skaters. Dear baby, grow up quickly and sleep well

After a while, his son really fell asleep. Zhang Guoqing really felt that his little peace could hear him. If his grandfather saw him in heaven, he would be happy. He should have no regrets before he died. Fortunately, he left, and the family left the world. Otherwise, the white hair people send off one after another, and the black hair people should be heartbroken.

He took it to his side carefully and protected it with his arms. After watching too much news, children can't lie in the middle, and try to find a way to wait for winter.

At this time, his father had gone to the back yard to see if the pigs were starving, whether the chickens were well protected, whether there were yellow skins, and whether the walls in the backyard were cared for by thieves. Then the sons followed him to see the private plots. Some of them cleaned up before they went to work. When there was no place to clean up, they usually turned over the ground and had a good harvest in the coming year. Otherwise, they went to the backyard to clean up the vegetable garden. In addition to farm work, there were also a lot of work at home, such as twisting hemp rope, weaving straw sandals, weaving baskets and firewood, etc Busy living.

In the countryside, the men of Zhangjia are no doubt diligent and love their mother-in-law. Unlike ordinary rural families nowadays, women give birth to children, do housework, and do farm work. They start cooking, feeding pigs and chickens, washing clothes, carrying water, cleaning vegetable garden and private land before dawn, and men lie on the Kang to sleep until they go to work After calling for dinner, I got up to eat and went to work. After that, I would cook, cook, wash clothes, clean the yard, and serve the pigs, chickens and ducks at home. As a result, all the women in the village envied the family members.

In the past few days, the sweet potatoes in the backyard should be collected as soon as possible. Then the white radishes and Chinese cabbage are all received in the cellar. The Chinese cabbage and white radish in the private plot have been squeezed into a vat of pickled cabbage and pickled radish. In the utility room, in addition to the vat of pickled cabbage and pickled radish, the sun dried beans and dried vegetables are full, ready for winter There's no food to eat. There's food for the whole family in the coming year. The cucumbers in one corner of the yard are carefully served. This is the last cucumber of the year. In the northeast, every family prepares cucumbers and green onions, which are indispensable throughout the year.

Zhang Guoqing ran to the well to wash his face and brush his teeth. He put on his patched coat and trousers. He went to the backyard to find his father and his brother to meet. They took hoes to collect the sweet potatoes in the backyard for about 8 minutes. The four people worked hard together. Finally, they cleaned up half of them before breakfast, and then went to work. After work in the afternoon, they found time to clean up.

On the table today is rare red date white rice porridge and sweet potato cake, a family sitting together, drinking white rice porridge feel like new year. Wheat seedlings while eating, while sighing that if every day is white rice porridge.

Zhang Guoqing was heartbroken. He looked at the wheat ears, and he was afraid that the bowl would not be clean. He took a few mouthfuls of it himself, and then directly divided them into the bowls of wheat seedlings and wheat ears. The two little guys said happily and straightforwardly thank you, Uncle Zhang. His mother saw that he wanted to serve him after he finished eating. He refused to accept it. His mother still counted the rice grains and cooked porridge. He ate less, his parents and two brothers, If you have a sister-in-law, you can eat more. He didn't want to remind his mother to cook more. Later, he still gave up. His mother had been a home for so many years, and his mother planned it. This is her authority. She exercises the right of being a family member. Why does he have to upset his mother. Besides, he can eat less and find Jiaojiao to eat.

I'm not afraid to go out with Mr. and Mrs. Zhang after dinner.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Zhang Guoqing took two little guys back to the West Wing room. Zhou Jiao had already had breakfast and had just fed her son. She was very happy to see the two little guys. It was boring to be alone in the room. It was good to play with the children.

Zhang Guoqing took the diaper and put it in the wash basin. She took it out. Seeing that her mother was not in the front yard, she rushed to wash it first. She was afraid of the stimulation of soap and the ash of grass and trees. After several times of careful washing, she found that it was clean and hung in the yard. She ran to Jiaojiao side and rested on the pit for a while. She was too early in the morning and worked hard.

"You don't have to lie down and sleep for a while. You must wake me up this evening. I didn't hear the sound of peaceful crying last night. I slept until dawn." Zhou Jiao looked at his dark circles of eyes and tired all over his face.

Zhang Guoqing can't let her misunderstand, for fear that she can't do a good job in the month, he will take care of his son with heart, for fear that he will wake up his wife by crying and can't sleep safely.

"I didn't call you on purpose, so that you could sleep soundly. As soon as Ping'an uttered a cry, I picked up and nursed you. Before he wakes up, you will sleep. It's almost 10 o'clock before you wake up. There is no time to rest in the afternoon. " Finished with their own thinking, but also happy to make a sound."Do you have anything to eat? Brother, I need to buy some comic books when I have time, otherwise it's really boring. " Zhou Jiao was depressed.

After thinking about it, Mai Miao still didn't want to eat it. Her mother told her that she wanted to give her brother something to eat.

"No, I just had rice porridge today, and my aunt has not finished the sugar."

Zhang Guoqing gave them a thumbs up and boasted: "really good, my uncle went to the city to buy some snacks and put them at home, so that grandma can eat them for you later."

Zhang Guoqing thought about nothing, "Jiaojiao, I'd better go to the backyard and collect the sweet potatoes, taking advantage of the fact that I'm not busy now. Maimiao, you play here with your aunt. There's something to call uncle, uncle is in the backyard

After that, he left two little girls to accompany Zhou Jiao. He went to the backyard, found the hoe, and dug the ground and sweet potatoes alone. His mother saw it and quickly finished her work. She came to help clean up the sweet potatoes. The mother and the son cooperated, one scooped out a sweet potato with a hoe, the other lowered her waist to put sweet potato in the bamboo basket, and chatted with each other from time to time. After a while, the rest of the field was in It's all cleaned up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!