In the next few days, Zhang Guoqing was busy, too much money into gold also need to find relations, but also secretly investigate the financial statements of Zhangjia holding company to prepare for the owner. There are also some relationships that need to be maintained while the old man is alive. I have already recognized my ancestors. I also want to meet my father's old friends. Every day early out late, in addition to accompany the old man is also a moment of leisure.

Zhou Jiao knew that he was very busy during this period, so she didn't disturb her. She ate well in the old house and had a good rest. She could have a baby smoothly.

During the period, in addition to giving Zhou Jiao a batch of gold, she also rented a large warehouse and bought a lot of foreign safe milk powder, ranging from birth milk powder to adult milk powder. Oh, pregnant women also have it. Oh, my God, it is estimated that 10 babies can be enough to eat. There are also some baby products, such as those diaper bottles and nipples.

Zhou Jiao didn't say anything about her husband regarding tomorrow as the end of the world. In this life, I hope the years are quiet, the world is safe, and you can see his smile every day.

Zhang Guoqing means, anyway, space can keep fresh, and his family is not short of money, he is willing to go. In the final analysis, he wants to make up for the lack of childhood. Maybe when Zhang Guoqing was in the welfare home, he longed for these materials, such as milk candy, toys for children, and new clothes for children during the Spring Festival.

For the orphan who was born, the child carries his hope, not the hope that his son will succeed. He just hopes that there will be his real relatives in the world, and his blood relatives. No suspicion, no use of blood relatives. Can have the kind of warm and loving home that he yearns for. There are handsome and enlightened father, beautiful and gentle mother, lovely and active baby.

Besides gold, food and materials can bring him a sense of security. When he was young, he wanted to grow up, but now he wanted to slow down. He always wanted to prepare the best in the world for the baby. Besides, he planned to have more children.

Besides going to the private hospital on time, Zhou Jiao chatted with the old man and talked about Zhang Guoqing's embarrassment. Talk about his glorious deeds in school, and then listen to Zhang's father's legendary deeds of Tianji talents. In fact, the old people all know that they are collecting information secretly. Now they are just old and like to recall the past.

The school also asked for maternity leave to leave. In the past, I didn't have the time and the confidence to shop at will. Now I go shopping with Zhang Guoqing occasionally.

Zhou's mother often calls back to L City, so Zhou Jiao has to find an excuse to leave with Zhang Guoqing. On the phone, as expected, Zhou's mother yelled at her and asked her how to do with their living expenses after she left? Don't care about how pregnant your body is? Did you find a new job in XL after leaving? Zhou Jiao promised her to transfer money every month as before.

As a result, she said, "it's no use raising you.".

Angry Zhou Jiao choked out a sentence: how much money did you spend on raising me?

Since then, Zhou's mother transferred the phone to harass Zhang Guoqing, and every time she was dissatisfied with Zhou Jiao. Blame them for leaving L City. The house in L City is full of patterns. Knowing that the house was not Zhang Guoqing's, he called out that he had married the wrong daughter, which made the couple cry and laugh.

Chat with the elder sister on wechat, and there's nothing at home. If you can't find Zhou Jiao, you'll have trouble with her every day. As for the confidential Zhou Jiao did not say. I guess I'll settle down in XL. Of course, the monthly filial piety money will not be less than theirs. More Zhou Jiao is not happy. With that money, it's better to donate money like Zhang Guoqing. Last week, this guy directly donated 5 million yuan to the nursing home, hoping to prolong his life span and relieve his pain. This superstition made the old man laugh all day.

For example, Zhang Guoqing also arranged the operation of several children in the welfare home of L City. As he said, no matter how much money is, it's good enough. He also likes to donate anonymously to orphanages and nursing homes. I pray for my family.

One month after another, this morning, the old man suddenly asked to go to the cemetery. The doctor secretly told me that the time limit was up, and the husband and wife cried bitterly with each other in their arms. After gathering the second room and one family of my grandmother, a large group of people went to the cemetery in the suburbs.

After coming back, sure enough, the old man took Zhang Guoqing's hand and walked away with a smile. Zhou Jiao always remembers the old man's entrustment and follows Zhang Guoqing closely. There are always some people in her life who want to cherish her whole life.

No matter whether it is true or false, crying. Once there was such a kind old man in our life, he silently guarded her favorite people, but in the end it dissipated like fog. Facing the wind, she held her eyes hard without blinking. In tears, Zhou Jiao looked at her grandfather's portrait, and her ears seemed to ring out the old man's advice. Her grandfather went well all the way.

After the funeral, Zhang Guoqing's whole life became more gloomy and often went to the cemetery for a whole day. It is not easy to return to God in the child's fetal movement, Zhou Jiao secretly relieved.

Zhang Guoqing took over the position of the owner of the house. The surface was smooth, but there was a fierce undercurrent. I have known for a long time that my mother was forced away, and my father had a premeditated accident. Why doesn't Zhang Guoqing hate him?

Zhou Jiao has been pregnant for more than 7 months. How can she get rid of the danger before the new year. Some of the wall grass began to swing when the old man was gone.

When he took over the company, with the help of his father's friends, Zhang Guoqing quickly cut through the mess, took out measures to deal with a group of people, and successfully took power. Then the two couples quietly waited for the birth of their children.In his spare time, Zhang Guoqing occasionally accompanies his wife to go shopping on the street, to the farmhouse fun held by his old alumni in the countryside. Everyone gets together to chat, take a walk, fish, and sometimes helps the alumni deal with agricultural products and local specialties. Because of the space, the couple always go shopping in big bags when they drive out. Zhou Jiao takes care of whatever it is. Sometimes she is afraid that she will not have time to take care of Zhang Guoqing when she is in confinement. She will pack food and put it in. Sometimes I will buy some fruits and put them in. What are there in it? Zhang Guoqing estimated that he would also be covered in circles, and even bought a lot of rice with machine tools.

We should know that all the food ordered by Uncle Guang in the old house has been tested, or the rich will be wayward. From time to time, Zhou Jiao looks at the local bacon and miscellaneous things in the space, and she can't help crying or laughing, let alone the packaged food. Specially looking for someone to do the shelf, bought the transparent storage box. The raw and cooked food was put on both sides separately, otherwise she was afraid that she would not eat it.

As soon as the winter due date also arrived, both husband and wife and uncle Guang began to arrange things and prepare to go to the private hospital.

The couple drove their car to the private hospital in the suburbs with a smile, and the road was not usually crowded. After driving for half an hour, just about to turn the corner, a large truck suddenly ran out of control and drove towards them on the right side of the triangle road. Zhang Guoqing turned white and turned left in a hurry. As a result, the brake suddenly failed. This was a premeditated accident. Zhang Guoqing can only protect Zhou Jiao tightly under his body, hoping that the bodyguards who follow him can rescue him in time. Zhou Jiao also stretched out her hand to hold Zhang Guoqing. If there is a heaven and hell, let's go together. Only living alone is the most painful.

They had been waiting for him here, but even if their family could not live, would they still want to inherit their own heritage? Dream. I'm sorry Jiaojiao. We'll be together in the next life. You'll have to take the baby and wait for us to reincarnate together.

In the sound of bang, the car glass is broken, and the bodies of Zhang Guoqing and Zhou Jiao are smashed everywhere. Their blood goes straight to the necklace on Zhou Jiao's body.

The bodyguard immediately behind called the ambulance and caught the driver.

The next day, major newspapers across the country issued news every day: "Mr. XL Zhang Guoqing, the invisible richest man in China, and his pregnant wife encountered a premeditated car accident on their way to a private hospital. Both died, along with the fetus in the abdomen can not be spared. It is said that the public security department has taken the relevant personnel into custody. Mr. Zhang Guoqing and his wife made a will before they died. All the property in their name was donated to the national subsidized orphanage. In addition to the memorial hall for the transformation of the old house of Zhangjia, the huge property was also the cause of the accident. Now the family members of the Zhang family gather together and remain silent about this case. According to people familiar with the matter, Mr. Zhang Guoqing's father also died in a car accident. He lived in an orphanage since childhood and only returned to his family this year. Please stay tuned. "

All of a sudden, the outside world has been talking about it, and people who are interested in it will understand the meaning of this will. Besides his wife, his family and the people of Zhangjia, how can there be no arrangement? Based on the large number of donations, evidence was found after months of case investigation. For example, the second uncle's imprisonment triggered the murder of Zhang's father for more than 20 years, and the Zhou family's failure to accept the appeal and so on.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!