28 Episode 11. Entrance and initiation ceremony (1)

It was good to have succeeded in opening up Bradamante.

But while all the shadows of the area were sucked into Qin, he was experiencing the terrible pain of tearing his whole body apart.

Regardless of his will, the scream was vomited and the limbs that responded to the pain were bent on my own. Even if I open my eyes or close my eyes, I thought I would die like this because it was so dark.

There's nothing strange about it even if it gets darkens right now.

Jean realized that this was a 'spiritual binge' that Murakan warned.

After his first attempt to open the sword, Murakan was angry like a fire and talked about it quietly.

If those who are lacking in spirit wake the sword recklessly, they will pay for it. Nine out of ten people die if they go through a period of exhaustion.

Nor did Qin open Bradamante without regard for the runaway spirit.

There was no other way.

The sudden assignment of a beginner's training team, the appearance of the Kinselo and the Baenglangs.

Perhaps not all of Mesa's delivery was exactly intended, but Jin thought the theory had somewhat foreseen this "emergency situation."

This mission is definitely not to beginner's class, but to evaluate yourself.

'If I had used a pendant to get out of the crisis, my father would have made the worst of it.’

Siron Looncandel, Jean's father is an extremely cold-hearted man.

Now I know that Jean has something to do with Soldierlet, and that she's outstanding, so I'm interested.

If you show any disappointment even once, Ciron will relentlessly cut off all interest in Jean.

It's something Jean also hopes for to some extent. As long as the attention of the poet continues, the radius of action and the training of magic are limited. Jin is not very attached to the family.

But that period should not be now. Jean still had a lot to gain from Looncandel.


Jean, who had broken her back several times, screamed again. Whenever the shadow was absorbed, I felt like dying.

If there's a punishment in hell, would it feel like this?

Jean was experiencing both the burning pain and the cold that seemed to freeze her intestines.

'If you lose consciousness, it's over. You have to keep your mind straight...…!’

I've never felt such pain in my previous life. At that time, the magic teacher asked me to understand the magic trick, and it wasn't like this when I spent hours building myself with lightning.

There was no way to know how time was going. It seemed like only a few minutes had passed since the start of the high school, or hours had passed.

It's not the best thing to hold out. Jean thought she had to do something to overcome this difficulty.

And what 'what to do' was simple.

'Free Young Gi.'

Jin, who managed to establish himself, slowly began to gather spirit from his body into one place.

Dark red blood flows through the trembling lips, and the pupil of the eye does not return to its place, showing the white spot.

Every second of a squeaky, murky breath, Jean was forced to save herself that she was walking on the life-the-road of life and death.

But with the liberation of Young-gi, which has just reached three, we can't control such a raging spirit. Jin, who began the liberation of Yeonggi, fell forward, spitting out a black blood ball.

'Again, again. Again. Calm down.’

There was a rush of vertigo and a deafening.

The auditory hallucination was mainly close to the memory of the previous life. The disgrace of Looncandel, or you shouldn't have been born into my family. Roughly that kind of auditory hallucination was persistent.

But those stories can't have any effect on Jin now. Jean, completely ignoring the auditory hallucinations, focused more on the spirituality of her body.

Hot spirit is hot spirit, cold spirit is cold spirit.

It was purely an instinctive act that began to divide the spirit of the same temperament from side to side within itself, as by color.

The intense pain that was poking through the brain slowly subsided.

Even his vain eyes, which had completely returned, regained their light. Jean looked around, intuitively aware that she would successfully control the runaway spirit.

The shadows, which had been absorbed by Jean, were back in place. But as Murakan showed in the storm, he was not the one who had cracks in things.

The less pain, the easier it is to concentrate your mind. It wasn't long before Jean was able to completely share the spirit left in her body.

The outside scenery has also regained its original color. The flames died down in eternity, and the burning forest smelled of ash.

"Hoo hoo."

Soon after Jean took a breath, the tidied spirits stopped moving.

Young-gi no longer makes the gin go.

Is that a good turn? The pain has gone away in a flash, and it's making me nervous.’

When I stood up and warmed up, it was not unusual. However, the spirit in my body was so full that I felt like it would just leak out even if I stayed still.

'Anyway, there's no problem moving right now. Come on, get Mesa back.’

Mesa was still lying at the entrance to the building in Kinselo. It meant that not so much time had passed.

As soon as I was about to put her on my shoulder.

Jean jerked herself inside the building in Kinselo.

"Who is it?"

It was because I felt the signs of popularity. Someone was walking out the hall in the building.

But like the members he faced earlier, he didn't seem to be a trained figure. All caution is the sound of footsteps and harsh breaths.

"Sir, save me!"

When I tore the door open, I saw a young man raising his arms with a frightened face. He looked so fine that he had never had a hard time, but Jin had to tilt his head.

"What the hell are you? Is it Kinselo?"

"No! Absolutely not! I'm Sember Bill. The Bill family...….”

"Oh, that was you. I almost missed it, nice to meet you."

Jean grinned and said.

Sember Bill. He was the heir to the "Bill" family, the merchant family of the Kingdom of Zun. This is the son of Daebuho, who was being sought by cadets of an early-level training group.

"Da, you."

"Jin Looncandel. I was searching for you at your father's request."

"Luncandel! Thank you, Heaven!"

As soon as Sember heard Jean's name, his eyes moistened and he screamed.

"This Semby Bill. I will never forget your kindness to save my life. Thank you very much!"

Listening to that naive gratitude, Jean somehow had no choice but to feel guilty.

Since the invasion of Kinselo began, it has completely forgotten the existence of Sember.

"It's something I do for money. What kind of grace is that? Just forget it. Now, let's stop crying and go back home."


So Jean carried Mesa on her back, and with Shember she escaped the burned-out forest. It wasn't until Sember was far away from the forest that he came to his senses.

"Sember, by the way. How did they get kidnapped? We thought you were just missing."


"You don't have to say anything."

"No, it's actually because of a lover. But I don't know if you'll believe me."

"There's nothing you can't believe. Is it an escape of love?"

"......no, I followed my lover who had already died two years ago to the southern border."

Jean, who nodded unconsciously, stopped walking.

"You've already followed your dead lover? What does that mean?"

What happened to his head because of the aftereffects of kidnapping? Jean thought so and looked into Sember's eyes. The eyes were not gone.

"I thought I saw something, too. It was definitely her. He had the same face. Even the two dots on the wrist. She gave me a note to come here. And that's what happened."

Sembert read Jean's countenance.

"Haha, you don't believe me either. I don't know how to go back and tell the family."

"No, keep talking. The woman who gave the note, was she really your lover?”

"I told you so. There's no way I can't recognize her. His face, his voice, his eyes looking at me. Everything was the same."

A name came to Jin's mind at the passage.

'Bubar Gaston. I think it's the work of that transformative man.’

Transformation crime.

a rare crime that has stirred up the whole world in one's previous life Later, among the crimes announced by the Beacon Imperial Special Forces were a number of kidnappings.

And there must be only one reason to kidnap Daebuho's son.

'You were trying to ask for money. Is there some kind of relationship between Bubar and Kinselo?’

I can tell right now. Jean thought it was about time to visit Bubar. He and I were first involved at the age of 10, but we were still growing and had no chance.

'He ran a sculpture workshop in the capital of the Kuroan Empire. I'll try to create an opportunity while I'm in the intermediate training camp.’

Somehow I felt a sense of incompatibility when I thought of Bubar. If he is directly related to the extreme followers of the Kinselo or the Jipple, he may be caught off guard and hit by a backlash.

'You need to meet him in person and see what he's like. It won't hurt to find information that wasn't revealed in the newsletter of your previous life.'

Sember, who finished the story, smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you for listening sincerely, Mr. Jin. Actually, I was frustrated because I thought no one would believe me when I got back."

"I'm glad to hear that.”

After a couple more hours of movement, Jean pulled out a flare from her arms and fired it up.

"We'll have backup from home by now, so let's just wait here."

"Huh, Mr. Jin. You didn't even call the Knights of the Looncandel for me?”

Sember seemed very moved, and even if Jin called in a few gold crowns for extra money, he was ready to offer them right away. Jean nodded vaguely, unable to answer that it was because of Mesa, not you.

Good things are good things.

"Mr. Jin. Today's meeting will last forever and will never be forgotten. If you need my help, please feel free to tell me."

I don't think Looncandel will ever have to borrow a hand from a merchant family.

Jean answered yes and held Sember's hand.