Chapter 3972

"It's nice to see the king and queen again." Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin saluted King Ferdinand and queen marisma.

King Ferdinand and queen Marissa politely returned the ceremony and regretted that they were too busy to receive Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin.

King Ferdinand and queen marismar were dressed casually today, and they were not as serious as they were for the official reception of distinguished guests.

Both of them are wearing household clothes, just like a pair of retired uncles and aunts.

In fact, King Ferdinand and queen Marissa looked down on Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin at first.

Later, they got more information about Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin, and after listening to Sabra, they knew the terrible identity of the young lovers.

After seeing a large group of princesses and princesses at the party organized by Sabra temporarily, they felt the difference of the Oriental lovers again. So, at the request of Sabra, they came to see Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin in the manor today.

King Ferdinand and queen Marissa had met Ling Mingrui, and they turned the subject away from the meeting.

The attitude of King Ferdinand and queen Marissa was quite different from that when they first met.

Of course, this is what Luo Ziling expected.

King Ferdinand and queen Marissa were very grateful for Luo Ziling's visit to Netherland. They hoped that Luo Ziling could make more investment in Netherland and that he would visit the palace frequently.

Luo Ziling accepted the invitation happily.

"I will come to Europe often. After all, Europe has many friends and many patients who need my treatment. Whether it's out of friendship or professional mission, I always come to Europe often. "

Then King Ferdinand and queen Marissa asked about Sabra's condition.

Luo Ziling told them directly that there was a great chance for her to be cured.

Next, I hope Princess Sabra can run more in China. After all, he doesn't have so much time to come to Europe.

Of course, he also welcomed Princess Sabra to stay in China for a long time.

At the same time, he also welcomed King Ferdinand and queen Marissa to visit China.

Ferdinand accepted Luo Ziling's invitation on the spot and said that he and queen Marissa would visit China at an appropriate time.

"Maybe we will come together the next time Sabra comes to China for treatment." Queen Marissa took a word.

"We will meet you at the airport in person." Luo Ziling said with a smile, "I believe you will have a very successful journey."

"The last time I went to China was 25 years ago. At that time, China's economic development was still in its infancy," fednan pointed to Sabra. "At that time, Sabra was not born, and we were very young. We went to many places, including the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Jinling. China is really big and its people are very simple. I like this great oriental country!

"I believe his majesty will be shocked by the prosperity of China when he visits China again." Before King Ferdinand and King marisma, Luo Ziling did not brag recklessly.

He remained modest and cautious when communicating with these detached elders.

Luo Ziling is very sure to cure Sabra. King Ferdinand and queen Marissa are very happy.

Although it is said that many Europeans now adopt the DINK lifestyle, do not want children.

But there is a big difference between not having children and not having children.

What's more, both they and Sabra like children very much.

Sabra's reproductive function is not complete, accompanied by other aspects of the disease.

Luo Ziling can help with the treatment, and according to Sabra, he can also take care of the health of others.

With the increase of age, both King Ferdinand and queen Marissa felt increasingly weak.

Queen Marissa, in particular, was very beautiful when she was young, but gradually lost her grace as she grew older.

Sabra told them that Luo Ziling had said in half truth that if he lived with him, under his care, people around him could live to be over 100 years old, and their youth could be kept longer.

If this is true, then countless people are willing to pay a huge price for such a result.

King Ferdinand and queen marismar were the people willing to pay the price for longevity and longer youth.

Therefore, after talking for a while, they also made it clear.

"I would like to participate in the health care of King Ferdinand and queen Marissa, but I can't stay in Europe for a long time, so I hope you can come to China often, so I can certainly keep your health and keep more of your young time." Luo Ziling didn't betray the truth and expressed his attitude directly.

"I hope to see your grandfather and your mother next time I come to China." Ferdinand laughed."You will do it." Luo Ziling also followed with a smile, "then look forward to some time in China to receive you."

The attitude of King Ferdinand and queen marismar changed completely, and they vaguely indicated that they would discuss cooperation with Ling Mingrui and Ling Ruonan when they visited China next time.

Since they said so, Luo Ziling's heart is at heart.

Later, King Ferdinand and queen Marissa presented Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin with a gift with the characteristics of Netherland.

After King Ferdinand and queen Marissa left, Prince Wilson came to see Luo Ziling.

Although I met Prince Wilson yesterday, Luo Ziling did not have much contact with him.

Luo Ziling is also very curious about the performance of Monika LA's brother, to see what he wants to plot this time.

Yang Qingyin was very witty and did not join in the fun. He went to chat with the princesses.

Wu Yue stayed with Luo Ziling as a translator.

Wilson got to the point.

"Lo, do you want to help Monika become heir to the throne?"

Luo Ziling asked, "I remember that when you asked me for help, you seemed to have made such a promise, didn't you?"

"No!" Wilson flatly said, "I will not give up the inheritance qualification!"

"it has nothing to do with me whether you give up or not!" Luo Ziling chuckled, "I am not a European, and I have nothing to do with your royal family. Monika and I are just friends, and I don't want to say anything in front of your grandmother and your mother

After a pause, Luo Ziling said again: "however, I still think that you can't do things, do not easily promise. After all, it will damage your reputation and make you lose your friendship!

"what do you mean?"

"If you want to get my help again, I'm sorry to tell you that you may be disappointed!" Luo Ziling's words made Wilson frown. , the fastest update of the webnovel!