Chapter 3426

After all, Monika is a very smart person, she immediately understood what Luo Ziling meant.

But she still smiles and shakes her head: "thank you very much for your reminding, but I hope to succeed in my own way."

"Then I can only wish you success!" Luo Ziling laughed and didn't care too much.

"Are you angry?" See Luo Ziling in the next time did not speak, monikara can not help but ask: "because I do not listen to you, so you are angry?"

"If I had been so angry, I would have been pissed off." Luo Ziling shook his head, "we are just ordinary friends, or with partners, why should I interfere with your decision?"

Monika laughed and said nothing more.

However, Luo Ziling in watching her smile stop, there is a slight silence.

When she arrived at the palace, Lisa's nap ended.

Seeing Luo Ziling appear in front of her, Lisa is very happy to smile: "Luo, it's nice to see you again."

She took the initiative to reach out to Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling reached out and gently shook her, immediately let go, and then put his hand in front of her left chest, and bowed to her: "Your Highness, I'm sorry to disturb you one day earlier."

Luo Ziling also said about his new plan for Lisa's treatment today and tomorrow.

"That's too much trouble for you!" Lisa said thanks. "I think you should treat me for two consecutive days for fear that my recovery will be interrupted."

"You can say that!" Luo Ziling did not say no, "I hope these two days of treatment can make your body in good condition for a relatively long period of time. If you don't have time to go to Huaxia for treatment, you can go to the hospital in London and ask them to take care of you according to my instructions. As long as they take care of you as I tell you, your health will last longer. "

"You do!" Lisa said again.

Luo Ziling didn't say much. He told Lisa to lie down and he checked and treated her.

It's only two or three days since the last treatment, and Lisa is in good health.

After the examination, Luo Ziling told the results to the two women around her.

Lin Lan didn't come with Luo Ziling. Today, Luo Ziling entered the palace alone.

Monika acted as his interpreter.

Lin Lan has something to do. Luo Ziling asks her to do a lot of things.

Lin Lan doesn't have much time, so she can only take time to do these things.

Monika La knows Chinese, and the basic communication with Luo Ziling is not a problem.

With her as a translator, although it can not solve all the problems, but certainly not a big problem.

After listening to Luo Ziling, Monika was also very happy.

Before, like most people, she did not believe in Luo Ziling's medical skills.

The main reason is that Luo Ziling is too young. How can such a young person have superb medical skills?

Not only she, but most people in Europe.

Finally, Luo Ziling convinced them with her excellent performance, and conquered the proud heart of Monika Lana.

Nowadays, Monika La almost regards Luo Ziling as one of the best doctors in the world. She thinks that there is no disease that can not be cured by luoziling.

Her grandmother's chronic persistent disease has improved greatly under the treatment of Luo Ziling, but she has not received any effect after treatment in famous hospitals in Europe. This alone shows that Luo Ziling's medical skills are powerful enough.

When Luo Ziling was treating Lisa, Monika looked at him without blinking, took out her mobile phone, and secretly took some photos and Videos - men who work hard are the most handsome.

Luo Ziling's self forgetting work looks more handsome than he usually looks when he is smiling.

For the first time, Monica felt that oriental men's charm was no worse than European men.

Therefore, some of the original hesitant ideas, she seems to no longer hesitate.

This time, Luo Ziling did not treat Lisa for too long.

We have to have another treatment tomorrow. We can't spend that long today, otherwise it's not a waste.

After treating Lisa, Luo Ziling ordered her to have a good rest while packing up her things. She should stay in bed for at least an hour, and it's better to take a nap.

Lisa obeyed Luo Ziling's orders and continued to lie in bed.

When Luo Ziling packed up her things and was ready to leave Lisa's bedroom, she was already asleep.

"Can I ask you a small request?" After gently bringing the door to the door and telling the maid to take good care of Lisa, Monika accompanied Luo Ziling to the downstairs, "a very small request!"

"what requirement?"

"I also want to try acupuncture." Monika looked up at Luo Ziling, "you promised to recuperate for me, but you have not fulfilled your promise."

"No problem!" Luo Ziling agreed, "is it here, or to other places?"

"Go to other places, it's not convenient here!" monikara told Luo Ziling that her parents had something to do and would not come back until evening.They didn't know Luo Ziling was coming today, so they went to their respective activities.

They will talk with Luo Ziling again tomorrow.

"I don't understand what you mean!" Luo Ziling was a little puzzled, "you mean, your parents are not here, so it's inconvenient. Are you afraid that without your parents around, I will treat you... Will I take advantage of you? "

Luo Ziling looked up and down at Monika LA as she spoke.

Not to mention that the Europeans who like beef are more plump than the Chinese who like vegetables.

"You understand me wrong!" Monika shook her head. "I mean, my parents are not here, they don't mean not to see you, but they don't know you're coming, so they don't want to meet you here. I hope you don't mind."

"This matter, you put together, I certainly understand the wrong meaning." Luo Ziling chuckled and said, "I'm so scared."

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake in expressing myself!" Monika laughed at Luo Ziling. "My parents will certainly treat you ceremoniously tomorrow. I'll treat you today, and I'll treat you to a big meal later. By the way, doesn't it matter if you don't eat with your friends at night? "

"There is a beautiful princess Monika La treat dinner, even if there is a relationship, also ignore them!" Luo Ziling smile very happy.

"Well, I'll invite you to dinner, and then you'll let me taste the taste of acupuncture!"

"it's like acupuncture is a big meal too!"

"wake up is a big meal!" Monika also showed a smile, a very comfortable smile, "the first time I invited a boy to dinner in private, should you be a little flattered?"

"It's amazing to be able to say the idiom so smoothly!" Luo Ziling stretched her thumb to Monica, and then said seriously, "I'm really flattered to have a meal with such a beautiful and noble beauty as Monica. I must be so excited that I can't sleep tonight!"

seeing Luo Ziling's intentional expression, Monica couldn't help it He laughed.

It also strengthened her mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!