Chapter 4241

Neither Luo Ziling nor Ouyang Feifei talked about Ouyang Huihui.

Both of them knew where Ouyang Huihui was and what the situation was, but they deliberately didn't mention it.

Luo Ziling knows that many things can't be controlled by herself. She can only control them by means after things ferment to a certain extent. Anyway, people loyal to themselves should be placed around them.

After fully understanding Ouyang Feifei's situation, Luo Ziling also asked Lin Lan to make good arrangements.

Although Lin Lan was angry, she was very hostile to Ouyang Feifei and made arrangements for her at the first time.

When Luo Ziling left New York with Lin Lan for London, an important assistant of Ouyang Feifei received an email from a stranger.

The email listed some of his dark things.

I can't imagine that so many private things are known, and I'm suddenly scared silly.

He didn't dare to ignore it. He obediently followed the instructions in the email and prepared to meet the people who sent him the email.

Luo Ziling believed Lin Lan and didn't ask about it after giving orders.

Lin Lan has her own set of methods and means to do things, but she only believes in the results. Therefore, those people under her never dare to be careless or have loopholes.

In fact, for Luo Ziling, among these people around him, Lin Lan is still the most trusted.

Even Yang Qingyin has less trust than Lin Lan.

Maybe Lin Lan was the first beautiful girl he knew as an adult and the first woman to really see all the secrets.

Also, Lin Lan is his first woman. They all saved each other's lives.

So many first times, plus some things that can't be described in words, created this trust.

Luo Ziling felt it. Lin Lan also trusted him.

Sometimes the relationship between people is really strange.

Especially between men and women.

When men and women fall in love, they trust each other very much.

However, after getting married and becoming a family, the degree of trust will slowly decline, and many aspects will be suspicious of each other and even guard against each other.

Maybe the longing for each other has disappeared.

Luo Ziling felt that if he married Lin Lan, he would follow such a path.

Maybe even be more wary of Lin Lan than anyone else.

After all, Lin Lan's ability is too strong. It's very difficult to keep a secret in front of her.

Now this relationship may be the best way to get along.

Lin Lan will not report to Luo Ziling for doing many things that cannot be seen in the light.

The tacit understanding between them is also the place where Lin Lan recognizes Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling is also Lin Lan's only person who can express her emotions in front of him. It can be said that only Luo Ziling has completely seen her true feelings, not even her comrades in arms.

"Do you want to see Monica this time?" While on the plane, Lin Lan whispered to Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling looked puzzled. "When you go to London, you naturally want to see her. Why else?"

"It's OK to see her. No super friendly relationship is allowed." Lin Lan seriously reminded, "otherwise, I won't cover up your broken things."

"Then you'll always be with me. Don't give anyone a chance." Luo Ziling said with a wry smile, "maybe you don't believe it. Most of the time, it's not what I think, but what I can't help!"

"It's just around the lower body!" Lin Lan looked contemptuous.

Luo Ziling won't argue with her about this issue.

Arguing with women is often foolish, which he has increasingly recognized.

Want to get women's recognition, not by arguing, but by coaxing.

Women stay in the pile for a long time and unconsciously sum up experience.

"Don't sleep, talk with me!" Seeing Luo Ziling ignoring her and keeping her eyes closed, Lin Lan was a little angry. "Don't you want to say something alone with me?"

"What do you want me to say?" Luo Ziling looked at Lin Lan in surprise.

"What do you say!" Lin Lan was even more angry.

"Alas!" Luo Ziling suddenly understood Lin Lan's meaning and couldn't help sighing. "When the situation permits, you can think about it again! Now, you should quickly cultivate several people who can stand on your own side like you, so that you can step back behind the scenes and do something... Do what you want to do."

Lin lanbai glanced at Luo Ziling, but got the answer she wanted, and she was satisfied.

Lin Lan was silent most of the time when she was with others.

She said very little, even when she was with Luo Ziling.

However, during the flight from America to Europe, she took the initiative to provoke the topic several times as if she had changed herself.

She even asked Luo Ziling to accompany her to visit the famous scenic spots in London after dealing with her business.

When you go to Paris, you should accompany her to the Seine River.

Luo Ziling promised.

Luo Ziling promised so readily that Lin Lan felt that he was dealing with it casually, so he was a little dissatisfied.

She was not satisfied until Luo Ziling promised to accompany her where to play and what delicious food to eat.

Their flight landed at Heathrow airport at 3 p.m. London time.

To their surprise, Monica came to the airport to meet them in person.

However, she did not come to meet in an official capacity, nor did she make a big noise.

Luo Ziling and Lin Lan were a little surprised to see that they were standing quietly at the passenger exit waiting for their Monica, wearing glasses and hats with only one attendant.

"It's a pity that friends come from afar!" Monica took the initiative to meet her and stood with her head tilted in front of Luo Ziling. "Are you surprised to see me waiting for you here?"

Luo Ziling said with a grin: "if you didn't have yellow hair and blue eyes and only listen to the voice of speaking, it's really difficult to tell which nationality you are."

"Then if I dye my hair and wear a beautiful pupil, I can pretend to be Chinese?" Monica smiled and said: "But I'm still very happy to be recognized by you. And I'd like to tell you that I like Chinese culture more and more now. I like Chinese history, poetry integrated with history, and delicious food very much. Especially delicious food, you don't know. Now I want to eat Dongpo meat, pickled cabbage fish, Qianjiang shredded meat and xiaolongbao. When you come to London this time, you have to take me to Chinatown to eat what you think is delicious West. "

"Excuse me, can you go out first?" Monica's narcissism was interrupted by Lin Lan with a cold face. "Miss Monica, can you be more reserved? Do you want to be surrounded here?"

Monica recognized Lin Lan and rolled her eyes. She immediately complained to Luo Ziling: "Dear Luo, how can you bring someone who likes the bad scenery?"

Then he solemnly said to Lin Lan, "Miss Lin, I don't think you have the right to interfere in the matter with me Luo Ziling?"

"Then ask him if I have the right to interfere?" Lin Lan pointed to Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling suddenly had a headache. He didn't expect that as soon as the two women met, they would look like a dry fight!