Chapter 4101

Li Yanxian was stunned, slightly opened his mouth and looked at Luo Ziling in disbelief.

"Are you stirring up discord?" After a while, she frowned slightly, "do you want our Sanxing group to fall apart?"

"You think too much!" Luo Ziling shook his head. "Haven't you ever thought of becoming the first female leader of Sanxing group? Answer truthfully, or I won't help you!"

"I did!" After meditating for a while, Li Yan finally didn't say no, but immediately said, "what does this have to do with you?"

"Then why did you come to me?" Luo Ziling looked at Li Yanxian in surprise. "Aren't you entertaining me?"

"I didn't come to you for this." After being stunned for a while, Li Yan still denied what Luo Ziling said.

"Then we have nothing to talk about!" Luo Ziling stood up. "We are all busy. Don't waste time on other chores."

Li Yanxian was stunned again.

"Why are you like this?" After a while, she finally yelled angrily, "how can you bully me like this?"

"Goodbye!" Luo Ziling waved and was ready to leave.

"Well, I tell you, I really want to compete with my brother for the position of head of Sanxing group." When Luo Ziling was about to walk out of the door, Li Yanxian finally couldn't help yelling out this sentence. After yelling out, she quickly walked to Luo Ziling, "but I don't believe you can help me complete this wish."

Luo Ziling turned back and looked at a pair of Li Yanxian who chose people and ate them with a smile: "do you feel very angry in your heart?"

"I want to kill you!" Li Yanxian did not say no.

"Don't think you are the princess of Sanxing, and you are beautiful, so you are qualified to throw in front of me." Luo Ziling warned solemnly, "I'm not familiar with you, and I have no intention of you. I have all you have. There are women around me who are more beautiful and charming than you, and whose skills are hundreds of times more skilled than you. Therefore, those things you think are great are worthless in my eyes."

Li Yanxian was very angry and wanted to stab Luo Ziling with a knife.

"Then why did you help Li Fuzhen? What can you get from her?" Li Yanxian bit his lips and looked at Luo Ziling. "She is an old woman in her fifties. What can she give you?"

"Say I'm like we have a power deal!" Luo Ziling looked at Li Yanxian with a sneer. "I'm willing to cooperate with Li Fuzhen. I don't care about her beauty, but about her Ninghai wisdom, her courage and courage. You wanted to seduce me with beauty when you asked me to cooperate? It's really disrespectful!"

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Li Yanxian was completely confused by Luo Ziling's words, but he stubbornly defended: "I mean, I'm very young, I have a long way to go in the future, and our cooperation can last for a long time."

"What can Li Fuzhen clearly promise me? I can invest in her and see a clear future. What about you? I can't see anything in you." Luo Ziling smiled and said meaningfully, "instead of wasting time, we'd better be busy with our own things. Are you right?"

"No!" Li Yan shook his head first, "I'd like to have a good chat with you about the problem you just said."

"But I'm not interested anymore."

"No, you must be interested!" Li Yan first pulled Luo Ziling, "don't go, let's have a good chat!"

"You are cheating!" Luo Ziling broke free. "I'm not familiar with you, don't talk like this."

"My father actually wants to cooperate with you, but you give the impression that you resist cooperation with Koreans, so you have no chance to cooperate, but none of us thought that you would cooperate with Li Fuzhen." Li Yanxian is not an ordinary person. Although he was deliberately teased by Luo Ziling, he calmed down, "don't you think the cooperation with my father will benefit more than the cooperation with Li Fuzhen?"

"It must be more profitable to cooperate with your aunt." Luo Ziling shook her head. "I can make Li Fuzhen younger than she is now in ten years, and I can also give her a longer life. I think she is certainly willing to give me more returns. If one day I help her master Sanxing group, I will have a great influence on Sanxing."

Without waiting for Li Yan to answer first, Luo Ziling said again, "you are young and beautiful now. You can't realize the fear of women when they are old. There are too many women who will do anything to keep the beauty of youth. Think about it. If you are over 40, you can compete with a 20-year-old girl. No one can see your age. Your youth and beauty can last a lifetime. Aren't you proud?"

After thinking for a while, Li Yan said softly, "what do you mean, if we have carried out good cooperation, can you help me in this regard?"

"Still a little clever!" Luo Ziling went back to the sofa, motioned Li Yanxian to sit down, and then said solemnly, "I'll give you one last chance. If you don't want to communicate sincerely with me, I won't contact you in the future, and we have no chance to cooperate."

Li Yanxian said weakly, "but I came to you this time on behalf of my father!"

"I know." Luo Ziling nodded, "you want to interfere with the cooperation between Li Fuzhen and me and don't let me help her. This is something everyone knows. You want to achieve your goal and let me help you when you finish the task assigned to you by your father. You think you can easily achieve your goal by virtue of your position and beauty as the head Princess of sanxingji in the future."

Luo Ziling completely guessed her thoughts. Li Yanxian was a little ashamed, but it was no surprise that Luo Ziling could guess these, so she didn't wriggle and readily admitted: "I don't doubt it. Are you willing to help me?"

"I just want to know what you can give me in return." Luo Ziling asked Li Yanxian directly and reminded her, "don't tempt me with such things as being my lover and giving me children. I'm not interested in it. I just want real interests, and beauty tricks are useless to me!"

Li Yanxian was angry again. She had never despised a man like this since she was young. She was a little unwilling in her heart.

"What do you want?" She replied with her teeth clenched.

"I need the influence and a certain degree of control of Sanxing group. It's that simple!"

"You think so beautiful!"

"Of course!" Luo Ziling smiled. "In fact, I have a lot of wealth under my name now. I just hope Sanxing group can have my figure!"

Li Yan first looked at Luo Ziling carefully, then nodded: "OK, I promise you. As long as you help me control Sanxing group, I can give you whatever you want!"