Chapter 4079

A man and a woman stood by the river Thames.

Both of them are tall because they are wearing sunglasses and hats. Even if someone walks by, they can't recognize them.

The man asked the woman, "your beautiful highness Monica, I'd like to invite you to the opening ceremony of a Chinese culture exhibition. Can you tell me your time?"

"No!" What a royal highness of the woman's mouth, and a naughty look at the man: "Royal Highness Princess will easily agree to a man's invitation? If you want to invite your highness to take part in any activities, you must contact the people in charge of such matters in the palace, and then consult my opinion."

"Cut, but also put on airs. Do you believe in family law?"

"Just put on airs. What's the matter? Hum, just the two of us together and one by one, your highness. I don't have a name?" The woman took off her glasses and said angrily, "my name is Monica and my Chinese name is moero. You can call me honey or Xiao mo."

With that, he took off Luo Ziling's glasses and gave him a rude kiss on the face: "also, accompany me in the evening and I'll attend tomorrow."

"Think of beauty!" Luo Ziling refused impolitely: "the jet lag hasn't reversed yet. I want to rest early. Moreover, I know many people's eyes are staring at me and you. I'm afraid that if we come out to play like this, we will be found by good people. I took our photos and posted them online!"

Then he grabbed his glasses and put them on.

"Why are you getting more and more timid?" Monica pinched Luo Ziling's arm a little unhappily and said with an unhappy face, "don't you want to accompany me all day when you come to London this time?"

"First attend the opening ceremony tomorrow!"

"All right!" Monica put her glasses back on, then turned around and squeezed into Luo Ziling's arms. She put her hands around his neck and said, "are you going to other countries in Europe?"

"Yes!" Luo Ziling nodded, "the Chinese culture exhibition will also be held in important European cities such as Paris, Stockholm, Berlin and Madrid. At that time, I will invite some old friends to attend the opening ceremony to improve the level of the cultural exhibition."

"I'll find some time to accompany you around Europe." Monica laughs: "I haven't been around for a long time, and I haven't been to China for a long time!"

"Didn't you just go there last month?"

"Last month, there were more than 30 days from now, nearly 40 days, a long time!"

Luo Ziling looked at Monica silently.

Running in China once a month, which European noble would run so often?

No wonder when Yang Qingyin saw Monica coming to China, she was always worried and accompanied him all the time, so that he wouldn't have the chance to be alone with her.

It is estimated that the people around them have long looked at Monica with strange eyes.

Monica didn't care either. When she took Luo Ziling's hand and walked forward, she said happily, "I'm very interested in Chinese culture now. I'm studying Li Qingzhao's words! What, searching, cold and desolate, sad and miserable, so many overlapping words, so fierce and harmful. What do you know or not? It should be green, fat, red and thin. There is also a kind of lovesickness and two leisure worries. It's wonderful to frown but worry about my heart!"

"Just like Chinese culture," Luo Ziling said with a smile. "Chinese culture is more brilliant than any other culture. After all, it has been precipitated for thousands of years, and there is no chronology in the middle. The more you study her, the more you will be fascinated. Tang poetry and Song Ci are the peak of Chinese culture, and people can't surpass them now."

"You should make a suggestion and ask your cultural department to grant me the title of Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador, and then often invite me to visit China and let some of your people accompany me around." Monica pulled down her sunglasses and smiled at Luo Ziling. "You can play with me openly and let me know more about Chinese culture!"

"That's a good proposal!" Luo Ziling didn't refuse, "I will propose to the above, and your requirements will be met."

Monica naturally gave Luo Ziling face. She attended the Chinese culture exhibition the next day with makeup.

The appearance of Monica, who was shocked by many people, attracted a lot of exclamation and the attention of countless media reporters.

The standard of this Chinese culture exhibition is not very high, but many people came to support it.

The main principals of Huaxia foreign affairs institutions came, and the heads of many Chinese funded institutions also came to the scene.

In Britain, in addition to Monica, there are also important figures in the cultural authorities and some other friends of Luo Ziling.

Those women who have nothing to do, such as Sabra, Marilla, gulaningfu, Ingrid Alexandra, who hold the title of princess, and men who like to run around Europe, such as Rajiv, saladon and danman, also show their faces.

These people represent the top nobles in Europe, a kind of high place that ordinary people need to look up to.

They all came to support, which raised the level of this cultural exhibition a lot.

Luo Ziling has a good reputation in Europe. He also invited so many top nobles in Europe to attend the opening ceremony of the cultural exhibition. The leader of the Chinese cultural department who presided over the exhibition smiled askance.

Monica also spoke to the audience in front of the TV for a long time in very fluent Chinese.

She told the audience that she likes Chinese culture very much. Although she is just at the beginning stage, she is also fascinated at the same time.

She likes Li Bai, Li Shangyin, Li Yu and Li Qingzhao, who are all surnamed Li, as well as Du Fu, Bai Juyi and Su Shi.

"I believe that as long as you understand the Chinese culture, you will like her as much as I do. When you look back on him, the man is in the dim light. There is no way to describe his beauty in words."

Those other people also said something similar to Monica.

Their support caused an uproar in Europe.

Luo Ziling also did not keep a low profile. She spoke at the opening ceremony and was interviewed by Chinese and Western journalists.

During the interview, he delivered a speech for more than ten minutes.

He directly told Chinese reporters that with the help of friends all over the world and the rapid enhancement of China's national strength, China's proportion in the world economy is becoming higher and higher, more and more people are interested in Chinese culture, and the resistance to promoting Chinese culture to the world is becoming smaller and smaller.

The status of Chinese culture in the world is getting higher and higher, and will eventually become a world language like English.

Luo Ziling also told you in his speech that the promotion of Chinese culture is not only a public welfare undertaking, but also a kind of cultural investment.

Now he focuses on the promotion and investment of Chinese traditional culture, and he has a very strong team around him.

If anyone is interested in cooperating with him, he is very willing to have face-to-face talks with him and will find ways to make both sides win-win!

After the interview was broadcast, Luo Ziling received many messages and emails from people and was willing to hold in-depth cooperation talks with him.

After seeing this, Luo Ziling proudly asked Lin Lan and several other entourages who followed him to Europe: "if I use my own strength to promote the Chinese culture to the whole world and be widely accepted by him in the world, do you think I will leave my name in history based on this?"