Chapter 31: The Tamed Beast (1)

Chapter 31: The Tamed Beast (1)

I took a long sigh while looking at Theodore. It felt like crises were coming one after another, testing me in succession.

Perhaps if I followed a religion, I might have prayed to God right then and there.

"God, why are you testing me? Just why?"

However, I had no religion to support me in this crisis. I had to get through this with my own hands, whether it worked or not.


"... Theodore?"


Theodore was strangely looking at my chest. I wondered what it was, and it seemed like I looked awkward with the holster around right from the morning.

"I've been worrying a bit too much these days."


"Odd, right? I did it for nothing."

"It isn't strange."

After saying that, Theodore immediately turned his head. To be honest, I felt like I was losing my mind too.

It's better to hold on like this.

I quickly put on the coat over my arms so that Theodore wouldn't feel too bothered, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Let us talk as we go."

Theodore must be anxious now to find out about Arthur.

Although I didn't know his intentions because he had an odd side to him, I have seen enough to know that the two are close friends. Still, Theodore didn't get up until he was urged again.

"Arthur, you want to find Arthur, right?"


Only then did he lift his ass off the chair and follow me. I was a coward who couldn't sleep without a gun, but I wondered what I had to fear when I had Theodore White with me, a genius in black magic.

'And I care about Arthur too.'

Arthur, who killed me, and Arthur, who didn't want to.

The Arthur I saw that day certainly looked like two souls were fighting in one body.

But, as Theodore said, if among the missing Arthurs, the dangerous one who was a threat to me was in charge, then I cannot sleep peacefully.

There isn't much I can do against him, so if he decided to kill me, I would be dead.

In that case, there is also a high chance that the current Arthur wouldn't be dangerous, and besides, it is safer for me to have Theodore by my side.

"Arma Cruz?"

"Ah, sorry."

Theodore seemed bothered by the awkward silence and spoke. I answered, feeling sorry for using him as my bodyguard.

"Of course, you looked in the dorm, right?"

"Yes, there is no sign of him coming back."

"Without asking the student council."

"Arthur is... I don't know what he did."


It made sense that Theodore came to see me. He is the only one who suspected me and Arthur of meeting. He didn't complain to me, but if the student council found that Arthur had disappeared at that time, wouldn't they get an odd picture?

"That is why he came on the day of discharge and said something gibberish."

"I don't think he did it right."

"I guess so."

Theodore, who reported the disappearance of Arthur, might have actually wanted to ask if I knew where he went. But my condition seemed worse than he thought, so he couldn't get himself to ask.

I was so confused as to where to start questioning Theodore's words.

"Mental bondage, you mean that? A curse that activates when the prohibition is broken. It isn't something that is easy to do, but the conditions of it are ridiculous."

It is rare to find normal people without magic in this academy, but that isn't the case outside. The vast majority of people on the streets are normal people. If Arthur were sane, he wouldn't attack any such passersby, but accidents occur when the situation isn't normal.

"But... an ordinary person without magic. That is-"

"Arma Cruz."


This was a horrible thing for me. It is true that Arthur put the gun on me and tried to kill me, but it was difficult to imagine that he did it with the intention of something else. Because I was a non-mage with no magic, the gun, which had been avoiding me because of his prohibition, ended up pointing at me.

"The maybe... Is it too late?"

"Still, he will be fine. It is impossible not to know if Arthur's mind is completely in it or not."


Theodore looked at me as if I had to know why, and then he explained again, remembering the conversation we had a moment ago.

"Mind-binding is a spell that is activated to bind the mind of Arthur. So when the magic circle gets activated, magic is used."

"Right, and if that happens, it means that magic has been detected from Arthur, and so the imprint will be broken."

"Yes. If the binding is broken like that, the student council will be notified, so there will be no way to know what kind of situation Arthur is in or what he turned into."

Through our walk and conversation, we eventually reached our destination: the Black Mountain. Despite its fancy name, Whistle Mountain, none of the cadets bothered to use its official title. I pulled out the gun from the holster, held it in my hands, and bent the barrel to check it.

"But if the mind-binding spell has begun, then isn't it alright to find him now?"

"The education in the academy is truly great."

Such a random thing!

I turned my head toward Theodore. Theodore showed me a syringe with a familiar purple liquid.



"No, nothing. You plan to use that on Arthur?"

"Yes. For now, I plan to convince them all that nothing happened."

Even if the situation is that serious, does he intend to use the medicine he made on his friend? I was speechless at this guy's madness. Although I felt scared by Arthur, who shot me, now I feel sorry for him.

When I was in that thought,

"I apologize."

Suddenly, Theodore apologized to me.

"Uh? For what?"

"Arma Cruz is clearly scared of something because of Arthur, right?"

"You can say yes and no."

"I don't know what happened, but..."

Theodore, who was speaking, spoke like something was creeping in.

"It isn't that Arthur disliked Arma Cruz; I am sure of that."

"I didn't think that either."

Theodore smiled at those words.

"I hope Arthur gets to hear that, if he is safe."

"He will be safe."

Theodore nodded as if my words were a clumsy consolation to him. But I wasn't trying to comfort him.

I was confident about Arthur being safe.

Because it isn't time yet.