Chapter 19: Protective Measures (1)

Chapter 19: Protective Measures (1)

"Let's see the president right away."

"Uh, calling the president for something like this is a bit much."

"It is unreasonable."

"Even though it might not be the most reasonable thing to do now, I get it. Everyone was stressed, and this probably felt like a way to ease the situation."

I couldn't tell if Shirley's laid-back attitude was just her way of handling crises or if the unfair situation was affecting her.

But since she was okay with it, it didn't bother Shirley.

"I hope I didn't ruin my senior's rest by saying something unnecessary."

"If I had stepped out of the hospital and seen what was going on, I probably would have passed out."

"I can't argue with that. You really are a weak senior."

"I know."

Compared to Shirley, who handles a giant spear like it's a toothpick, I had just overcome near-death experiences and transitioned into adulthood. Weaknesses were definitely on my resume.

"Anyway, the senior has woken up, and visiting hours are over. Let's call it a day."

"Right, there is no need to suffer anymore."

"Judith will come tomorrow."

Shirley's lips hinted at more words, but she held back, swallowed them, and headed to the door.

"Enoch Clark, I am coming."

The person keeping an eye on Shirley outside seemed familiar to her.

Enoch politely greeted Shirley and said hello, then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Even if they were just juniors, the academy had the tradition of showing some extra politeness to student council members.

Enoch Clark appeared, his face partially obscured by his gray-brown hair.

He seemed to be observing me, resembling an abandoned dog.

"Is something wrong?"

"It feels like there's a commotion."

"It's nothing. Anyway, since I'm not in great shape, could you please call the president??"

"The student council president? Well, that..."

Enoch hesitated and left his sentence hanging.

I knew the council cadets were dangerously devoted to Machina, but it surprised me that these same idolizers had a pitiable side.

"I need a favor, and I can't move."

"I don't think there's any favor to ask."

Then, a refined voice spoke from behind Enoch.

"President Machina."

She personally came to the hospital building, and it was nearing night.


When I recalled my conversation with Shirley, sarcasm slipped out unintentionally.

Machina turned to reveal two cadets following her and smiling.

"Apologies for the delay. The discussions took longer than expected."

"No worries. If you hadn't come, I would have gone myself. Please, take a seat."

Since I woke up, a good amount of time had passed, and thanks to the chat with Shirley, my neck felt more relaxed.

I didn't feel uncomfortable, but being a patient, I wasn't exactly in my prime appearance. There's not much I could do about it now.

"I heard there were no major injuries. Is that true?"

"Yes, just a bit dizzy, but it should improve with time."

"I see."

Machina slowly reached out her hand toward me. The tips of her fingers touched the bandage on the wound, creating an indescribable tension in the room.

How can someone behave so provocatively and still look like a saint?


Just as I moved closer, thinking she might cry, Machina shifted back to her gentle expression and walked to her place.

"Anyway, I came here in person because I anticipated misunderstandings. Arma Cruz, the unreasonable measures against you will be lifted as soon as possible."

"Until this hysteria subsides?"

"No, this won't die down. We need to figure out what's happening."

"Set a deadline. One day is one day. One week is one week, like that."

"One week."

Since it was a decision labeled as a 'measure,' I expected it wouldn't be easily revoked. Surprisingly, she agreed to a deadline this time.

"Then I trust you'll tolerate some inconvenience until then."

"... I understand."

Though it felt like mostly one-sided information, Machina seemed to appreciate the negotiation to some extent. With a relaxed smile, she rearranged the pile of pillows I was leaning on, flattening them. Then, without giving me a chance to refuse, she lifted the blanket from my chest and left the room.

Then, without giving me a chance to refuse, she lifted the blanket from my chest and left the room.

"Fortunately, the most severe wounds healed during the week of coma. The reason you didn't wake up until now seems to be more of a mental issue."

"Yes, it seems like it."

"Right. I came to check on that. Since there don't seem to be any major problems, I took an easy hour of talks. Well then, I hope you have a good night."

"Thank you."

As Machina's shoes clicked away, I heard the cadets' footsteps following her. Oddly, seeing Machina's smile gave me a strange feeling, like she was protecting me.

That saintly smile was Machina's hidden talent.

'I can't believe the academy atmosphere changed so much in just a week.'

While it's known that isolated academies with many young adult cadets are susceptible to mob hysteria, I didn't expect it to be this extreme.

After a moment of thought, I covered myself with a blanket and curled up like a caterpillar.

It was necessary to wait for Machina to get far and for Enoch Clark to let his guard down.

'I don't know if this will work out. But I never screamed.'


"Uh.... Ackkk!!!!"

I screamed suddenly


"What is it?!"

Enoch Clark, guarding outside the door, drew the sword from his waist and rushed in. His elite training was evident as he kicked down the door, prepared to attack, and then entered. What was even more shocking was...

"Y-you... Enoch Clark?"

"S...o?! What about it"

What caught me off guard was that, in the rush, Enoch's eyes behind his bangs were visible.


I had always pictured meek and downcast eyes hidden beneath those bangs, but what lay beneath were deep, absinthe-colored eyes---a truly overwhelming shade of green.

"No, not that. My throat... no, my stomach!"

"Stomach...? Your stomach hurts?"

For a moment, I forgot why I was shouting.

I curled up with a blanket around me, putting on a desperate act. Enoch Clark approached, his face once again obscured.

"You were taking nutritional supplements instead of meals while you were down, so there's no reason for you to have a stomach ache."

"I have a chronic illness; you know that, right?"

"I was informed about the heart condition..."

"It's too much to explain. I applied for over-the-counter drugs before I collapsed, and I never took them."

"Then what do we do?"

After confirming it wasn't an outside attack, Enoch sheathed his sword, and I asked him to come closer.

"As far as I know, Theodore has the medicine I need. Please take me. You can't leave me alone because of the security measures, right?"