Chapter 348

Name:The Wizard is Coming Author:Wang Wu
"Boom! Boom

Two consecutive thunder rings, two ghost wolves were named, turned into dust and disappeared. The two wolf teeth, as the basis of summoning the ghost wolf, were completely turned into dark powder, scattered on the ground and died with the wind.

At this time, the painter stepped back a step, intended to retreat temporarily, but was quickly surrounded by an invisible force field. The huge gravity instantly acted on the painter, making him unable to step back.

Saran walked towards the painter step by step. Since he was promoted to the second level, he devoted himself to exerting the heavy energy field for the first time. However, in the circular area centered on Sha LAN, a large amount of dark energy almost became visible to the naked eye, making the area dark and gloomy.

The huge gravity raged, and the ground fell two fingers thick. The grass and trees completely adhered to the ground, just like flattened specimens. Moreover, the trees around it broke off and fell on the ground. The branches and branches made an unwilling sound under the strong gravity, and broke apart. More rocks sank into the ground, and even couldn't stretch and produce cracks.

The painter was shrouded when the heavy energy field was spreading. At this time, he knelt down on the ground with both hands on the ground to prevent him from lying on the ground. He only felt that his body was about to be flattened, and the air in his lungs was constantly squeezed out, causing great discomfort to his internal organs. His body seemed to be about to collapse in the next second Segregation is general.

I can see that the paintings on the painter's body continue to flow. A harrier hawk wants to get out of the painter's body, but just after half a body, it collapses under the huge gravity. As for other kinds of wild animals, it can't even move freely without the painter's body, let alone fight back.

Slowly came to the painter's body, Sha LAN looked at him was considering whether to kill this guy, but there was no need to kill him. The people of tide Knights obviously knew that he came to look for himself. If he was killed, he would certainly face the Revenge of the tide knights.

Saran didn't want to provoke a tidal Knights after killing so many mutinies.

In Shalan's opinion, compared with the supernatural organization under the government of the silent, the tide Knight order, which is obviously unconstrained, and whose members are not weak, is even more difficult to provoke.

As for the matter of killing blood butcher before, now Shalan also knows that it is the secret mobile team of the League of seven countries to help him carry it down.

Of course, both sides have a need for this. Shalan does not want to become the target of the tide Knights' order, while the secret mobile team wants to use the death of bloody butcher as their achievements, so as to achieve their own political goals, which can be regarded as mutual gain.

The heavy energy field slowly converged. Saran looked at the effect of the heavy energy field and nodded with satisfaction. Basically, as long as he did not reach the extraordinary level, he would not be able to resist for three seconds under the heavy energy field. As for the existence of those extraordinary levels, those with strong body strength can guarantee survival, even a certain degree of action, but if the body is strong If the degree is low, it will be completely suppressed and even severely damaged by the heavy energy field like a painter!

When the gravity field completely converged, the painter immediately breathed the air like a drowning man. He looked at Sha LAN with fear. The calm at the beginning had disappeared completely.

"Well, go back when you have a rest. Don't disturb me any more. You should have felt that I am a second-class extraordinary. I think no matter how powerful your tide knights are, they will not ignore the existence of a second level. I have my own life. Your tide riders are not suitable for me, so you should go back and don't force me to kill people."

After a deep look at Saran, the painter did not hesitate. He reached out and pulled out his jacket and backpack which had fallen into the ground. He put it on his body and left quickly without looking back.

Looking at the painter who left, the silver cat controlled by Shalan once again turned into a silver smoke and disappeared. When it reappeared, it had already come to Shalan's house.

When saran's consciousness quits Teri's body, Teri yawns and says to Saran, "I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep."

After the words fall, Teri, the beast, turns into a silver light and plunges into Sha Lan's eyebrows. She turns into a primitive silver spiritual energy, which winds around her spiritual sea and enters into a deep sleep.

During this period of time, the continuous use of tiri's body to fight consumed a lot of strength of Neri. It takes a period of deep sleep to recover completely.

"Well, the silence and the tide Knights will not disturb me for a short time, and there is no need to use Teri's body again."

Thinking of this, Sha LAN stretched out his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. The fight just made him a little tired. In addition, he needed to make his body fully adapt to the improvement of his strength just now, so he simply did nothing and sat cross legged on the ground to meditate.

In fact, if he took the blood potion of evil eye from the jade world, he could immediately reach the limit of level II wizard, and even had a great probability of making a second spiritual leap to break through the level III wizard's realm. However, whenever Sha Lan Sheng wanted to take the blood potion of evil eye directly, he felt a trace of darkness In the sense of crisis, as if he took the potion to break through to the third level wizard, immediately will be a disaster in general!Therefore, after thinking about it, Sha LAN still gave up this idea. Moreover, the side effects of the blood of evil eye medicament are very troublesome. The growth of essence and power will be stagnant for a long time. If we do not completely expel the medicament magazines in the body, we will be trapped on this level forever.

So Sha LAN plans to take the blood of evil eye potion after he has stabilized the level II wizard's state and at least push his spiritual strength towards the level of level III wizard for a certain distance, so as to ensure that he can smoothly reach the level III wizard state after taking the medicine, and then slowly eliminate the drug impurities in his body.

Of course, the blood potion of evil eye can not be taken immediately, but the blessing of moonlight goddess can be taken immediately. As long as you take this medicine, saran will have a higher affinity for the dark energy, and can also gain a certain degree of spiritual power increase at night, which is a very rare positive increase effect! , the fastest update of the webnovel!