After crying for about five minutes, Hong Jiao stood up, wiped away her tears, went to the back of her desk, gently pulled it down, boom, and a secret door appeared.

She went into the secret door and closed it.

Inside is a room. She looks into a huge mirror and looks at her graceful posture.

She just felt very shameful.

In Ding Yi's eyes, her body is like a pile of white pork. Ding Yi doesn't look at it directly.

Learning from Ding Yi, she wiped her face and forehead with her fingers, then looked in the mirror along the clavicle and touched her chest.

This is a delicate body that even a woman can be moved by. Why is it that in Ding Yi's eyes, even pigs are inferior.

She doesn't agree, really.

After looking in the mirror for more than a minute, she slowly recovered, opened a cabinet on the side and put on a skirt again.

Then I felt for a cell phone from the bedside table.

Open the back box, take out a new card and put it into the mobile phone.

"Doodle, doodle, doodle." She pressed a number and it took a while to get through.

"Hello." On the other side was a deep voice.

"Ding Yi has just been here." Hong Jiao whispered.

"Did the little beast touch you? He didn't do anything to you, did he? " On the other end of the line, of course, is her father, Mr. Hong.

"No, I jumped on it, and he pushed me away, as if I were a god of plague. He wasn't fooled at all, and he didn't know." Hong Jiao wry smile: "it's no use to be cheated."

"He's a God. I watched him take my gun and shoot himself four times. It's useless. He's a God."

"---" the phone fell into a dead silence one day.

"Dad, forget it. People can't fight God. People can't come back to life when they die. Even if you kill Ding Yi, your younger brother can't live. Besides, it's his younger brother who goes to play with his women first and wants to force his women. He deserves what he has done, Dad --"

"Shut up, you shut up." Lord Hong was furious: "is he a God? Can he kill my son if he's a God? "

"I won't give face to the Buddha who killed my son."

"What if he's a God? If I can't kill him, I'll kill the people around him. "

"I don't believe that all the people around him are gods."

"There is no God in this world. I used to be the God of Nanzhou City, ha ha ha."

Mr. Hong seems to be crazy, shouting in his mobile phone.

"Dad, don't do that. If you don't think about me, you should also think about the elder brother. If you move the people around Ding Yi, what will he do if he finds the elder brother?"

"What he can't find, he will never find, and I will let the people around him leave him one by one. I have a billion dollars. I don't believe that there is no money in the world that can't be done. There is no God in the world --- no God --" Ba, Lord Hong hung up.

Hong Jiao called back immediately.

"The phone you dialed is off."

"Wuwu" Hong Jiao is lying in bed and crying again.

Right after she called.

More than ten meters outside the building, a business car stopped by the side of the road, pulling the curtains.

There are several men and women, many machines.

"It's locked. The signal we just talked to is in a small city in Honduras called mandolina."

"Hong Ye of dog and Japan is in North Central America."

"He's off. He may be moving."

"There's no airport in mandolina. He drives a car."

These men and women are from the Chinese Empire, but also foreigners, English and Chinese are used alternately.

One of them hung up the earphone and immediately played out a lot of words on the computer.

At the same time, on the other side of the ocean, at a naval base on the southeast coast of M country, a general of M country with a major general turned to a blonde man beside him and said, "hondusla, who's in hondusla, mandolina?"

If the general is here, he must know the blonde man.

The blonde man is the God of thunder, the super agent of M national Shenli Bureau.

Thunder God a hand hammer, a serious face, after thinking: "no one over there, but kryptonians are very close to there."

Honduras itself is very close to country m, and kryptonians are close to that side.

"Inform the fibb in mandolina, and let the kryptonians pass immediately." Major general feikuai.

"Yes, general."

Seconds later, a Kryptonian who had been beaten by a general and nearly vomited blood in a house in Indiana, the closest state to Honduras, reluctantly walked out of the room.

"No, no, no, why should we help that Ding Yi?" Kryptonians are not satisfied.

"All right, Zach." Krypton people around someone shrugged: "that bastard said, we don't help him find out Lord Hong, to blow up our presidential palace and district 50."

"I don't know. Is he reasonable?" Zach even uttered the curse of the Chinese Empire.

"He has a reputation for being unreasonable." Another person said helplessly: "that guy is a lunatic. He really can do everything. Now his company has been bombed. If he doesn't help to find out the man named Hongye, he will dare to blow up our 50 districts."

"The Chinese are really barbaric." Kryptonian Zach doodles, then looks at the sky and stomps.

Boom, he flew up like a rocket and disappeared in mid air.

The other man looked at Zach who disappeared in mid air and said to himself, "the truth is within the range of the cannon."

How many times have we opened other people's national defense lines with cannons? I don't think we have today.

It can't be said that the state of M doesn't help. Ding Yi gives a death order. Even the m-countrymen are afraid and try their best to help find Lord Hong.

But it's really hard to find someone who wants to hide.

Moreover, Lord Hong has made plans for his escape route in the next year.

When Zach arrives at hongdusla and finds the local FIB, he still can't find Hongye.

There are too many people in a city, and there are quite a lot of local Chinese.

In particular, Lord Hong obviously makes up. Sometimes you can't tell whether someone on the street is Chinese or hongdusla.

M. foreign ministry used relations to ask hongdusla police for help, saying that Hongye is an international wanted criminal.

The police fully cooperated, blockaded and investigated for two days, but they didn't find it.

This kind of thing, the police are very helpless.

He wants to hide, find a house to store food and drink, and can not come out for a month.

You can't search every house in the city.

So two days later, police in Honduras said there was nothing they could do to stop the blockade.

FIB continues to deploy staff at each airport.

A few days later, they heard the news that a plane was going abroad to play with Honduras national football.

I stopped in three cities in three countries.

The plane was not interrogated by the police and fib.

After investigation, a stranger bribed a relevant official with a million dollars, got on the plane and left Honduras.

No one knows and no one sees that he will get off the plane in that city.

When the news came back to Nanzhou, long Qianqiu was very disappointed.

But Ding Yi is not too disappointed at this time. He has found a way to find Lord Hong as soon as possible, but it will take a little time.

He calls Hong Jiao and apologizes to her, hoping that she can tell her father that Ding Yi is willing to bear all the consequences and that he can make any offer.

Ding Yi wants to delay, but Hong Jiao can't get in touch with her father at this time. It seems that Hong's father has evaporated.

But everyone knows that he is lurking, waiting for an opportunity, and then comes out to give Ding Yi a heavy blow.


On Friday night, a plane flew to the Pacific Ocean.

Ding Yi and Xu Yirong sit together and accompany Xu Yirong to Canada to see her parents and donate money.

Xu Yirong always thought that he was going to die. This was the last time he went to see his parents and donated most of his money.

Ding Yi is lying in his position with his eyes closed. Others think he is sleeping. In fact, he is secretly practicing magic power.

This is a new magic power he just found from ye Xuantian's memory.

"Great insight".

If you do, as long as you have master Hong's blood essence or skin and hair, you can find his position within a certain distance.

In order to find Mr. Hong's PIFA, Ding Yi went to Mr. Hong's house in the evening. After searching for him for a long time, he found a hair in a garbage can in a bathroom.

At that time, I didn't know whether it was under my armpit or under my crotch, and I didn't know whether it was Lord Hong's.

Ding Yi came back to practice this magic power for two days.

Then he used it for a while and found that the owner of the hair was not within a hundred Li.

That's probably Lord Hong's.

Ding Yi is now going to upgrade and practice his insight to quintuple in the shortest time.

According to the experiments on the planet, the first is 100 Li, the second is 500 Li, the third is 1000 Li, the fourth is 5000 Li, and the fifth is 10000 Li.

The diameter of the earth is more than 25000 Li.

If Ding Yi can practice quintuple, this insight will basically cover half the earth.

It's a pity that these days, he eats Lingshi at meals and uses Lingshi when he's free.

Xuanqi has reached more than 300 channels, and Daqian's insight has only reached the second level.

Time is pressing. He is practicing every moment.

However, after watching it for a long time, Xu Yirong thinks Ding Yi is asleep.

"Ding Yi, Ding Yi." Xu Yirong called softly.