If not, he will find her!

Hundreds of miles south of Qinghe County, it was also washed away by the flood. At this time, many people living there fled to Jizhou in the north, and many fled to the south. Now they are driven all the way to Xiangguo or Luoyang by Shi Zhao's troops stationed in various towns.

The rain here stopped two days earlier than in Guanzhong, but the Yellow River water from the upstream still surged, inundating a large number of land, villages and even towns.

Daze lake, near the Yellow River, has overflowed at this time, and the whole Wandu villa is a vast ocean.

Even the poison man lived in the tree and looked at his rotten herbs and destroyed house with heartache.

This year's flood is much worse than in previous years.

In previous years, even if there was a flood, daze lake could accommodate it. Unexpectedly, it rained heavily for half a month this year. Even if there was no flood, daze lake was full.

Even Juye city in the South was flooded.

Many people in the city drowned, and the rest were driven to Luoyang.

After two days of fine weather, Cui Jing and Lu Qing began to act when they saw that the ground had been dry.

On July 11, the moon came out early. Although it was only half, it was also much brighter.

At this time, the people in Qingzhou and Jizhou had been driven to the Qinghe River by the Jie people. Cui Jing had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Both sides act separately. Cui Jing takes people to block the food and grass line of Jie people, while Lu Qing quietly approaches Xiangguo city with her 170 people and nearly 1000 experts arranged by Cui Jing.

In fact, a few days ago, shile sent letters to many aristocratic families in Shandong, asking them to behave themselves. If they help them, how about being promoted to the rank of Shi Zhao? However, this letter has been sent for more than half a month, and all aristocratic families have no reaction. They all nest in their own Wubao and watch the change.

In this way, Shiller was relieved.

What he wants is that these superior gentry should not participate in the war, or he will suffer from the enemy on both sides.

However, he did not know that Cui Jing had secretly made all the preparations.

In order to prevent people's eyes and ears, all the people Lu Qing brought this time were wearing night clothes. When they rode to Hutou mountain where they did bad things last time, they put their horses nearby, and they rushed hundreds of miles to Xiangguo.

This group of people had good feet. By midnight, they had reached the periphery of Xiangguo city.

They found a hidden bush. They took a rest, drank water and ate some food to replenish energy, and then went to the city.

The rain for more than half a month has changed the whole world.

The original withered and yellow can no longer be seen. At this time, the small rivers around Xiangguo city are full and surrounded by green grass. They can't slip through the river like last time. They can only pick the trees that sprout and grow leaves again.

They came from the east of Xiangguo City, which was the direction Lu Qing brought people. At that time, the Shi Zhao army stationed here had moved to the west of Xiangguo and closer to Taihang Mountain.

A dilapidated abandoned camp is left here, where all those infected with the plague are here.

Among them, there are Han people, Jie people, and a small number of Huns and Xianbei people. They are all wilting. They are hopeless. They are waiting to die here.

Farther away from them, there is also a camp, which is much more primitive than the general military camp. It is full of civilians driven by the Capricorn people, men, women, old and young, gathered outside Xiangguo City, in a mess.

This is not Lu Qing's mission goal, but it is good for her to enter the city.

These people still gather in the area near the east gate of Xiangguo city. In terms of order, it is far from the original Jieren camp.

It's just that a large number of Capricorn people wave a whip to see who is jumping around, just whip a whip to maintain order.

At this time, although it was midnight, I could still occasionally hear the sound of whips. What's more, I could also hear some women's wailing, accompanied by the Capricorn's obscene laughter.

Sighed, Lu Qing ordered ten good at sneaking assassination, arranged by Lin Xiao, and soon sneaked into the camp.

This time they didn't set fire, but very carefully cut the throat of the Capricorn people guarding in the crowd. They didn't even bother to waste their concealed weapons.

Because they were all masked and occasionally seen by the Han people, they were frightened. It can be seen that they just killed the Jie people who had just whipped them very quickly, and they immediately stopped talking.

But with a cup of tea, these people have killed dozens of Capricorn guards.

Lin Xiao is picking people to kill, especially those who are insulting the Han people. Lei Yin is different. He kills one at a time and does it at will. Others are between the two, but his moves are the same.

Until they killed more than 100 people, the patrolling Capricorn found the problem. They shouted loudly and asked other Capricorn people to pay attention. Their people are dead!

Soon, the camp became chaotic. Some brave people took advantage of the chaos and saw the lone Capricorn guards, found the firewood knife or kitchen knife in their luggage, quietly came behind them, learned from the man in black and directly wiped the Capricorn's neck.

Of course, their skills are not good, and their knives are not sharp enough. They will not succeed again and again, but they have caused more chaos in this camp.

Those people in wanjian city still shuttle through the crowd like ghosts, and their hands are terrible.

Although the Capricorn people are looking for the murderer everywhere, the moon is hazy now, and they don't have enough torches. The little people are surprised and cry. They can't lock the target at all.

Another quarter of an hour later, more than 200 Capricorn guards had died.

The rest of the people began to panic. This feeling of completely not knowing where the enemy was was more frightening than facing thousands of troops.

And in the crowd, sometimes a head will be thrown at their feet, isn't it their colleague?

When the fear spread to a certain extent, some people couldn't hold it. They hurried to the city gate for help.

Now, although the army has reached the foot of Taihang Mountain, there are still 10000 guards in Xiangguo City, and there are only 2000 guards outside the city, which are specially used to maintain order.

But according to the current method of death, one night later, all their people will die.

After listening to these people's reports, the Deputy General of the city quickly sent a team of elites to search outside. During the delay, dozens of people died.

Moreover, the place of death was very chaotic and far away. All they could find was that a few Han people were young and strong, holding firewood knives and killing all over with blood, but few of them died under their hands.

However, they will not let go of this kind of guy who has eaten bear heart and leopard courage.

Soon, the Capricorn guards quickly chased these Han civilians with machetes. However, when they passed, there were always messy obstacles on the road. For example, a cane basket suddenly tripped up and the grain bag stepped on it. As a result, there was a pit next to it. Such miscellaneous gadgets appeared one after another, resulting in their speed being unable to improve at all.