"Mayor, do you doubt me?" Li Lanxin had already got up to make the bed. She had sprinkled a lot of tea on it just now, and her body was also wet. When she heard Lu Qing's question, she stopped and looked sad.

"No, not doubt. I'm just worried about Guo heilue's terrible means, which has been used on you. I want to help you."

Lu Qing looked at Li Lanxin sincerely. She really wanted to help her.

Li Lanxin bit her lip and was silent for a while, but she still cried.

"What I don't want, what I don't want at all, I can't control..."

Looking at the tears on Li Lanxin's face, Lu Qing took a clean cloth towel and handed it to her.

Until Li Lanxin finished crying and calmed down, she didn't talk about the situation after she arrived here.

After listening quietly, Lu Qing knew that it really started as soon as they met.

If there is still a kind of Gu in the world that can control people's hearts, it has undoubtedly been mastered by Guo heilue.

Whenever he appears, it is when this kind of Gu poison breaks out.

The poison he planted in Li Lan's heart for ten years broke out at the moment of meeting today, and tonight he came out to take the woman in purple. I'm afraid it's the second step.

The poison in Li Lan's heart is still light. The women who have been slightly contaminated by Guo Hei are still determined to him even if they can't see him.

Song Xuan is the same as the woman interrogated by Hutou mountain. Maybe the reason why Honglian despised Wu you so much is because of Guo heilue.

This is a man with poison all over his body.

No wonder he has no superb martial arts, but he can still control so many people.

He is much better than Wufu.

"Wenxiu, you'd better stay with Cao Hongchang more recently. It's best not to be alone, let alone close to Guo heilue. Even if he was kind to you in his early years, saved your life, taught you things and grew up with you, he will mercilessly kill the people you care about. You should firmly remember how song Xuan treated her brother. If one day he let you You killed Cao Hongchang... "

Li Lanxin nodded repeatedly. She would never let Guo heilue have a chance to kill Cao Hongchang. The feelings between them are the most real.

Guo heilue just trained her as a tool, not really like her.

She is different from Song Xuan. Her heart is not with Guo heilue.

Lu Qing patted Li Lanxin on the back and felt relieved.

Then she began to wonder whether she wanted Yu Mingchuan's antidote or Guo heilue's death after she won the bet.

She wants both, and neither is indispensable.

Who comes first and who comes later?

She hesitated.

If you kill Guo heilue first, in case the poison man has a good relationship with Guo heilue, it seems inevitable to kill them later, let alone give them a prescription.

Although she had a thunderbolt in her hand, now she is in someone else's poison house. Who knows where she will die?

It is very likely that both sides will lose.

This is not what she wants to see.

If you want a prescription first, it is to let Guo heilue go temporarily. I don't know what will happen later, but what can I do?

Lu Qing plans to discuss with dao'an and gongshuliang the next day and ask their opinions.

Now there are two days before the exchange terms, enough for them to think.

After calling baijitai back, the three of them really slept in the past.

The next morning, after Lu Qing washed, he went to find dao'an.

Li Lanxin went to Cao Hongchang and obviously attached to him more than ever before, which made Cao Hongchang wonder what happened last night and how his wife suddenly began to stick to him in broad daylight.

Usually, I'm still a little reserved.

It has to be said that Lu Qing's enlightenment is still useful. Although Li Lanxin is worried that she will lose control when she meets Guo heilue again, she will not be so agitated when she doesn't meet him, but calm down slowly.

Lu Qing is a very organized person, which makes Li Lanxin very useful. As long as she analyzes Guo heilue step by step to take advantage of her, she can eliminate the inexplicable feelings.

In particular, I think that Wu you asked her to seduce her biological father, which is also a link to make the best use of her. It's disgusting.

That morning, Bi Nu sent people a lot of food and made way for them to walk around in the daytime. As long as they were not close to the villa leader's residence and didn't touch strange flowers and plants, there would be nothing wrong.

When she said this, Binu still smiled, but Lu Qing saw a trace of coldness in her eyes.

Although I don't know why the girl doesn't like to see her, she's still defensive. Don't touch those flowers and plants. She doesn't like flirting.

As for the pavilions in the dense forest, she was a little interested, but she thought that this place was full of tricky things. It's better to let Lin Xiao explore the way first.

Similarly, all breakfast was poisoned. Lu Qing talked about choice with several leaders around him while eating.

"You can also analyze the interests. If you kill Guo heilue as soon as possible, the problem of spies will be solved. However, it is likely that you will not get the formula of poison, and no one knows the strength of Guo heilue. If the poison man can't solve him, it will be even worse.

If we choose the formula of poison and let Guo heilue go, we don't know whether we can beat him next, and whether the poison man will stand on his side.

A dilemma. "

Lu Qing shook her head and sighed. She was really tangled about it. It seemed that there was a great risk in choosing any one.

Everyone was silent for a while, and finally monk dao'an broke the deadlock.

"Lord Lu, if your request is that the poison man obey you from now on, do you think the poison man will agree?"

"Monk, are you crazy? If you really say this, I think the old poison will poison me without blinking." Lu Qing is not so confident in the promise of this old poison.

This kind of thing is almost all right. Do you say that if you let the old poison commit suicide, the old poison will commit suicide?

No one would be so stupid.

"It's a pity that I don't know much about the old poison, otherwise there are many tricks to deal with." monk dao'an touched the goose egg head and talked about the old poison with Lu Qing.

"Master, I think you might as well say that the old poison won't help when we kill Guo heilue. If you ask so, the old poison should agree. As for the poison, master, if you have penicillin in hand, I don't believe that the old poison is not jealous."

Public loser Liang picked a thick eyebrow on one side and smiled at Lu Qing. He looked like an invitation to credit.

A group of people were silent for a moment and felt that gongshuliang was reasonable. They originally wanted to kill Guo heilue and didn't expect someone to help. It would be good if they didn't help Guo heilue kill them. This requirement is not too much.