"Thank you. Take this little thing to protect yourself. Look at this head. As long as you pull out the cover and rub it hard with the flint inside, the bottle will catch fire. Throw it around the bad guys and smash the bottle as much as possible, and the wild fire can spread."

With that, Lu Qing handed jiu'er two Tianhuo bottles, which were transformed by gongshuliang. They were very easy to use.

Nine son took it over and looked at the two crystal clear glass bottles. It's too broad!

How much does it cost to buy one of these crystal clear glass bottles? She said she broke it easily

Aware of jiuer's reluctance, Lu Qing quickly put the two bottles in her hand and held them tightly.

"There are many things in wanjian city. They are not worth money. You must remember to ignite and break them in case of danger in the future."

Jiuer nodded, and then looked out. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he said goodbye to Lu Qing and hurried back to her residence.

But I didn't know that after she left, a small head stuck out of the big room, stubble on the top of her head, and retracted into the big room with light hands and feet.

As the steward here, jiu'er has his own room, which is naturally much cleaner than this big room.

Nine son pressed his beating heart and lay on the bed, listening to the footsteps closer and closer nearby.

These steps were light, but now everything was silent, and she could hear them faintly.

There were many people. They crossed her room and ran directly to the big house.

Jiuer's atmosphere didn't dare to say a word. I just hope these people won't find the group of people just now and let them escape this difficulty.

The leading woman gave her two bottles. She hid them under the mattress. For a while and a half, she should not use them.

But before long, her door was knocked.

Nine son put on a layer of single clothes, calmed down, pulled out a smiling face, and then opened the door.

In front of the door was a man full of sharp breath. It gave people the feeling that he was a knife, cold and ruthless. He could cut people into pieces with his eyes.

Light to nearly white hair, cut very short, fluffy on the head, under the same light eyebrows, gray eyes like a dead man, towering hooked nose, thin lips almost become a line, lined with a pointed chin, people shudder.

Jiuer's smile froze on his face, but he still opened his mouth.

"Do you want someone to serve you? What do you want? Just open your mouth, and I'll find it for you. Wash it and send it."

The man outside the door didn't answer jiu'er. He just stared at her with his knife like eyes. Jiu'er couldn't help trembling before he took back his eyes.

"Has anyone been here just now?"

The sound was like sandpaper grinding from an iron pot. It was very ugly. Jiu Er couldn't help shaking again and hugged his arm. It was full of goose bumps.

"The people's daughter served the military masters well and rested. No one came after that."

Nine children respectfully saluted the people in front of the door and stopped talking.

The man stared at jiu'er for a while, and then quietly went to the direction of the big house.

Until no one passed in front of the door, jiu'er hurriedly closed the door, fell soft at the door, covered his heart and breathed, and his clothes were wet.

She had seen this person from a distance before. He asked people to pick more than ten women with extremely outstanding appearance and take them away. At that time, although she was far away, she felt that this person was not to enjoy these women, because those eyes were always like a blade.

Later, she didn't know what happened to these women, only that they didn't enter the palace.

When his legs were not soft, jiu'er climbed back to bed, grabbed a glass bottle, pricked up his ears and continued to listen to the movement outside.

At first, there was some chaos over the big house. I heard some girls crying, but soon there was no more sound.

Then, a large number of footsteps ran back and forth from there, but he didn't hear the sound of sword collision, which made jiu'er a little relieved.

When the big house was completely quiet, jiu'er got up quietly, opened the door and walked over.

It smells of blood.

When she came to the big house, jiu'er lit a candle and looked at a big house close to her. Two girls died at the door.

The girl in the room didn't see the two men's death until nine children's candles came here.

She couldn't help screaming. Jiu'er also wanted to scream, but she bit her teeth and didn't shout out. Instead, she took a whip and walked up to the girls. Who called to whip who.

It's hot and we don't wear much. Although the whip is not very thick and jiu'er's strength is not strong, it still hurts when it hits people. It won't split the skin and flesh. It's certain to leave a red mark.

Soon the screams stopped.

The strong smell of blood, mixed with the smell of the big room, makes people want to vomit.

Nine son covered his mouth and nose and looked at the two bodies on the ground. This is the real separation of bone and flesh.

The two men were almost skeletons, and the meat they had removed was piled into two piles. The red, white and yellow were crowded together, which made people never think of their original appearance again.

What's more terrible is that the skin and meat outside the two people have been removed, but they haven't died yet.

One of them's heart and lungs were still moving. His open mouth also made a slight hiss, but he couldn't speak without his tongue.

Not only the tongue, but the whole face was shaved, leaving only bones, leaving two eyes that could rotate.

At this time, the eyes were staring at jiu'er.

There is resentment, reluctance, and deep despair.

"Small pupil?"

Jiuer's hand holding the candle began to tremble. She didn't believe it. This is not the girl she took care of carefully. Xiaotong is so good. How could she provoke those Capricorn killers.

"Nine elder sister, Xiaotong told Jie Ren that if she told them where they were hiding and whether they could let her into the palace, Jie Ren promised her, so she told Jie Ren that there were a group of people in the big room in the south.

Then the Jie people found that the house was empty at all, and they came back to kill Xiaotong. As a result, they recognized the wrong person at the beginning and killed sister Ying first. The military master found that it was wrong, so he pulled Xiaotong out again... "

Some people in the crowd angrily talked about the whole story of this matter, but jiu'er couldn't listen to anything.

Xiaotong is her cousin. She has been cared for by everyone since childhood and has never suffered anything. Later, the Jie people occupied Jizhou. When the family heard of shile good Buddha, they sent Xiaotong to be a nun, but they didn't expect that the evil spirits wouldn't let go of nuns.

Where they respect is the Buddha, it is clearly the devil.

She was caught here earlier than Xiaotong. By this time, Xiaotong had become the steward.

That's why she has the right to protect her cousin who has been spoiled and grown up since childhood.

But I didn't expect