Since then, Li Bai, Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Du Fu, cen Shen, Gao Shi and Lu Qing came at random, opening Yu Mingchuan's eyes wide.

Listen to Lu Qing's poems and songs every day, and the length is extraordinary. Yu Mingchuan is almost in a trance and thinks he is dreaming, but why can he always remember a few words?

Until one moonlit night, Lu Qing climbed up the beacon tower, held grape wine, and recited "Chibi Fu" against a full moon.

"... send mayflies and heaven and earth, a drop in the vast sea. Mourn the moment of my life and admire the infinity of the Yangtze River. Carry flying immortals to roam and hold the bright moon. You can't know it suddenly and leave it in the sad wind

... only the breeze on the river and the bright moon in the mountains can be heard and become beautiful when they meet them. They can be taken without prohibition and inexhaustible. They are the endless possession of the creator, and they are suitable for me and my son... "

When Lu Qing recited a "Chibi Fu" in a wild and unrestrained manner, Yu Mingchuan was not calm at all. He still knew how many kilograms his wife's poetry, songs and Fu were. These things could not have been made by her, or even by anyone he knew.

At this time, Mr. Sanshan, who eavesdropped under the beacon tower, could no longer sit still. He ran out directly and shouted at the tower.

"Great talent! Great talent!"

Mr. Sanshan was amazed under the beacon tower, but Lu Qing was just a provocative look. He looked at Yu Mingchuan: how about it? Do you think your wife is talented, too?

"Are these poems written by your master?"

"Do you think my master is an immortal? Tell you, the fu I just read was written by a man named Su Shi 800 years later. Those I read before were written by people 300 years later. Don't believe it."

Now every time Lu Qing comes to the end, he will add a sentence "even if you don't believe it", and every time, this sentence can annoy yumingchuan.

Seeing Yu Mingchuan, Lu Qing still doesn't believe it. Lu Qing killed Shi Hu, who could have been an emperor in more than ten years. Zhang Mao doesn't know when he will be an emperor. Yu Mingchuan covered Lu Qing's mouth.

"Madam, I believe you, OK? You say you're a few years older than me. You say you can come from wherever you come. It's just about stone tiger. Don't say it casually, okay?"

Lu Qing nodded heavily: just believe it. My sister has almost emptied her mind of poetry recently

Looking at yumingchuan's helpless face, Lu Qing was happy and sad.

"Yulang, I read few history books and know less details. I only know that in the next years, many people will die in the Central Plains. The change of countries and dynasties is also extremely rapid and changeable.

Because of this, in our period, many people even deliberately avoided this history and didn't bother to remember and ponder, so did I.

I don't think I can change much, but at the very least, I hope to use these skills I can, so that we can all grow old safely. "

With that, Lu Qing hugged Yu Mingchuan's waist and buried his face in his arms.

Yumingchuan didn't speak for a long time. He was just a pair of arms, but he clamped Lu Qing tightly until both of them were sweating.

The night wind was blowing, and it was still cold. Yumingchuan covered Lu Qing with the cloak that had fallen aside, and took more care of her.

As the night grew darker, they got off the beacon tower. When they passed the residence below, they saw Mr. Sanshan waiting there. When they saw them coming down, they walked over with a smile.

"Nephew and daughter-in-law, come and sit here with me when you have time in the future. I want to have a good chat with you."

Lu Qing smiled and agreed. Seeing Han shuozheng frowning and reciting the "Chibi Fu" just now, he pinched his little face and went back to Duwei's house with Yu Mingchuan.

When summer comes, the day is getting hotter and hotter at Yumen pass. All soldiers go to work in the fields in the morning and dusk. When they go back, they make ice by themselves.

Lu Qing didn't want to go out at all, because as soon as she went out, she had to wrap her chest in linen, otherwise she would be seen as a woman.

Recently, Wang Jian often approached her and said that her Yin Qi was getting heavier and heavier.

There's no way. Wang Jian is in charge of the auxiliary soldiers, and most of what Lu Qing does is related to the auxiliary soldiers. It's inevitable to deal with Wang Jian. For a period of time after the new year, the boy looks strange every day.

Later, because of the chemical fertilizer, he began to worship her. Then the two emotions intertwined and became the current tone of yin and Yang.

The best thing recently is that there are fewer assassins. I haven't found them since the spring night.

Lei Yin's collar is still hanging around his neck, but the rope is gone.

People became a little skinny, and there was almost no more than half of their original beauty.

In this way, he still stared at baijitai all day, arguing to have children with her.

"Yulang, I think Lei Yin is almost done. Why don't you stop taking medicine first?" Lu Qing chatted with yumingchuan while patting cucumbers.

"Aren't you afraid he'll eat baijitai?" yumingchuan didn't lift his head and focused on peeling the garlic in his hand.

The new garlic is very spicy, but it's good to peel it.

"Baijitai is not so bad, and there is Fang Jiming around her..." Lu Qing said while loading the photographed cucumbers and putting them in order.

"Fang Jiming can't. He's not Lei Yin's opponent."

"What does he mean to birgitai?"

Lu Qing is actually very curious about this, because she finds that Fang Jiming takes good care of Bai Jitai and especially hates Lei Yin's proximity to her. Originally, Lu Qing thought Fang Jiming probably liked Bai Jitai. Later, she found that it seemed to be so bad.

The feeling is like that the cabbage you have worked hard to grow is going to be arched by a pig.

"Do your own business, their business, let them go."

Yumingchuan washed the peeled garlic in the water, then poured it into a small jar and began to pound it with a small stick.

"It's not that nothing has happened recently. I'm a little curious. There's no entertainment in this place. I'm just having fun..."

"Feel too idle? Let's have children."

Yumingchuan pounded garlic attentively and said this sentence as if nothing had happened. Lu Qing was stunned in an instant.

"Hey! I don't have anything in front of me now, but I'm thinking about the future! When it gets cooler, I want to build more houses on both sides of the Beida river. Whether we live by ourselves or sell them to those refugees, we can also have a place to live."

Looking at Lu Qing's eyes shining again, Yu Mingchuan smiled.

They plan to secretly build a Wu fort near Jingtieshan. No matter how they can attack and defend in the future, they finally have a stronghold.

Recently, several soldiers who are familiar with this have gone to the north of Qilian Mountain for investigation.

When the place is determined, they can start construction.