The monster bared its fangs and brandished its claws as it responded to the attacks from the agent s.

Immediately, a long tentacle extended out from the mouth of the monster and struck towards Hu Xiao'er.

It actually still could not block its attack.

Now he finally understood what Zhang Sanfeng meant by "this time, he's going to be a fierce character".

Perhaps this fellow would be the strongest evil being he had encountered in such a long time.

It would be easy to deal with some puppet evil beings. After all, they did not have brains, and they would not evolve.

However, for something like this to take the initiative and evolve, it would be difficult to deal with.

Zhang Sanfeng shouted, "Eight Trigrams Fire Sealing Formation!"

Immediately, the surrounding agent lined up and the dozens of people started to pull apart.

Eight Trigrams Fire Sealing Array? What the hell is this, Hu Xiao'er thought to himself, I've never learned it before.

Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng had left some tricks up his sleeve?

The agent s surrounded the monsters at a distance, then stood in eight different directions.

The other agent s all jumped up onto their shoulders, and quickly retrieved their Yellow Talisman, and started chanting.

Taking the chance, Hu Xiao'er carried the katana and somersaulted to the top of the monster, preparing to slash again.

Zhang Sanfeng shouted, "Hu Xiao'er, don't stand in the array, stay away from it!"

Hu Xiao'er heard the order, but he had already made his move, so it was impossible for him to stop mid-air.

So he planned to first slash a few times and then jump out of the formation.

Let me see how strong you are!

Hu Xiao'er gripped his blade tightly, and just as he was about to hit the ground, he waved it.

With a horizontal slash, the monster was chopped into two, and at the same time, the monster's tentacles also struck Hu Xiao'er's body.

At that moment, Hu Xiao'er was once again sent flying.

Li Xue clenched her fists in worry, her palms were covered with perspiration.

The monster was slashed into two halves from its abdomen and lay still on the ground.

"Success?" Chen Feng looked at the screen in disbelief.

Hu Xiao'er laid on the ground, while agent went over to ask about the situation.

Just as he was about to prop himself up, he felt a numbing sensation in his chest.

Was his ribs broken?

Then, he fell down once more, his vision somewhat blank.

Hu Xiao'er thought to himself that this monster was definitely dead. I only took one attack from it and it became like this, Seven Stars Heavenly Master actually took a lot of effort to deal with it, and according to Zhang Sanfeng's preliminary judgment of it.

It was basically certain that this was the first time the monster had shed its skin and evolved.

Hu Xiao'er was speechless. The first time evolution was already so powerful, what would happen if it continued to evolve?

Turning his head to look at the monster that was split into two parts on the ground, Hu Xiao'er thought that it was lucky that he got rid of it, otherwise there would be endless disaster.

When the crowd saw that the monster had been taken care of, they immediately let down their guard.

Zhang Sanfeng thought to himself, it's this Hu Xiao'er, just how strong is he?

"Chief Zhang, be careful!" That monster is moving again! "

Chen Feng's words caused everyone to turn pale with fright.

The moonlight slowly came in through the window outside the factory, clearly illuminating the inside of the building.

Everyone hurriedly returned and formed a formation.

The monster seemed to be infuriated as it roared towards the sky, stripping off the remaining human skin and appearing like a standing dinosaur before everyone's eyes.

Is this the first evolution? Since the first evolution was already so terrifying, he had to think of a way to deal with it quickly.

Once it fled to the city, the consequences would be immeasurable.

As for Hu Xiao'er, who was still recovering, lying on the ground, he looked at the monster that he had cut off with his own hands, in disbelief as he revived.

What exactly is this thing?

He did not have a trace of evil Qi on him, and he was so strong.

It was over. He had thought that with the system on his side, he could already be considered as having turned on the game.

He didn't think that there would be something more important than him.

Hu Xiao'er: System, how long will it take to heal?

System: Master, five more minutes.

Zhang Sanfeng immediately shouted, "Activate formation!"

Immediately, a dozen or so holding agent s lit up the Yellow Talisman. Taking a deep breath, they blew towards the monster.

This was the Eight Trigrams Fire Sealing Array?

Hu Xiao'er immediately understood what kind of spell this was.

Using the Fire Snake Technique to surround and suppress the evil creature was equivalent to wrapping the dumpling in the middle, making it unable to escape.

From this, it could be seen that this was a formation to deal with powerful evil beings. After all, it was a method to suppress them.

If he was dealing with an evil being with average strength, he only needed to capture or dispose of it.

There was no need to go to such lengths to pull everyone together.

Because when they formed a formation, they were at their wit's end.

He had originally thought that this time, the repressive style would be effective, but he had made another mistake.

Thus, in order to dodge the attack, it lay on the ground, and its four limbs quickly separated from its body, turning it into pieces of corpses.

It was no wonder why this entire body was made up of countless Haemophilus. Since they were bugs, naturally they wouldn't care if they were a complete body or corpse section, because every part of their body was made up of countless Haemophilus s.

To give an exact and graphic analogy.

A humanoid monster composed of billions of living ants would not be able to cut it into countless pieces.

This was because each section could still be moved. If necessary, they would once again gather together to form the humanoid monster. This was the logic behind it.

But at this moment, Hu Xiao'er realized that it was very possible that the one they were facing was such a terrifying monster.

The fire serpents fell from the sky, but the monster was able to quickly evade them.