Chapter 889: Battery explosion

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>History and Military

>Third Reich

> Chapter 889 Battery Explosion Catalog Setting Bookmark Comments Chapter 889 Battery Explosion

Fiction: Third Reich Author: East-hung Word Count: 1918

The invention of the submarine is based on the ancient Archimedes principle. Therefore, compared with the surface ship, the submarine has an additional necessary device, that is, the water tank. By filling the water tank to increase the gravity of the submarine, it sinks.

If you want to get out of the sea, you need to use the compressed air carried by the submarine to expel the seawater. Just like the maw, the submarine was first invented during the North American War of Independence, and the thing that made the submarine shine is still World War I and World War II.

Of course, the protagonist is not an island submarine.

Now, the No. 74 submarine is injured by the anti-submarine deep bomb. It must surface quickly, otherwise, it will never rise.

Guitou was very nervous. After learning that the tail had leaked, he immediately ordered the ballast water tank in the bow of the boat to be drained. 35xs

Not all the water tanks are emptied. Of course, there is something special.

When the submarine enters the sea completely, it can operate the submarine's various actions by the elevator, which is very similar to an airplane. If you want to make the submarine float, you need to make the boat head up.

How can we quickly make the submarine into this state? Of course it is to empty the first sea of ​​the boat!

Compressed air poured into the ballast tank at the bow of the boat, expelling the seawater from the bow. The bow immediately reduced its weight, while the tail was filled with seawater. In this way, the submarine was like a seesaw, naturally being tilted up. Up!

The bow of the boat is rising fast, and every submarine soldier is holding on to the handrail next to it tightly. This is the craziest and most exciting kind of submarine operation, ascend urgently!

In later generations, Lao Mei often did this. As a result, she often collided with ships on the sea and caused several major accidents.

Yi-74 must do this, because it has been flooded. If it can't get up quickly, maybe it will never get up!

The hull continued to rise, and soon the angle exceeded thirty degrees. At this time, the ghost felt that the situation was not good.

He actually forgot that there was still sea water coming in from the tail!

In a normal emergency ascent, it is enough to empty the head of the boat, but now, there is still sea water coming in from the tail, and the posture of the boat changes too fast!

When the angle exceeds thirty degrees, there will be danger!

"Quick, empty the rear ballast tank!" He was quickly giving orders, but it was a pity that it was too difficult to perform this kind of action in a tilted hull!

When several sailors wanted to release their hands, they unscrewed the valve. As soon as they released their hands, their bodies fell involuntarily!

The upward angle of the hull has exceeded forty-five degrees!

From the entire submarine, there was a high-decibel voice with a ghastly head: "Quickly, empty the tail water, otherwise we will all be finished!"

"Squeak, squeak!" Finally, a submarine soldier reached for the valve, exhausted all his strength, and unscrewed it at an angle.

The compressed air was started and injected into the ballast water tank. Unfortunately, it was too late!

The ascent of the hull continues, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

The contents of the entire submarine fell towards the back of the submarine. That's because the submarine was low behind and high in front. The angle reached seventy degrees and it was still rising!

Just like a fishing float, it is light on the top and heavy on the bottom, and of course it is erected!

A long submarine, originally like a fish

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Chapter 889: The battery explodes, the Third Reich-novelfull

The invention of the submarine is based on the ancient Archimedes principle. Therefore, compared with the surface ship, the submarine has an additional necessary device, that is, the water tank. By filling the water tank to increase the gravity of the submarine, it sinks.

If you want to get out of the sea, you need to use the compressed air carried by the submarine to expel the seawater. Just like the maw, the submarine was first invented during the North American War of Independence, and the thing that made the submarine shine is still World War I and World War II.

Of course, the protagonist is not an island submarine.

Now, the No. 74 submarine is injured by the anti-submarine deep bomb. It must surface quickly, otherwise, it will never rise.

Guitou was very nervous. After learning that the tail had leaked, he immediately ordered the ballast water tank in the bow of the boat to be drained. 35xs

Not all the water tanks are emptied. Of course, there is something special.

When the submarine enters the sea completely, it can operate the submarine's various actions by the elevator, which is very similar to an airplane. If you want to make the submarine float, you need to make the boat head up.

How can we quickly make the submarine into this state? Of course it is to empty the first sea of ​​the boat!

Compressed air poured into the ballast tank at the bow of the boat, expelling the seawater from the bow. The bow immediately reduced its weight, while the tail was filled with seawater. In this way, the submarine was like a seesaw, naturally being tilted up. Up!

The bow of the boat is rising fast, and every submarine soldier is holding on to the handrail next to it tightly. This is the craziest and most exciting kind of submarine operation, emergency float!

In later generations, Lao Mei often did this. As a result, she often collided with ships on the sea and caused several major accidents.

Yi-74 must do this, because it has been flooded. If it can't get up quickly, maybe it will never get up!

The hull continued to rise, and soon the angle exceeded thirty degrees. At this time, the ghost felt that the situation was not good.

He actually forgot that there was still sea water coming in from the tail!

In a normal emergency ascent, it is enough to empty the head of the boat, but now, there is still sea water coming in from the tail, and the posture of the boat changes too fast!

When the angle exceeds thirty degrees, there will be danger!

"Quick, empty the rear ballast tank!" He was quickly giving orders, but it was a pity that it was too difficult to perform this kind of action in a tilted hull!

When several sailors wanted to release their hands, they unscrewed the valve. As soon as they released their hands, their bodies fell involuntarily!

The upward angle of the hull has exceeded forty-five degrees!

From the entire submarine, there was a high-decibel voice with a ghastly head: "Quickly, empty the tail water, otherwise we will all be finished!"

"Squeak, squeak!" Finally, a submarine soldier reached for the valve, exhausted all his strength, and unscrewed it at an angle.

The compressed air was started and injected into the ballast water tank. Unfortunately, it was too late!

The ascent of the hull continues, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

The contents of the entire submarine fell towards the back of the submarine. That's because the submarine was low behind and high in front. The angle reached seventy degrees and it was still rising!

Just like a fishing float, it is light on the top and heavy on the bottom, and of course it is erected!

A long submarine, originally like a fish