Looking at Zhang Muqi, who painted 20 Buddha leaping walls, he was also shocked. He thought that Lin Dong would fight a war of attrition. He came one by one. He didn't expect to throw away 20 directly.

Zhang Muqi bit his silver teeth and stomped his feet. Would I be afraid of a little loser? Follow.

Host [Zhang Muqi] presented 20 Buddha leaping walls to Feng Xiaomei!

Before the special effects of Buddha jumping over the wall passed, Lin Dong began to brush again.

Brother Luo presented 20 Buddha leaping walls to Feng Xiaomei!

After two or three minutes, everyone thought that Zhang Muqi gave up the suppression, and the system prompt began to display again.

Host [Zhang Muqi] presented 20 Buddha leaping walls to Feng Xiaomei!

The two men's war directly triggered another heated discussion among millions of people.

In the live broadcasting room, the smoke does not let two people crazy.

"I'm tired, 66666, 666."

"Mad, am I in the middle of a century war? How exciting

"The whole field is full of high energy, and the enemy and our side are locked in each other. I am afraid that the third world war will be triggered here."

"The beginning, the beginning, who will win this century gamble for the beauty alone? Is it Zhang Muqi, the so-called seductive seven brothers? Brother Luo is still infatuated. "

"I'll go first. I'll crush seven brothers. As a big anchor with the level of ten million, it's not a matter of minutes to kill brother Luo."

"What's up there? Just Zhang Muqi, who takes off his clothes, what can he do? I'll listen to Luo Ge. Luo Ge will win

"Hehe, just the loser? It's estimated that all the money he rewards is from the company's public funds. Recently, a little loser embezzled tens of millions of public funds from the company to reward female anchors. I think he is also that kind of person. "

"I think your seven elder brother's so-called relationship with the high-level, I guess it's that kind of abnormal relationship. Ha ha ha

"Sleeping trough, this is to do something, two groups of people fighting with each other?"

"Sit and watch the mountain tiger fight."


"Grab the sofa."

"Grab the leather sofa."


the war between the local tyrants is only for the local tyrants to play, while the poor can only make the war even hotter by the side.

At this time, Feng Xiaomei didn't know what to do, watching two people fight each other, she couldn't put in a word, only a big mouth, staring at the screen.

Lin Dong and Zhang Muqi's war, others want to help but also can not help, do you want to help them to reward this small anchor? How is that possible?

At this time, they have already sent out at least 60 Buddha leaping walls, worth 60000 yuan. Do you think about this figure? I've thought about it, but I just thought that if you pay 60000 to reward the anchor, no one will speak.

Lin Dong sees Zhang Muqi still does not give up to chase oneself, it seems to want to come a cruel let her long memory.

Brother Luo presented 50 Buddha leaping walls to Feng Xiaomei!

Oh! Fifty of them will be sent out at once. This is not money.

The audience in the studio is almost cursing.

"Snow, we really don't understand the world of your local tyrants. Are all your money picked up? Where there is a pick-up, you can call me next time

"Although people are more angry than others, we are very welcome to see you so angry in front of us."

"Seeing the behavior of local tyrants, I feel that the world is forcing me to die. Fortunately, I am weak and dare not die."

"There are three kinds of things that hurt people: trouble, quarrels, empty wallets. One of the most damaging is the empty purse. " Fate novel www.51yuanxs.com

"This group of forces upstairs is from which psychiatric hospital ran out, feel to pull back to them."

"I'm sorry, those are psychiatric patients in our hospital. They just ran out when we didn't pay attention. I'll take them back now."

"These children will really make trouble for me. These children are my children. They have been mentally ill since childhood. As soon as they see the local tyrant, they will get sick. There is no way. The gene will follow me. The local tyrant, I love you, and I will give you a baby."

"Sleeping trough, the mental illness of the family has come out."

"Where are the seven brothers? Let's come again. We can't let them look down on you and talk to him again

"Cut, I think your seven elder brothers are counselled, dare not come again."


Zhang Muqi, in front of the screen, looked at the fifty Buddhas who had just been sent out by Lin Dong. He looked as ugly as he could be.

It is estimated that my reward for a week is 200000. I have already sent out 60 Buddha leaping walls, which is worth 60000. Then there are 50 Buddha leaping walls, and another 50000. If I give them away, I will lose the reward of one and a half this week.

Originally 21 times of follow-up, now by Lin Dong one-time pull up 50, does he want to solve himself? It's impossible. I don't believe he can take out so much money at a time.All of a sudden, Zhang Muqi saw a barrage in his live room.

"Seven brothers, seven brothers. There must not be much left of that boy. So a big one is to make you feel that he is rich and not afraid of you. In fact, it is not. He is fooling you

Yes, that's right. He must be unable to hold on, so he wants to fight for the last time. Hum, you almost played him.

You're still too young to fight me!

As a result, Zhang Muqi once again sent out 50 Buddha leaping over the wall and followed directly.

Zhang Muqi presented 50 Buddha leaping walls to Feng Xiaomei!

Do things, who will worry about big things? Only worry that things won't go on.

"Rogo, Rogo, I support you, come again, crush her!"

"Rogo, crush her to the ground, and fifty more."

"What kind of Rogo, it's just a dying struggle."

"Wow, it's exciting. It's exciting. My little heart can't stand it. Rogo, another 50."

"Continue to open ah, oh, there is no one bet ah, the last moment, is our seven brother rich and aggressive rights, or our brother Luo is rich, holding beauty home, buy sure to leave."

"I won over the anchor!"

"Yes, I also beat the anchor to win. On the first day of live broadcast, I received more than 100000 awards. This is definitely the final winner."

"That's reasonable. The anchor has received so many Buddha leaping walls without doing anything. It's really awesome."

"Banker, open an anchor, I have all my belongings on it."

"Well, you can only bet on these two people. The anchor is not in it."


"little loser, get out as soon as you don't have money. Don't lose face here."

A colorful barrage emerged from the crowd.

Zhang Muqi believes confidently that Lin Dong has already reached the limit, which is just a dying struggle.

Looking at Zhang Muqi's bullet screen, I didn't see a new reward after a long time. Almost everyone in the live broadcasting room thought that Lin Dong had really reached the limit and did not dare or could not press it any more.

However, contrary to our wishes, the long-waiting system prompts appear.

Brother Luo presents 100 Buddha jumping walls to Feng Xiaomei!!