Uncle Xiuqi didn't want to talk to Li Yifei any more. It's because Li Yifei behaved politely. Otherwise, he directly started to beat him away. It seems that Li Yifei said a few words unintentionally, which attracted Xiuqi's attention.

"Grafting, you mean?"

"Yes, grafting." Li Yifei nods. He has read yuan daoshen's papers on hybrid rice, but those words certainly don't apply here. Li Yifei can't say words like cell, molecule and gene. Fortunately, grafting is also an excellent breeding method. For example, common fruits such as pears and apples can be grafted, including peaches and plums Li Yifei doesn't know much.

"Talk about it carefully!" Xiuqi took Li Yifei and sat down.

"I heard uncle Xiuqi say you want to increase the production just now, I thought of this!" Li Yifei said.

"No, I mean, I don't understand the meaning of these two words. Try to explain them to me as carefully as possible." Repair the road.

"Well, this is what my master said. He said that everything is connected. Some of them are very big, others are so small that we can't even feel them. But there are always connections. Just like aura, we can inhale the body and cultivate different attributes, even unique true Qi. We don't know how many changes have taken place between these changes, but we can To compare the true Qi to gravel, one gravel, ten thousand gravel, countless gravel converged together and turned into true Qi. The same is true for plants. Look at this fruit, whether these dots on the flesh are independent individuals. However, when they grow together, my master calls these things cells. Some cells are large, others are small, and cells of different sizes, or It's a combination of other kinds of cells, different objects, fruits and other things. "

Xiuqi listened carefully, nodded his head and said, "yes, it's true. People are the same as animals. Although your description is not quite the same, I can understand it!"

Li Yifei raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't expect that the theoretical knowledge of the world was still very high. However, he immediately realized that the cultivator himself is the one who studies himself, or life. There are boundless grandeur and subtlety. It is not difficult to understand these.

He then went on to say, "so my master has done experiments, grafting two similar plants, like this..." Li Yifei picked up two pieces of sticks, one thick and one thin. The thick one was inserted on the ground. The thin one was cut off with a sword and inserted into the thick one. He explained, "it's OK like this."

"Is this grafting?"

"Yes, but if the plant properties are similar, such as this fruit, it should have similar fruits? Similar in appearance or taste? Or maybe it looks like a tree! "

"Smelly fruit? Well, I know that there are seven or eight similar fruits, although the names are different

"Yes, the principle of grafting lies in this. For example, this fruit has a big fist, but it doesn't taste good, or it doesn't have enough aura, so people don't like it, while the other kind of fruit, oh, stinky fruit, it's very small, and there's less fruit on a tree, but it tastes good, and it's also full of Qi. What should we do at this time?" Li Yifei picked up the smelly fruit and bumped in his hand. He couldn't help thinking about how he got such an ugly name. Can't he have a poetic name? But on second thought, it's also a waste of those names, which are smelly and poetic.

If Xiuqi had thought about it for more than a minute, he nodded his head and said, "so you mean, let me connect two kinds of fruit trees together. For example, this kind of smelly fruit has a good taste and can recover a lot of aura. When it is put on another kind of tree that can bear big fruit, this kind of fruit will grow out of it. Is this the kind of fruit? And how much more? "

"In theory, it's possible, but I'm not sure. I've only seen my master do it, but I didn't do it myself!"

"Your statement is very novel. I never thought about it. In the past, I only paid attention to the land, the seeds of plants and so on, but I have never tried to say this like you."

"Grafting, in fact, is a kind of asexual reproduction. Oh, for example, men and women can only have children together, and plants are the same. If they are opened, they are equivalent to women..."

"And the man? Does flower have a mother and a mother

"In most cases, there are both male and female flowers in a flower. The male is the stamen, which is the one..." Li Yifei happened to see a flower blooming beside him. When he turned the sword in his hand, he cut it off and picked it. Uncle Xiuqi's eyes widened in an instant, and a sense of awe arose. Li Yifei was stunned. Subconsciously, he thought that he had met a master of several levels. Just then, he came down with cold sweat. But it was just a breathing room, and the surrounding was warm Ru Chun, without any change, Li Yifei can't help but swallow his mouth and spit. He subconsciously looks at the other side of the forest and guesses whether there is an expert coming out.

Uncle Xiuqi pointed to the flower and said, "which are the male and those are the female?"

"Er..." Li Yifei didn't know whether to go on for a while. He was worried that his too modern words would arouse the suspicion of the other party. So he hesitated. Seeing uncle Xiuqi's inquiring eyes, he still pointed to the position of the flower heart and said, "here, or inside, see? There is a channel. Inside is the place where the fruit is bred, while the powder outside is actually It's pollen, which is Male and female are inside, but most flowers can't pollinate themselves, so butterflies, bees and even wind are needed to blow down the pollen and fall on other flowers. In this way, an embryo of fruit is formed, and then it grows slowly"It's sexual reproduction. It doesn't need seeds. It just needs mature individuals. Of course, when it comes to flowering, it still needs sexual reproduction. It's just that we combine two different things together, which is the magic of grafting."

"The operation is based on the healing function of plants after injury. During grafting, the two injured surfaces are close to each other and tied together. At this time, the plant itself will have cells to grow. The cells are the gravel I just mentioned. Some of them are very large and some are very small. Just like when we are injured, the skin will heal slowly, and the inner part will recover It's the same thing. After they heal, they join together and become a whole. The roots absorb water and nutrients and transport them to the upper part. Naturally, they will continue to grow, blossom and bear fruits

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