"The nearest military airport is 50 kilometers away. You said that I would call several fighters to drop some bombs. Would you and your legacy end here?" Li Yifei has a strange smile on his face. While speaking, he has taken out his mobile phone and has a look at it and finds that there is a signal.

"You The mysterious man was full of self-confidence and even fearless. The array he arranged used the best equipment he could collect. In addition, the array was special and the protection ability was very strong. So to speak, in the world, the mysterious man felt that there was no one else who wanted to crack the array outside. Oh, he didn't need to add the word "I'm afraid" I haven't seen anyone stronger than him since I've been wandering in the world for so many years. Maybe there were more than one hundred years ago. However, after more than 100 years, those who were the strongest at that time couldn't survive now, or they were killed by him. How could they become a threat.

As for Li Yifei, the mysterious man knows that he is also one of the strongest people in the world, but even he holds the magic weapon, he can't bring any substantial damage to the array, so the mysterious man is very confident.

However, the mysterious man has neglected one thing. It is now the 21st century. With the rapid development of science, a gun can threaten a skilled repairer and a missile can blow up. Murong Zheng and others almost died, even destroying his good deeds and destroying his remains. If it was not for the missile, he would not have been Pay so much, I almost hurt myself.

At this time, when Li Yifei proposed to call the fighter plane to drop the bomb, the mysterious man was clear. If Li Yifei really did, it would take only a few minutes for the fighter to fly here from receiving the command, but it would be even shorter if the live ammunition was launched directly from the missile base.

These things can also be done by the mysterious man. As long as he shows his identity, he has the full right to order some troops to do such things. So he wavers. Looking at Li Yifei's funny face, the mysterious man has a strong aversion. He thinks that this man is really annoying. At the beginning, he didn't kill him, which is the biggest mistake.

Of course, the reason why Li Yifei didn't kill him was that Noah's Ark organization needed to absorb talents at that time. At that time, it was not sure whether it could produce those man-made masters. Then Li Yifei's growth speed was too fast, as if he was just a careless one. He was already a number of masters in the world. If he wanted to kill him, the cost would be a bit high Even Noah's Ark has issued a killing order, and Li Yifei is still good. Nothing happened.

Li Yifei doesn't know that he met the mysterious man in the background. The latter killed his plane, but he didn't do it in the end.

All these are just the mysterious man's thoughts in a flash, so he thinks that Li Yifei at this time is hateful. With two men separated by the array, Li Yifei is more and more sure that what he has just said is a great threat to the mysterious man.

"It's a good array. I have to admit that I can't attack. Maybe I can make it with a thousand knives, but I'm tired out." Li Yifei chuckled and said, "but the times are different now. If we go forward several hundred years and encounter this array, there is no move. But now Try it first. After all, it's my guess. "

Both women thought that Li Yifei was so handsome. Seeing the mysterious man who was shrinking his head like a turtle in the array, his handsome face became a little flustered, and the two girls felt happy.

"Li Yifei, you really want to do me a bad thing?" The mysterious man whispered.

"Don't waste time. I know you're going to succeed. So, let God decide. If you succeed in a few minutes, we deserve our bad luck. If we don't, we deserve our bad luck. After all, you are a shrinking turtle now, and you are not willing to fight with us properly

With that, Li Yifei's phone had been dialed. The mysterious man flew to the edge of the array, and the nearest place to Li Yifei said in a quick voice, "wait a minute, you can't do this."

"What? If you give up now and let this monster stop, we still have to discuss. " Although Li Yifei said so, his mobile phone has already dialed the phone. What he is joking about is destroying the world, destroying more than 7 billion people on the earth, and destroying countless Holy Spirits on the earth. At this time, it falls on Li Yifei and his holy daughter Xu Shanshan. If Li Yifei still plays games, there will be something wrong.

So he immediately said to the phone, "I'm Li Yifei. Now I order you to launch missiles to the center of Weicheng immediately. You can consider large equivalent missiles or airborne missiles. In short, you should use the fastest speed."

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Li Yifei really did this, the mysterious man immediately panicked. He patted the array and yelled: "we'll change the way. If you really want to stop me, I'll give you a chance and give you a chance!"

"What?" Li Yifei raised his eyebrows and looked at him. In fact, his heart was not calm. Even Li Yifei felt that his heart was not only quickening. He was very nervous, but he had to pretend that his style was light. Otherwise, if he was too nervous, his threatening effect on the mysterious person might be weaker.

"I will withdraw the array and have a fight with you. If you lose, you will leave here. If I lose, I will terminate this matter." The mysterious man's tone became cold."How can I believe you? "Li Yifei frowned.

However, the mysterious man just waved his hand, and the man had already landed on the ground. Obviously, the array he had worked hard to arrange had been removed, and Li Yifei also felt that the array had disappeared, because the power of the giant like guy was directly pressing down on him, and Li Yifei's knees even made a click sound. Fortunately, he was able to resist.

"Because I'm going to kill you!" The mysterious man said coldly, as he finished speaking, the man had come to Li Yifei.

It's really different. Li Yifei can feel the power of the mysterious man. He is really superior. However, Li Yifei is not afraid. He has broken the biggest reliance of the mysterious man. If the other party is not afraid, he can not come out. He just needs to be inside. He doesn't even need to arrange an array. This array is not used to block Li Yifei Human?

Therefore, it can be analyzed that the condition of the goods may not be so good. Li Yifei squints his eyes, slowly raises his Mo Wu Sword, points to the mysterious man and says, "since it's a life and death war, I've got it. There are billions of people behind me. There's only one monster behind you. It's obvious and easy to see who wins or loses."

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