Holding a jar of Cherry Blossom wine, I feel very moved. The master of this array world is actually a practitioner who is three levels higher. If what the other side says is true, then Li Yifei can't figure out what kind of cultivation the other side has achieved. We should know that Xiantian master's ability has been very outstanding, and the other side is actually higher than three levels

Whoa, Li Yifei took a deep breath. Just as he was about to leave, he was stunned because he didn't know how to get out

"This It's embarrassing. " Li Yifei can't help but stare at him, quite speechless. In this array of heaven and earth, although there will certainly be a way out, but for the time being, Li Yifei has no clue.

Put down the wine jar, Li Yifei pinched his nose, and sat down slowly, frowning, and began to think about the way out.

"Ha ha ha ha." After killing the cool jar of Cherry Blossom wine, Li Yifei was a bit drunk. No, he was a little bit staggered when he stood up. So he suddenly stood up and began to fight drunken fist and double fists. He started to spread out the unknown boxing skills that he had learned. This boxing technique was not the soft boxing of women, but the fierce and incomparable boxing. Every move was with killing Ji, Li Yifei drinks too much Cherry Blossom wine, so that his body's aura is full. Soon after half a set of boxing is finished, he can stop. He feels that his body's aura is almost consumed and his wine strength is half awake.

"Fun." Li Yifei opened his mouth and breathed a long sigh of relief. His forehead was covered with sweat.

After saying this, Li Yifei has realized how to get out of the tomb. Seeing his words in his mouth and his fists waving in his hands, he seems to be pinching the Dharma formula. At the same time, he drinks "open" and sees the time change. Li Yifei has already appeared in the dark tomb chamber,

but just as soon as he appears, he suddenly feels a dangerous breath in his ears Hearing a loud drink, Li Yifei quickly unfolded his body method and flashed two steps towards the side. The real Qi armor was immediately put on his body, and the real Qi sword also appeared in his hand.

All these things were done in an instant. Then Li Yifei saw a sword flying towards him. He raised his sword to meet him.

He was surprised by the sudden attack. After all, he had just come out of the array and was not prepared for anyone outside. Li Yifei was an expert at sword. Li Yifei's Footwork was unfolded, and the real Qi sword in his hand was inseparable from each other. The swordsmanship of the people in front of him was really superb, which was rarely seen by Li Yifei.

Brush, two swords flutter, and the third one stabs Li Yifei's face. At this time, Li Yifei's middle door is wide open, and it's impossible to resist it, unless his forehead is hard enough to be hurt by the sword, but that's impossible. So Li Yifei uses the Zhenqi knife to block it. With a bang, Zhenqi Dao is broken in response to the blow. Li Yifei quickly retreats, but it is three or four meters behind him On the wall, he was in a situation where he could not retreat. It was too late to summon the true Qi sabre. Although the real Qi Sabre can be summoned in seconds, it will take a little time after all.

When Li Yifei thought of this, his body suddenly became short. He saw that the sword stabbed his backpack and tore it. The food in the backpack fell out. Li Yifei also dodged. When he stood up again, he already had two more Zhenqi swords in his hand. He was not very good at using the sword, but he was not very good at it. He didn't accept anyone's "double sabres" and forced him back When attacking, Li Yifei yells. Although he can't see the opponent's appearance clearly in the dark, and even the origin and destination of the sword, Li Yifei can feel the murderous spirit. The opponent comes with murderous spirit, so every move has its trace. Li Yifei's double swords are Zhenqi Dao. In two or three minutes, he was chopped six Zhenqi swords by his opponent in two or three minutes. This is a big gap. After a backhand return, Li Yifei dodged the battle circle. Although the opponent was chasing him, his body method was faster and it was too dark. Li Yifei didn't want to entangle him here, so he wanted to rush out and

1 Li Yifei slammed his sword in front of him, and the opponent had another sword. No, Li Yifei felt that several swords had locked him in different directions. He could not help but be shocked. The real Qi armor immediately rose and his double swords were in his hand. Li Yifei roared. Facing the locking of several swords, he rushed to the other side, and he was not as many as the other side's weapons, But you can't help it if I enter you with a knife and exchange my life for my life.

Of course, Li Yifei doesn't think his move can work. His opponent is very strong. In such a narrow space with poor eyesight, the opponent has more swords, and his advantage is slightly larger. However, Li Yifei is more restricted. He doesn't want to take a sword in his back because he still carries the backpack on his back, which also contains food for Xu Shanshan, so he can't give up.

On the contrary, the other side seems to have no scruples. He is extremely radical, and his sword goes straight to the heart of Li Yifei.

"You're really good at pushing all my strength out of me." After four or five minutes of fighting, Li Yifei had already chopped up more than ten Zhenqi knives. The Qi in his body was running at a high speed, flowing wildly in the meridians.

Li Yifei thought that he was already the top expert in the world, but he didn't expect that he could meet a man with advanced cultivation in the ancient tomb. He could not be as good as himself in his cultivation alone, but this sword technique It's really powerful, and it's also able to control the sword without hand. This skill alone is beyond Li Yifei's ability.The man who can defend the sword Li Yifei only knew the elder Qingqiu and Xu Shanshan who was practicing with her. Thinking of this, Li Yifei suddenly stopped and yelled: "Shanshan, is that you?"

Li Yifei didn't really fight for life and death with her predecessors in Qingqiu, so he didn't know her cultivation very well. Although he knew Xu Shanshan's true spirit, the person in front of him was not the one Li Yifei was familiar with. So he didn't think of it for a while. However, he came to Taihang mountain to look for Xu Shanshan. If the other party appeared here, it would be reasonable.

As for the art of imperial sword, even if there are others who can do it, there are not many.

But when Li Yifei called out and stopped attacking, a flying sword stabbed him in an instant.

Li Yifei felt it immediately. In a moment, there was a flicker. Was he wrong? Just as Li Yifei was about to block the sword with genuine Qi armor, the lightning fast sword stopped in front of him, not more than five centimeters away from his chest, and the body of the sword still clanged www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!