The discussion on this matter is so extensive that it is even more extensive than before. Two days later, the national news station reported the incident at 7:30 p.m. and gave commentators' articles.

At that time, Li Yifei was drinking tea. He almost didn't spit out a mouthful of tea. He was in the habit of watching the news. After he died, he would take a look at it, especially this kind of national news. In normal 30 minutes, there were only a few news items, all of which were concentrated events. Of course, for ordinary people, these events were of no use.

Li Yifei was surprised to see the heated discussion he had accidentally caused on the Internet, and it was on the national news station. Li Yifei was very surprised. Several women beside him were staring at each other. It was not until the commentator finished reading the article that everyone responded. Xu Yingying said at the first time, "is it necessary to go to the news station to discuss this matter? It's not something you do! "

"This is not a good idea. Generally speaking, if there is action on it, it will be preheated in advance, which is also called blowing. I don't think it's worth the news, but once it's on, I'm afraid there will be big moves." Su Mengxin frowned, she can think of these, but can't guess what it is.

"I think I'm innocent, don't I?" Li Yifei saw everyone looking at him, shrugged his shoulders, opened his hands and said, "I didn't want to do this!"

"It's really See you for a long time. But I think it's OK Several women have been studying for a long time, but they haven't come up with anything. Finally, we speculate that it may be due to some new trend of the national news station. It's better to pay attention to it so as not to fall into a passive position. At the same time, we also asked Li Yifei not to post too many controversial microblogs for the time being. Of course, the Li family is already a giant and has a certain foundation, but it still needs to keep up with the state Consistency, no nonsense.

Li Yifei also deeply believed that, only in this, could he understand how powerful and irresistible his power was.

Li Yifei had a good time at home, but Li Yifei had to go out today. Several aunts came together to see Li Yifei and also sat down at home. In fact, they hardly ever came here. The children of several aunts are developing well. With the help funds proposed by Li Yifei, they have developed well in the past two years under reasonable projects. Of course, such as If you can't make money and change your fate, you can't help. After all, it's impossible to give money directly. It's also the result of spending money in a short time.

After receiving the call, Li Yifei said that he would go home to pick up his parents. He had to recognize these relatives, especially the relatives of the Li family, whether from his mother's side or from his father's side, were very measured and measured in their work. He would not come to trouble Li Yifei casually. This time, several aunts met, Li Yifei guessed that something had happened, but he didn't know what it was In the morning, he took several security guards and drove several cars to pick up people. Although several aunts said they didn't need to pick them up, as a younger generation, things had to be done.

I didn't expect to meet some aunts on the way, but the other side also drove two cars. The conditions were much better in the past two years. The children bought them. They knew they would come to Li's house, so they immediately offered to give them away.

After meeting, Li Yifei and several aunts sat in a car. It was a business car. The seats were spacious and enough to sit on.

All the way to the Li family, we went into the courtyard, and all the people we met along the way stopped to say hello. Several unemployed women were also waiting at home to see each other. Everyone was very happy and had a good talk. After sitting down and chatting for a while, Li Yifei asked, "second aunt, third aunt, is there anything you want to do? If you have something to say, what your nephew can do will not be ambiguous. "

Several aunts looked at each other and said, "things There is one thing. I came to discuss with you. This is not our ancestral tomb. I went to the grave a few days ago and found that it was seriously damaged. I wanted to repair it. However, I went to several gentlemen and said that we should change places. I thought it could not be changed. Because of the good wind and water and the protection of our ancestors, this grave can only be repaired and can not be moved! "

"What your third aunt said is not complete. Our ancestral tomb is not whether we want to move it now, but someone wants to occupy it. Now, a rich family in the town has bought the ancestral tomb. It is said that the ancestral tomb will be moved in a few days. It's nothing. The mountain is so big. It's just burying a few tombs. The key is that they just want to place the ancestral tombs on us The top of the ancestral tomb is just a few meters away from our family. This is not a bully. I asked Mr. Yin and Yang, which is called stepping on the grave. That is to say, the ancestors of his family stepped on our ancestors, stepped on our fengshui, and transferred good Fengshui and good luck to their families. "

"Yes, that's what happened. You said that we had a hard time making you and glorifying our ancestors. Now someone is doing this kind of evil thing. You say it's hateful. We should have solved this matter. As a result, after communication, the other party not only didn't stop, but also almost started with us!"

"Such a thing?" What Li Yifei heard was very strange. Naturally, he didn't believe in ancestral tombs and geomantic omens. He was able to be today, which was the result of his own efforts. However, he didn't want anyone to disturb the sleeping of his ancestors. Although there were no bones in the coffin, there might be only empty rotten coffins left!

The third aunt nodded and said, "we went to ask. The mountain was really sold to their family. It was their property. We couldn't help it. The town didn't talk to us. Alas, that's why I came to find you. You are the most promising one in our family. It's up to you. We can't let them pick up their ancestral graves. We can't move their ancestral graves here. It's also a matter of fact It's too shady.After hearing this, Li Yifei said, "OK, third aunt, I understand this. It's not necessary to be so close to the mountain. Although we don't believe that, we can't watch them play around."

"That is, we can't watch them do this too much. This group of people clearly want to play tricks and seize our Fengshui. Once we fly, we have no choice but to come to you. Although you are a member of our family, although you are surnamed Li, this kind of thing must be dealt with. Otherwise, those people will have to dig the ancestral graves in two years. ”

"we have no other way. Your brothers and sisters have been developed by your light in the past two years, but they can't do things well. We have no idea when we encounter this kind of thing. We have to study it and come to you."

When Li Yifei understood, he nodded and said, "I'll deal with it. You can't ask them to dig up the ancestral graves. I'll buy the nearby mountains later."

"Then we can rest assured. Alas, we didn't believe in geomantic omen when you said it was a trouble. How could those people believe it?"

Li Yifei nodded in tears and laughter. In his opinion, the lights of death, the so-called graves and relics, are the thoughts of living people, which have no significance for the dead. However, several aunts are so concerned, Li Yifei also decides to intervene. It's OK for you to bury the grave. Don't worry about all kinds of thoughts.

Although the Li family is very good, if they want to stay more, this nephew is only a daughter-in-law, all of them are not beautiful. Everyone likes them. A few children are also exquisite and intelligent. Because of their good genes, they are good-looking from childhood. Several old people naturally like them, but they are more concerned about their ancestral graves I can't live any longer after only staying for one night. I want Li Yifei to go back with them and solve this matter first.

Li Yifei naturally wanted to accompany them. After a word with the girls, Su Li and Chu Xiaoyao expressed their willingness to follow together. Li Yifei agreed to come down. The three of them drove a car, followed by two of his family's cars, and finally two of the Li family's security guards, with ten security guards. Li Yifei had sent people to check in advance. The mountains were indeed bought and bought People are well-known in the local area. At least, they are bullies in the town, and they run rampant in the countryside. They sell a lot of money. Therefore, they not only have money, but also have people. This kind of gangs similar to the underworld forces are not uncommon in some towns.

So Li Yifei thinks it's funny that these people secretly buy the mountain, and then they want to steal the geomancy of the Li family by moving their ancestral graves? Isn't that a joke? If Feng Shui is so easy to occupy, would anyone be ok? What's more, if you really understand fengshui, it's a kind of spiritual pulse or artificial array, which can ensure the aura around you

Oh, don't say, the dry ghost is a thousand year old corpse born from this extremely shady place. So if this cemetery is not looked well, it may produce some strange things, but what Li Yifei wants to say is Now most of them are cremated, just a handful of ashes. It is absolutely impossible to be a zombie. What's the trouble with these people? Do you really think the body can be put there?

Two hours later, the motorcade of Li Yifei and others appeared in a mountain area, where Li Yifei's mother's ancestral grave was located, which is also the ancestral land. During the Republic of China, Li Yifei's mother's family was here, a mountain village in the mountains.

The scenery here is very good. The vegetation has not been damaged, but the traffic is not very good. The road is full of potholes. The car keeps shaking. Naturally, Su Li is fine. Chu Xiaoyao looks pale and has a little carsick reaction. She yells for Su Li to deliver her true Qi and adjust her body.

Accompanied by two women, the road is not lonely, and finally the car stopped in a vacant lot, next to a river, the river is not deep, in which you can see small fish swimming. , the fastest update of the webnovel!