What is the concept of a current of tens of Watts? Household electricity is only 220 V, that is, Watts, and the human body can withstand very low current, because most of the human body is water, and the conductivity is very good, even a few watts of current will feel very painful, so even the battery in the old-fashioned flashlight or the battery in the electric toy car, this seemingly weak current hits the body, it is also very painful.

Now the little girl in front of her even said that the doctor of some hospital uses tens of watts of electric current to electrify human body Li Yifei wants to swear at him as soon as he hears it. Damn it, even if he interrogates a criminal, he will not be so cruel. That's a child. In his teens, he just likes to surf the Internet and play games. He has to use tens of watts of current to power them?

In particular, the girl also mentioned that it was not simply pasted up, but that there was a needle into the meat. Was this a human thing?

In the daytime, Li Yifei thought of the possible suffering of those children. He could not help but feel the cold sweat flowing out from behind. This is the behavior of devoting human nature. It is damned!

"My brother was electrified for five days before they would give up. According to their opinion, there is a process. A set meal is five days, but not one day less. During this period, they can't ask for mercy. If their reaction is too intense, they will be punished, and they often" treat "double! My brother When he came out, he had more than ten black burnt holes on his body, and the meat around him was black. Sobbing, sobbing, too miserable. He had been raised at home for several months and still had deep scars! " The girl burst into tears.

Li Yifei can imagine that kind of tragedy, because he also suffered from electrocution, let alone ordinary people, even at that time, he could not bear it. It was an indescribable pain and torture, which made people's willpower disappear in an instant. Even Li Yifei didn't want to try electrocution now.

What does the electric current of dozens of Watts mean? It means that some small animals will be electrocuted directly. It has to be someone who can do such a thing. There will be such a hospital even if Li Yifei is well-informed and has a cold sweat.

Looking at the sad girl crying, Li Yifei asked, "I have helped you with this matter, but it has been a thing in the past. What are you asking me to do now?"

"Uncle Fei You are a good man. I thank you for my brother The girl raised her head in surprise and said that she was going to kneel down. Li Yifei stopped her and said, "you don't have to thank you. "

" I come to ask you It's because my brother has been sent away again. My mother and some relatives took him away two hours ago The girl said with some fear that she had not experienced that kind of life, but just think about it is enough to fear.

Liu Yifei said in a puzzled way: "did you take it away again? Why? "

"After I came back, my brother was like a fool. It took a long time to recover, but his temperament changed greatly. In the past, my brother was very clever, playing more games and greedy for computers. But these days, his behavior is very abnormal. He often makes some strange actions, such as a person talking to himself. I mean that kind of strange self talk, root This is not normal, and emotional ups and downs are relatively large, oneself in the room will be suddenly angry, and then shouting, smashing things, offensive, this is never happened before, at the beginning was that he was locked in the home, not allowed him to surf the Internet, so it would be like this, but all called Dr. Yang, the other side said it was not like this, and then finished his brother also It needs treatment, and it will be good to have another treatment, so my mother believed it... "

Believe everything Li Yifei sighed and asked, "so, where is this hospital? Is it the industrial city?"

"No Not in the industrial city, but in the Lincheng city! " The girl hesitated for a moment and immediately said, "don't be angry. I can't help it. I saw you do a lot of good things on the Internet. I happened to work in a nearby factory, so I came here. My brother is only one. I don't know how many children have been tortured by them. Some reporters have exposed it, but some reporters and officials have called the hospital Propaganda, so I'm afraid even if it's the police, I'm afraid it won't save my brother! "

Naturally, Li Yifei did not blame the other party. He nodded. Lincheng was not from Ning Province, but from a neighboring province. It was not far away from a straight line. However, if you take the land route, it needs to take a big turn, and the middle is across a famous sea in China. Once such a thing happens, Li Yifei can't ignore it. He has experienced too many collusions between the local government and some people It can be said that things together are lawless. Even if they burst out, they are useless. With the endorsement of the local government and escort, as long as the people who are not dead will not have an accident. Even if they are dead, they can be turned into small things.

Li Yifei was shocked when such a thing broke out. He couldn't imagine how ignorant he was. Moreover, cold-blooded parents would believe in some bullshit Internet addiction treatment institution and agree to let their children receive what kind of treatment, let alone their own. Even if they are adopted, they can't do so. How much do they hate their children? Li Yifei was rebellious at the beginning, and his parents didn't have such an idea.

Not to mention the organization. After hearing this, Li Yifei immediately asked several bodyguards to prepare and investigate. Such a thing must not have happened recently, but after a period of time, he told the girl not to worry. Since he agreed, he would take care of it in the end, no matter who the opponent is or what background he has.It's good if we don't make an investigation. Once we see those things, Li Yifei feels even colder at the bottom of his heart. This electric shock treatment institution for Internet addiction has not only existed for many years, but also is very famous. Even he has been interviewed by Huaxia Huaxia TV station. As for the TV news in some provinces and cities, it was very popular at that time. At that time, the Internet was developing rapidly The drama industry is also developing rapidly, and home computers are popular, so many growing children are addicted to online games and virtual online world. So Yang Wei, yes, Doctor Yang in the girl's mouth has such a name, and some parents prefer to call him Professor Yang, although he has no relationship with real Professor, or even just junior high school culture All of them are self styled, but among the interviews, those reporters still call him Professor Yang. Some articles even mention how powerful and erudite Yang Wei is. There are even a few such articles.

Of course, there are also negative reports. Even today, there are negative reports on the Internet, questioning voices, and the protest and exposure of people who are forced to be sent for treatment. But they are all useless. Yang Wei and his insane subordinates will buy many reporters and platforms to delete a large number of Posts. What makes people angry is that the younger brother of the girl is not only at home The abnormal performance was sent to the family for a second treatment. The reason why he was taken back this time is simply disgusting!

Because he wrote an article on the Internet, the content of the article is to expose the so-called electric shock treatment of Internet addiction organization, that is, Yang Wei and his dog legs, so he was arrested by Yang Wei and others.

It's true that such private torture often imposes restrictions on personal freedom and even arrests. Almost all the children sent for treatment are not voluntary. Therefore, Yang Wei has a special arrest team, which selects strong and strong people. Therefore, it can be imagined that people who enter the hospital are not people, and their so-called treatment mechanism is also There is no scientific basis. It's just a terrifying way to achieve the effect of terrorizing by using electric shock which is devoid of human nature, so that the treated people can remember the pain all their life, so they dare not touch the computer again.

But ordinary people, especially children, many of them have suffered from this kind of electric shock, and many of them will have more or less psychological problems. These problems have been selectively ignored by those parents, which is what Yang Wei called the imagination of getting better.

"Ignorance, ignorance, hateful!" When Li Yifei saw these materials, he couldn't help but say that these parents were cheated by Yang Wei and others. Their Internet addiction is just like mental illness. Even if it is allowed to develop, it can be called a terminal disease. Therefore, it needs to be treated and urgently needed. Otherwise, the child's life will be destroyed if it develops. These parents don't think, is this a disease? Even if it is a disease, parents have the right to let their children suffer inhuman torture? Do parents have any respect for children's human rights and the right to choose their own life?

Li Yifei thought it was ridiculous that such a thing happened in the present era. How stupid his parents had to make such a crazy decision. As for Yang Wei and his doggies, Li Yifei wished that they could not kill them directly. They should not be used to describe them. He did not want to comment on their evil deeds I just want to kill and then go!

For compatriots, for ordinary people, it is very rare for Li Yifei. This time, because of the little girl's call for help, Li Yifei learned about the situation and immediately killed the plane. The security guards of the Li family moved quickly and transferred a group of 15 people, all of whom were excellent generals. With Li Yifei, he left for Lincheng, a city in Dongshan Province, and separated from the thin monkey's family It's not far. It's all from one province.

It can be said that the girl's younger brother risked his life and death to expose on the Internet. Over the years, I don't know how many innocent people have been tortured by Yang Wei. The fate of those people may change because of this. Originally, it was just a normal greedy network. After treatment, the body and mind were tortured. Who will make their voice and who will make the decision?

No one was sheltered by the local government. Li Yifei even found a public notice in the Lincheng network office, praising Yang Wei and his henchmen for their contribution to the healthy growth of young people.

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