Others rushed to stop, but it was too late. They thought that the long lock had pushed the girl out of the window crazily. The girl couldn't carry the lock with her little strength. In addition, she slipped under her feet, and the people fell outside.

One by one, the girl wanted to grasp the window frame, but her body had been lifted out. Fu changlock still had no regrets at this moment. She was still pushing out madly, and even pulled a piece of cloth directly. After four stories, the girl fell down in an instant and was silent when she hit the ground.

Then Zhang Tianxing saw a scene. Seeing that someone had fallen to death, Fu changsuo was also flustered. He was afraid, so he ran away with others. On the way, he called his father. When Fu changsuo's father heard that his son was in trouble, his first reaction was that he was ok, and then he began to find someone to deal with the matter.

The girl's family is an ordinary family, even teachers and civil servants are useless. Fu changsuo's father does business and has many friends. Fu changsuo says that the girl jumps down on her own, and the main responsibility is not on him, so that the police can handle the case like that. Even the girl's parents don't know who the murderer is, although they don't believe that her daughter will suddenly have a mental illness and then jump off himself Go upstairs, but there is no place to reason.

After investigating the matter, Zhang Tianxing was in a state of extreme anger. The girl he liked was pushed down the fourth floor and fell. Now, no one knows. If he doesn't do something, he will be sorry for his own ability. Moreover, even if the girl can survive, he may have to stay in a wheelchair for a lifetime, which makes Zhang Tianxing in a rage.

The culprit is the man named Fu changsuo. He has done evil, but he is still at large. How can Zhang Tianxing bear it!

A few days later, Zhang Tianxing appeared in a villa with a backpack on his back. This villa is a real estate of the Fu family. Today, Fu changsuo held a dinner party here. After a group of people of the same age drank Hi, they took their female partners to find a place to linger. Zhang Tianxing climbed over the wall in the night. He had already found out the place. The people who came out of the flying eagle team, even this point It's strange if you can't do anything.

At that time, it was late at night. People in the villa drank a lot of wine, drunk and not drunk. Zhang Tianxing directly touched Fu changsuo's room. At this time, he was entangled with two naked women. Zhang Tianxing didn't talk nonsense. When he went up, he knocked the two women unconscious. As soon as Fu changsuo reacted, Zhang Tianxing started.

Zhang Tianxing never talks nonsense about such a person. He abandoned Fu changsuo's lifeline as soon as he made a move, but he didn't kill him. Although Zhang Tianxing wanted to kill people, but After all, he is not carrying out a task. No matter how hateful the other party is, he can't kill a dead person by lynching himself, but he can't live without him. Zhang Tianxing not only abolished his lifeline, but also broke his arms.

After that, he drifted away, and the music broke out downstairs. The young people were still drunk. No one found that Fu changlock had been abandoned.

This is only the first step. Fu changsuo was punished, but his father is also hateful and unfriendly. After a little investigation, Zhang Tianxing can find out a lot of negative rumors about Fu changsuo's father. These rumors are enough to arouse Zhang Tianxing's anger, so he decided to punish Fu Yingwei, Fu changsuo's father, by the way!

However, Fu Yingwei is a well-known 10 billion rich man, and he is here. When he first entered, he was followed by several bodyguards. Even Zhang Tianxing guessed that the other side's bodyguards were armed with guns. Fu Yingwei has many mines under his command. Generally, this kind of business is difficult to break away from black and sour, so it is even more difficult to do it.

But it is also worth doing. If Fu Yingwei had an accident, the outside world would have guessed that his enemies had done it, rather than associate him with him. So after Zhang Tianxing had done his job, he immediately spent more than two hours in another residence. It was also a high-end villa area, and it was the only one. Zhang Tianxing spent a lot of time sneaking in and fighting Dizzy a few security guards, just as he was about to enter Fu Yingwei's room, Zhang Tianxing unexpectedly ran into a transaction.

But tonight, Fu Yingwei and his staff ushered in another group of people. The two sides were sitting and trading. Zhang Tianxing happened to meet him. The other party was a group of people with golden hair and blue eyes. Some of them spoke poor Chinese. After listening to a few words, Zhang Tianxing was surprised. What secrets and policies were mentioned in the other party's words. His language ability was not as good as Li Yifei Listening is not very complete, but only listen to these words, Zhang Tianxing instinctively began to doubt, associated with the word spy.

As a matter of fact, Zhang Tianxing hid quietly. When the two sides finished the transaction, the foreigners left. Fu Yingwei took people to a meeting, and Zhang Tianxing started.

It was espionage. After searching for it, Zhang Tianxing confirmed that his heart was filled with anger. He immediately went to Fu Yingwei for trouble. He once captured spies, corrupt officials and so on in the flying eagle team. They were all quick actions. This time, he had retired from the army, but his patriotic heart was not changed.

But Zhang Tianxing underestimated Fu Yingwei's caution. There were not only various cameras in his villa, but also some special organs. Usually, no one would come to this place. Zhang Tianxing accidentally triggered a mechanism. The organ called the police on the spot, and a violent alarm sounded. Zhang Tianxing left in a hurry, but the security guards in the villa had already surrounded him.He didn't grab it in his hand. There were at most two daggers in his backpack. If he ran into the front, he would surely suffer losses. Zhang Tianxing quickly climbed to the villa and rushed to the other side of the road. He wanted to jump into the pool, swim to the other side, and go out over the wall.

The idea is good. Who knows that there are so many thugs in the villa, who are chasing after them crazily.

If Zhang Tianxing had not come from the flying eagle team, he had seen a lot of big waves in recent years, and his individual combat ability was amazing. I'm afraid he would have been killed at that time.

Rao is so, he was also cut off an arm, a foot was also hit by the car, but the car that hit him was quickly snatched by him, endure the pain, Zhang Tianxing drove crazy escape, followed closely by the pursuers, finally helpless Zhang Tianxing hit the steering wheel, the car rushed out of the pier and flew directly into the river.

In the air, Zhang Tianxing kicked open the door and jumped into the water to avoid being trapped in the car. Naturally, the pursuers could not be so tiger. So standing on the bank and swearing constantly, Zhang Tianxing escaped a robbery.

However, his desire to revenge Fu Yingwei failed, and he himself became disabled and fell into the cold river water. Zhang Tianxing knew that he had to deal with the wound as soon as possible. He was certainly not able to practice like Li Yifei. If he fell into the river, he knew that he must stop the fracture of his arm as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would be soaked in the water and soon he would bleed He often faints. Even if he does not faint, he will never be well if he stays in the water for too long.

Of course, his hand has not been completely cut off at this time, and Zhang Tianxing is also a cruel man. This is not the first time that he has ever encountered such a danger. His super physical fitness is shown at this moment. After drifting two kilometers along the river, he swam up from the opposite bank. This is a factory area. Zhang Tianxing found a sharp stone and smashed his almost broken hand, And I'll hold my arm tight with wire.

If Fu Yingwei can get revenge, he will be OK. The key is to scare the snake and be chased by Fu Yingwei's people. If he is found out by the other party, Zhang Tianxing will be in bad luck!

Because of this, Zhang Tianxing needs to deal with his body as soon as possible.

however, breaking his hand can be tolerated, but his other foot is also twisted by the car, which makes it difficult for him to move. He needs to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he is tracked down by the other party, he will jump into the river and he will not be able to walk.

Using wood as a crutch, Zhang Tianxing threw away his backpack, leaving only two daggers and limping away.

When Li Yifei and Zheng Mingrui heard this, they both glared with anger. They felt that they would erupt at any time. When Zhang Tianxing recalled the scene at that time, he couldn't help grinning and said with some lingering fear: "this is the year-round shooting of geese, but I was pecked at the eye. It was very smooth at that time. I didn't walk long before I saw a motorcycle, so I went to steal the car Yes, it doesn't sound right to the owner! At that time, in order to escape, I could not care so much. I rode out for more than 20 kilometers in one breath. At that time, I was tired and hungry. If I didn't replenish my body, I would not last long. So I ate first, and then I went to get some money. I bought a lot of medicine in the drugstore that was open all night. After learning so many emergency bandages in the army, it worked. I could not help but hide in the tree Lin Li dealt with the arm simply. As for the foot At that time, there was no good way to judge that it was irreversible bone damage, so we had to do it first. Who knows later, I went to the hospital and found it was too late. It's all my fault that my healing ability is too strong! "

"It should be cured. You don't have to worry about it. It's just that you'll suffer some crimes then." Li Yifei comforted.

"Boss, don't comfort me. It's ugly now, but it doesn't affect life." Zhang Tianxing said with a smile, and then went on.

After a simple treatment, Zhang Tianxing drove to the city and stayed in a hotel. He bought a lot of drugs, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial drugs. He knew that his best condition was to go to the hospital for treatment, but there was no way. If he went to the hospital to bandage, he might be found by Fu Yingwei's people. For a 10 billion rich man, this kind of investigation may not be very good hard.

The rest was nearly a month. Zhang Tianxing's wound healed a little, but it was not completely healed. The pain he experienced during this period can't be described in words. If only the broken hand was not so inconvenient, the foot and wrist were torturing him all the time.

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