It was the man who hurt him the previous time. This time, the other party hurt him again. We can imagine how angry the eel would be. It directly swung its body and rushed out towards Li Yifei. This time, the speed was faster. It just twisted its body and jumped out of the room for five or six meters.

Li Yifei is not disordered at all, and his return is like a knife. Now he is in the peak state. If he is afraid of this guy again, how can he mix in the Jianghu? Although he has not failed, it obviously does not play a big role. Li Yifei has a feeling that the skin of the goods is not skin, but steel, and the Dao Qi even has the sound of gold and iron.

Li Yifei didn't dare to stay any more. He turned around and left because the electric eel had already rushed in front of him and even discharged. It seemed that there was a nourishing sound in his ears. Li Yifei felt numb. Fortunately, he had already made efforts to run away, so he just electrified.

The electric eel was hurt twice and ran wild. He opened his mouth and put the electricity on it. He ran after Li Yifei.

One man and one fish swam wildly in the water. Li Yifei had already seen the big net, and Xu Shanshan was waiting for him at the mouth of the net. Seeing that Li Yifei was going to be caught up with him, she waved several swords in an instant, and the sword spirit went in the direction of Li Yifei's swimming.

Seeing Xu Shanshan's attack, Li Yifei quickly sank down to avoid those swords. However, the electric eel behind him did not dodge, but was hit by the interwoven sword Qi. He made a few puffs on his body, and the pursuit momentum was slowed down.

The last time he failed to catch up with the hateful man because of this inexplicable thing. This time, he was cut down by this thing. It was strange that the electric eel could bear it. It twisted its body, and it rushed up again.

Xu Shanshan is not in disorder. She shakes her hands and flies out with her sword. She and she have experienced several things together, no matter Kunlun Mountain, South American rain forest, Vietnam's array, or island of all living beings. She has seen so many strange creatures, such a bigger electric eel She really didn't put it in her eyes. Just when Li Yifei started the other party, Xu Shanshan was also observing. She knew that the electric eel was coarse and thick, and both of them could not seriously hurt it with the top weapons. So when Li Yifei swam to her, Xu Shanshan immediately turned around. Since they had tried and failed, they didn't have to fight. After all, there was a big net waiting for this guy.

Li Yifei drags Xu Shanshan out of the water and jumps back to the boat, while the people on the boat start to close the net. The two boats cooperate to close the net. The machinery on the boat booms and the net shrinks continuously. Li Yifei holds the Mowu sword and just wants to talk, something suddenly appears on the water. It is the eel chasing him. It jumps into the air and is still discharging.

"Ah All the people on the boat cried out and backed back, because the huge electric eel was opening its mouth, showing a sharp tooth, and biting at Li Yifei.

In the water, it was difficult for Li Yifei to start because it was electrified. However, on the land, Li Yifei was really afraid of it. So when he saw something, he dared to jump on the boat and bite people. He was also angry in his heart. He waved the knife and cut it with the sharp and incomparable Qi.

"Bang!" Li Yifei really heard the sound of the collision this time. The skin of this thing is really so strong that it can't be hurt by the sword, even the Mo Wu Dao can't do it. While Xu Shanshan asked the crew to step back, she also slashed her sword at the same time.

"Hoo!" The electric eel landed on the deck and made a strange sound from its mouth. The electric eel began to discharge electricity. There was water on the deck. Li Yifei was also wet. He was attacked immediately. Fortunately, he had been prepared for it, so he didn't feel very electrified.

Xu Shanshan was a bit unlucky. She had just raised her sword and cut her opponent's body. She was suddenly discharged by the electric eel. She screamed and quickly backed away.

Yes, I don't believe this evil! Li Yifei saw that his heart was electrified, and he was angry. He raised his sword and cut it. When he lifted his hand half way up, Li Yifei found an amazing change. The body of the electric eel jumping out of the water changed in the twisting process. Its abdomen began to crack, and a claw like thing appeared quickly.

Li Yifei gazed at it and was shocked. He did not see four legged aquatic animals. In China, there were giant salamanders, that is, giant salamanders, who lived in the water and had four feet. However, the strange fish like electric eels began to emerge? What's the situation!

At the thought of this, Li Yifei stopped and saw that the abdomen of the electric eel was constantly ruptured, and a foot stretched out. Although it was still very small, it could be seen by the naked eye that the foot of this thing was growing continuously, and even grew to the size suitable for the body proportion.

"This is..." The crew of the ship also saw this scene. After being stunned, they yelled: "is this a dragon?"

"Dragon?" When Xu Shanshan heard the crew's words, she was stunned. Then she rushed back and saw that the eel like thing had produced a second foot.

Li Yifei is smart. No matter what it is, such a change is enough to shock people.

Li Yifei has seen strange monkeys, giant pigs, the amazing length of the White Snake, and all kinds of strange creatures on the island of living beings. These creatures also violate his cognition, but Seeing a big fish is constantly growing feet, Li Yifei is still extremely shocked!

"Brother in law Come on, get this thing under control, no matter what it is, it's right to control it first! " Xu Shanshan was quick to wake up and remind her in a hurry.Li Yifei also responded and nodded: "quick, give me the net and the rope. Let's tie it first!" Li Yifei yelled.

Thanks to the fact that the crew behind them were Hu family members. Although they were shocked, Hu yu'er specially told them that today's affairs might exceed their cognition, so that they could have a psychological preparation. Of course, in the end, it was beyond their cognition. Not to mention the fish, what Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan did was enough for them to be shocked. However, seeing this, they were shocked Fish They still have an impulse to kneel down. People who live on the sea believe in these gods and ghosts. The dragon is a thing in the sea, and it can call the wind and rain when it flies in the air. Li Yifei yells. These people wake up and quickly pull out their spare nets.

Li Yifei took the net and prepared to cover the fish in the illusion. Just as he was about to cover it, he suddenly saw the fish's eyes. The electric eel's eyes seemed to plead. Yes, he was begging himself.

Li Yifei hesitates. He doesn't know what this thing is. Both sides have already formed a feud. If Li Yifei doesn't kill it, if it comes back later, will it still pursue him?

"Brother in law..." Xu Shanshan called and said, "the fish seems to be begging us!"

"Well! I feel it too! " Li Yifei sighed in his heart. Although he killed many people, he was not a cruel man. He did so in the face of people and animals. If the other party did not harm him, he would not harm the other party. In other words, the fish electrified him first, and the two sides became enemies. So when he thought of this, Li Yifei loosened his hand and said, "well, let's see what this thing is going to do, if it doesn't hurt me And I won't embarrass it. After all, our goal is the thing at the bottom of the sea! "

"Well, let's be careful!" Xu Shanshan nodded.

While they were talking, the three meter long electric eel on the ship's board had three feet, and the place where its belly was broken was dripping with blood, but the blood was with a stream of gold. Li Yifei was very sensitive to find this. He thought and asked Xu Shanshan to take the mobile phone and take this picture.

Xu Shanshan did so. Li Yifei could clearly feel the electric eel a few meters away in front of him. He was already grateful.

So, what is this about? Li Yifei didn't dare to relax. He held a Mowu sword in his hand and wanted to cut it out at any time.

Xu Shanshan stepped back to prevent the electric eel from breaking up suddenly.

Hu yu'er was on the opposite boat, and she also instructed people to lean forward slowly. Seeing the electric eel jumping on the boat, she was also curious.

In fact, the whole process was not long. It was only five or six minutes. Four blood holes were broken in the abdomen of the electric eel, and four claws grew out. The red blood was dripping with gold. When it was sprinkled on the boat, the electric eel appeared to be very painful, and its mouth made a whirring sound.

"Could it be The legendary Hualong One of the crew members couldn't help saying that. A word reminded them. Many people immediately looked at him and said, "it's a bit like that. When I was a child, my ancestors said that we have dragons here. They are real dragons, flying in the clouds."

"Grandma also said that when she was a child, she would wash clothes in the river Another said.

Li Yifei has been listening to their conversation. If he wants to say whether there is a dragon in the world, Li Yifei will shake his head. However, he does not mean that he has not, but he does not believe it. In other words, he has not seen it, so he can not deny it.

But The change of the electric eel did not stop. After its body twisted, its four claws were still growing slowly, and the wound on its head was recovered. However, after the four claws grew for a short time, its head also began to change. The original huge fish mouth seemed to be slowly retracting, while the head was slightly expanding.

But it's not like the balloon's expansion, but the feeling of bone growth inside. Li Yifei looks at this scene, and increasingly feels that What those people said is very likely.

He immediately called Murong Yuanqing. After the connection, Li Yifei spoke very quickly about what happened here. Murong Yuanqing shivered and said in a rare panic, "you said that you saw the four electric eels growing?"

"Yes, master, I don't know what this is, so I'll ask you!" Li Yifei said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!