"What's new?" Xu Yingying asked.

"Yes, Xiaoyao slowed down a little. She said that she didn't see anyone before and there was no car nearby. The man suddenly rushed over and hit the front face and side of the car on the right side, then popped out and died..." Xu Shanshan said the matter briefly, and then said: "now there are police to investigate the surrounding monitoring and so on, to see if there is a clue, sister, don't worry, I just checked the dead person, her injury is not caused by Xiaoyao, at least not the main, because the collision injury will not be like that."

"No problem!" Xu Yingying thought for a moment and said, "then investigate the case on the spot. In addition, the provincial Propaganda Department has already said hello. You will contact them later. Since Yifei wants to do this, we need to support him, but Xiaoyao should not be exposed."

"Well, I know!" Xu Shanshan nodded, hung up the phone and went back to talk to Li Yifei. Li Yifei stayed in the car with Chu Xiaoyao. The little girl's eyes were red and her face was still red and swollen. Li Yifei was helping her to treat and comfort her.

As for those who started to beat people, they were already handcuffed. Those policemen didn't know that it was Li Yifei at the beginning, but after knowing his identity, they didn't dare to neglect him. Li Yifei said that if he wanted to investigate a case on the spot, he would do it on the spot.

Chuxiaoyao's car is equipped with a car mounted camera. However, due to the angle, it is not clear to see. Only the picture of the final impact can be seen. Indeed, it can be seen that the old man rushed to Chu Xiaoyao's car. However, Chu Xiaoyao is driving in the slow lane, close to the parking space on the roadside, and the opposite side can suddenly rush over.

"Mr. Li, we mobilized the monitoring around, and found that they were the residents nearby. It was an old community. The dead was named Shen Dabing, the middle-aged man was Shen Huoxing, and the young man was Shen Yong. They were three grandsons. The two women were Shen Yong's mother, Shen Martian's wife, and Shen Dabing's daughter, Shen Li." A police sergeant came up to Li Yifei and said, "preliminary investigation shows that the main responsibility for this accident is not This lady, on the one hand, it is not a crosswalk, but there is an isolation belt in the middle. On the other hand, some passers-by have seen their quarrel before, and the old man ran out... "

"You don't have to report these things to me. The leaders of the provincial public security department will come soon. I have no other requirements. They beat my wife, and I also called back. It can be regarded as returning. But this matter, whether it is a traffic accident or something else, you should investigate clearly. There are so many people around, everyone is watching!" Li Yifei said that he had already made some fine-tuning on chuxiaoyao's face. When outsiders see Chu Xiaoyao, they will only see a hazy appearance.

Xu Shanshan stood outside the car, coldly looking at the four people who were roasted in the sun. As for the man who was watching the excitement and owed money, he lost five or six teeth. He didn't know who did it. He didn't dare to stay here. He had already run away with his broken teeth. It's estimated that this generation will leave psychological shadow and dare not easily say that some of them have not.

Xu YingYing and Su Li also arrived, but stopped a few dozen meters away. Since Li Yifei had decided to deal with this, they did not go forward.

More and more people were watching, and the number of police on guard was several times larger. Li Yifei sat in the car with Chu Xiaoyao in his arms and patted her on the back. Chu Xiaoyao was still sobbing. Li Yifei attached himself to his ear and said, "you YingYing and Ali are also here. Outside, please let Shanshan send you there?"

Chu Xiaoyao sucked her nose, shook her head slowly, and sobbed: "no, I look so ugly now, I don't want them to see it!"

"What's ugly? It's beautiful in my eyes, eh My nose is running over the river Li Yifei took out the paper towel and gently helped Chu Xiaoyao wipe it. Li Yifei couldn't forgive the other party's cruelty. He killed more people in his life, most of them were damned people or enemies. Li Yifei seldom did this to ordinary people, unless necessary. Today, when he saw these four people being beaten by them around Chu Xiaoyao, Li Yifei was instantly moved to kill.

Xiaoxiao, look at the outside of the eyes, too much fear, too much for the eyes

"Tell her yourself!" Li Yifei said and took out his mobile phone, but Chu Xiaoyao shook his head. She shrank in Li Yifei's arms again, and put her arm around his waist and rubbed her head back and forth.

Outside, the investigation continues. Li Yifei's anger has not subsided, but his attitude has eased a lot. The policemen who handle the case scold each other. With the investigation going on, the case becomes clear. At first, it seems that it was a case of porcelain bumping. It seems that the person who touched the porcelain did not understand. If so, Chu Xiaoyao's responsibility is much smaller, but it is also responsible However, with the investigation going on, those people who were taught by Li Yifei told another truth. The truth was that the leader of the provincial public security department who came in a hurry stamped his feet and watched the people who touched the porcelain gnash their teeth!

The leader arrived at the scene a few minutes ago, came over to speak with Li Yifei and immediately put himself into command. This is not a big case, even a very small matter. However, because it is Li Yifei's family and the richest man is also on the scene, it has become a major event.

After investigating the case, Wang Qiang, the deputy director of the Department, felt headache."You are Damn it Wang Qiang pointed to the two men and two women and said angrily on his face. He didn't have to be so angry, but when the truth of the matter was restored, he would like to rush up and beat these people himself.

This is indeed a porcelain bumping incident. But behind the porcelain bumping, there are four people led by Shen Xingxing, who force the old man to touch porcelain. Shen Xingxing has no job, his daughter-in-law has no job, and his daughter-in-law has no job. The son is lazy and idle, which means that the three members of the family have no financial resources. The daughter of the old man has a job, but he does not give the old man money. Finally, several people discuss, When the old people go to touch porcelain, they rush up later and surround the people who have been touched. They can often blackmail a sum of money. Moreover, they are good at choosing cars. Single women are the best, because such people are relatively easy to bully.

Today, Shen Huoxing's son saw Chu Xiaoyao in the car and knew that it was a good car. So he called his father immediately. The men waited in front of him, pretending to chase the old man and let him run in front of him. When Chu Xiaoyao's car came, the old man hit him head on.

The old man didn't want to, but if he didn't, his children wouldn't give him food to eat or see a doctor. In addition, he tasted the sweetness. In a short month, he blackmailed porcelain five times and cheated more than 10000 yuan

But Chu Xiaoyao's speed is not fast. She should not have died after a collision. The real reason is that The old man didn't want to do it. It was too unconscionable. Moreover, he hit the old man every time, and he couldn't stand it. Therefore, just after the on-site investigation of the forensic medicine, the autopsy found that the old man had a number of old injuries, and even a rib had been broken on his chest, and the broken stubble of that rib was right on the heart, causing the old man to die quickly due to internal bleeding.

Of course, this was not caused by the collision of Chu Xiaoyao's car. Shen Xingxing started to fight at home in the morning. He broke his father's rib with his own hands. Instead of seeing the old man, he still told him to touch porcelain to make money

What's the name of this! It's worse than a beast! After finding out the cause of the matter, Wang Qiang wanted to draw a gun directly. He raised a pair of good sons and daughters, both 40 and 50 years old, but did not make money. Instead, he forced his old father to come out to meet porcelain

After listening to Wang Qiang's story, Li Yifei shook his head and said, "please explain to Wang Ting and the people around him. By the way, let the media report fairly. Why I am waiting here, waiting for you to find out the truth of the matter!"

Wang Qiang repeatedly nodded and said: "Mr. Li, you can rest assured that the matter has been basically checked out. With so many people watching the scene, there will be no rumors."

Li Yifei nodded his head. Would he worry about rumors? As Xu YingYing and others have reminded him, he has already opened a micro blog, so we should pay attention to personal influence. Even if things are not handled properly today, the share price of the Li family may fall sharply.

However, Li Yifei is not mainly concerned about these things. If it is really Chu Xiaoyao who accidentally killed someone, Li Yifei will compensate and apologize. However, he will not let go of anyone who dares to hit Chu Xiaoyao. This is two different things. Now it is clear that Chu Xiaoyao is not the fault, and even the dead have nothing to do with her. Then it is another result.

At least, in terms of the media, Li Yifei doesn't need to intervene. As long as those reporters write about this matter in a normal way, there will be no deviation. If there is a media that wants to keep up with Li Yifei, and has to confuse black and white and make a blind description, then it is OK. Li Yifei will be with him to the end.

In fact, there are already some people talking about it in microblog. After all, as soon as I recognize Li Yifei, some people are secretly taking photos. Now, unlike more than ten years ago, there is a camera that can take pictures, and mobile phones are all new things. Nowadays, with a smart phone, photos can be sent to the Internet. Once something happens here, people on the whole network want to know it.

After all, many of the posts made by Li feibing are the first to make a stir. However, many people who don't believe in this kind of post will make a lot of noise.

Later, some people began to report on the scene, and even ran out of their homes to the scene, so there was no need for Li Yifei to explain, so someone passed on the on-site investigation.

This time, Li Yifei's fans were boiling. Because of the bad nature of this incident, netizens didn't believe that Li Yifei would do such bullying. As soon as the truth of the matter came out, they even began to shout for the death of those who touched porcelain.

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