After a while, the men returned without bringing Owen, and andisto asked, "where are the people?"

"Elder elder, Owen is not living here. He asked his acquaintances that he had gone out in the morning." A man replied.

"Go out? Where have you been? "

"We don't know. We tried to contact him, but his cell phone was turned off, and people who knew him didn't know where he had gone, only that he drove away alone in the morning." The man replied.

"Driving? Then go after the car Mousse said to the man.

"Yes, elder mousse, we're going to find out!" The man immediately nodded and ordered to go out.

A group of people were waiting in the hall. Ten minutes passed, twenty minutes passed, and soon half an hour passed. Although those men returned, they still did not know where Owen was. The investigation showed that Owen's car entered the city, and now it is not known where it is.

"Elders, I'm really tired. I won't wait. If you find Owen, please call me again." The virgin couldn't wait any longer. She stood up and said to several people, "I suggest that you also track down UAVs. The number of combat UAVs owned by the whole United States is also limited. If those distributed around the world are removed, the scope will be smaller. I am sure that is our UAV."

"Well, I'll look into it!" Elder mousse immediately stood up, and Papuan said in a hurry: "I don't agree. Another elder should be sent to jointly investigate. I can't believe mousse. In case he framed me in this matter..."

"I set you up? You're sick. What have you done yourself? Don't you know? And I set you up. I'm so fed up! " Mousse hit back.

Andisto frowned: "Andrew, I'd like to trouble you and mousse to investigate the UAV business. As for Papua, you stayed at the headquarters recently. If it's not for your reason, naturally it's OK. If it's your reason, Papuan, don't blame me for not reminding you that jihadist is a kind organization, but it always treats traitors fiercely."

"I know, elder andisto, I haven't done it, or I haven't done it. I don't have to scare me. I'm not scared to live so old!" Some of Papuan said angrily that the elder, one of the most authoritative people in the Jihad Organization, was now restricted in his personal freedom. It was a great insult. Of course, he had enough reasons to be unhappy.

The virgin ignored this, but she just glanced at Papuan. This time she really went out. As soon as the saint left, other people also slowly dispersed. Although Papuan was banned, it was not really a restriction on his freedom. To see him, the saints were watching him, but they were guarding the periphery of his residence instead of going in and looking at Papuan.

When the saint returned to her residence palace, she saw several of her close subordinates here. Seeing her coming back, several of her subordinates seemed excited. The saint went to comfort them and knew that these people were only forbidden and did not get hurt. So she asked people to contact the man who was still hiding outside and came back.

Back in the room, the virgin sat on the bed, her body seemed to vent her breath, and her whole body felt soft. She slowly lay on the bed and looked at the gorgeous chandelier on the ceiling. She didn't feel much in the past, but now she feels very gorgeous. Unfortunately, after all, she will move out of the palace. After all, she is not a saint, and there is no reason to live here Of course, if she forced to live here, it would not be too difficult, but there was no need.

If the investigation finds out that the person who wants to kill her is a member of the jihadist organization, Papuan, or an elder, the saint will be very hurt

Ordinary people really can't understand her mood. After insisting on her career for so many years, she was suddenly defeated and forced to remove her identity. It's normal for the saint not to adapt, but it's weird to adapt to it.

"Hoo!" The saint covered her face with her hands and sighed. She could only face this kind of thing by herself. The gap and change in her heart could only be adapted by herself. No one, including Li Yifei, could help her.

"Dangdangdang." The knock on the door interrupted the virgin's silence. She sat up to sort out her emotions and said, "come in."

It was one of her maids who came in with a fruit tray to eat. After putting the things down, she said in a low voice, "saint, please have some food for you."

"I'm no longer a saint. Don't call me a saint any more."

"No, saint, you are our saint all your life, and we will not change it!" Said the maid hastily.

"Those people didn't bully you, did they?"

"No, although we are not allowed to go out, our attitude is quite polite. Some people come to deliver food every day. Well, saint, are you really Lost to the golden eagle? "

"Yes, I failed." Virgin way.

The maid immediately knelt down and said, "holy daughter, please allow me to say boldly that if you are defeated, I won't have to suffer from the torment of the heart demon, and I don't have to endure the pain of killing my lover by myself. That's also the pain of life. I don't want you to suffer that kind of pain.""Well, thank you. I really don't have to suffer like that." The saint nodded,

"that's good, saint. Take some. I'll bring some healing medicine for you. If you have any trauma, I can help you with it."

The saint shook her head and said, "the trauma is nothing. I'll be fine for a period of time. You go out and I'll stay for a while."

"Saint, don't do anything stupid, I'll..." The maid, with tears in her eyes, grabbed the saint's hand and said, "I heard that I heard that your lover died in order to save you. I know your heart must be very painful, but He wants you to live, and to give his life to you is to enable you to live well and live two wonderful people. "

The saint's face showed a smile, raised her hand to help the little maid tidy up the bangs, said gently: "I know, thank you, I will not do stupid things."

"That's good. I'll be relieved. If you eat some food, I'll wait outside. Please call me whenever you have something to do."

"No, go down and have a rest. I'm going to shut up and heal for a while." Said the virgin.

The maid retired and the saint looked at a pile of food on the table. The little maid was very kind. All the food she brought was what she liked to eat. The saint didn't eat anything for a long time. She felt hungry. She picked up a sugar cream doughnut, but she didn't eat it. Instead, she was in a daze.

In a voice that only one can hear, the saint actually murmured: "I don't know what Li Yifei is doing now. This bad man has made him a saint. If I don't want me, I will become a leftover girl..."

"Although I'm not the same as them, I have never thought about setting up anyone. So it seems that Papuan is the most suspicious person who wants to kill me. But after thinking about it, he and I have no deep hatred, and he should not However, it is not normal for him to order my people to be locked up and not allowed to move. His explanation is far fetched... "

"If it's really him I'm afraid it's a big deal! " The holy girl muttered to here. She couldn't help biting the doughnut. She found that it tasted really good, so she was very happy to eat it. However, she didn't eat much. After a few mouthfuls, she stopped, took out a mobile phone from her pocket, thought about it, and sent out a strange letter.

Hundreds of miles away, Li Yifei had just settled down comfortably and had a hot bath. When his mobile phone received a message and opened it, he saw a string of random codes on it. After a moment's thinking, Li Yifei wanted to understand the meaning of the garbled code. It was clearly a combination of Pinyin and radical, which was not hard to crack. Li Yifei replied in the same way.

The holy daughter simply told him what happened here, and Li Yifei also told the saint about his own situation. Knowing that the saint had already removed her identity, Li Yifei expressed his congratulations, and warmly invited her to come to the Li family as a daughter-in-law. She was treated with preferential treatment, three meals a day and a night snack to serve Zhou Dao.

"Swallow, you will be my swallow from now on!" Li Yifei added.

Saint daughter's mobile phone has been specially handled, so it's impossible for anyone to intercept the message. However, they are still very cautious. Seeing this paragraph from Li Yifei, the saint can't help but turn her mouth and say, "beautiful you, I'm my own swallow!"

"Well, no kidding. You should pay attention to safety. If you feel wrong, you should leave immediately. You can't put yourself in danger!" Li Yifei said seriously.

The saint was silent for a while, then replied: "I know, but this is the place where I grew up from childhood. Even if they are dissatisfied, they will not be too difficult for me."

"I'm not far away from you. If there's an accident, tell me immediately. They should dare to embarrass you. Believe me or not, I'll kill you directly and kill those old people!" Li Yifei said.

"Here you are. None of them are ordinary people. They are all masters. Even I can't see their real strength..."

"Ha ha, in short, it won't be so fierce. Otherwise, you won't be looking forward to your breakthrough."

"I won't tell you!" Referring to the heart demon, the virgin is a little difficult to calm down. After a reply, she turns off her mobile phone.

Li Yifei replied: "swallow, I didn't mean to do it just now. OK, you have news there. Let me know. I'll wait for the news first."

Li Yifei originally wanted to investigate the UAV, but jihadist organizations came forward. It was no easier for a local villain than for a stranger. Li Yifei wanted to investigate the Papuan elder, but In the same way, he might as well wait for the news. , the fastest update of the webnovel!