From now on, there will be only swallows, and there will be no saints. When their yacht comes to shore and the saint steps on the shore, this sentence appears in her mind. These days, being alone with Li Yifei is not only a kind of escape, but also a kind of buffer.

Li Yifei knew that this was a cruel choice for the saint, but he could not help too much. It was cruel for him to be killed, or for the saint to fail, to stop his cultivation and lose the honor of the saint.

She must face and think clearly by herself, otherwise others will not be able to help.

Stepping on the solid ground, you don't have to be swaying in the sea, but you have to face new torture.

Li Yifei fixed the yacht, carried his Mowu sword on his back, went to the saint, patted her on the back and said, "let's go, let's find a place to eat and return to your country after eating!"

Based on the capabilities of jihadist organizations, it is not difficult, or even simple, to find out who is behind the drone bombing. However, there are preconditions. This matter can not be a decision of jihad. It can be an individual, but not an entire organization. Otherwise, the investigation will be conducted in vain.

"Do you have people you can trust completely?" During the meal, Li Yifei asked.

The saint thought about it, nodded and said, "of course, so you mean Shall I ask the situation first? "

"That's right. We don't know anything now. There must be a breakthrough point."

"OK, I'll contact you after dinner."

After they had eaten enough, they came out. Li Yifei bought a pack of cigarettes and lit one. The saint called her at the seaside more than ten meters away, and called one of her subordinates. They grew up together. The servant has been responsible for serving her since she was a child. The saint can guarantee her loyalty.

Li Yifei can also hear the content of the phone, but he doesn't listen to it. He just looks at the change of the saint's facial expression. At first, it seems a little dignified, and then a little relieved, but soon it becomes dignified.

When the saint came back from the phone call, Li Yifei saw that her face was not very good-looking, and asked, "how is the situation?"

The saint shook her head and was silent for a moment before she said, "it's strange!"

"Strange?" Li Yifei did not understand.

"Nagia said that all my people were locked up and their freedom was restricted. She was the only one who went out to do business, but it was said that someone was following her..."

"Is it really your organization that does it?" Li Yifei's eyelids jump. If Jihad did it, then this thing It's a long-term plan.

"I don't know, but we're going to change our plan!" Li Yifei took a look around him and led her to the yacht's Wharf. As he walked, he said, "let's go back quickly. The yacht can't appear at the wharf, or it will be found Well, no, that's fine! "

Li Yifei suddenly stopped again, turned to look at the saint and said, "I understand what you mean. You can go back no matter whether it's the jihadist organization or your own people. But I don't have to show up. I can hide in the dark. If it's the collective decision of the Presbyterian, it's my bad luck. I'll write down the hatred this time and I'll do it later Revenge, if it's the decision of an individual, then we have to avenge it! "

Hearing the speech, the saint also understood Li Yifei's meaning, nodded and added: "that's what I mean. Of course, the premise is that this thing is really done in the organization. I'm in the light and you are in the dark, so that the opponent is more easily exposed."

"OK, that's it. I'm investigating the drone in the dark. You go back to the organization!" Li Yifei said.

"I don't have to deal with the yacht. I can drive it back, but I have to deal with the videos in the hotel just in case." Virgin way.

Li Yifei said: "I'll give you these. You just go back to investigate. In addition, be careful. Anyway, if you fail, the elders in the organization don't know what attitude they will take. Don't try to be brave. If you can't, run away and try to go to China. Although jihadist organization is very strong, if you are in China, I can still keep you!"

The virgin bit her lip and said, "I see. You too. We keep in touch."

"Well, go ahead and remember what I said!"

After the decision, the virgin left the Virgin Islands directly, while Li Yifei waited for most of the day. After getting a fake identity, he turned to the United States. Li Yifei's first task was to find out the model of the UAV. When Li Yifei jumped at the saint, the UAV was not too far away. Li Yifei could even see some shapes of the fuselage, so he wanted to find out It's not difficult to come to the model of the UAV. Even he doesn't have to do it in person, because the saint will certainly investigate. Their investigation is certainly much easier than Li Yifei, but I'm afraid the other party will not investigate Li Yifei is also waiting for the saint to contact him and tell him some internal information about the jihadist organization, so that he can continue.

At this time, the virgin has returned to the internal jihadist organization with a high profile. Shortly after Li Yifei left, she contacted the jihadist personnel on the Virgin Islands. The other party was surprised and pleased when she saw the virgin, and arranged for someone to escort her back. After all, the virgin looked badly hurt and her face was very ugly.For ordinary jihadist members, the holy daughter is the highest symbol of the whole organization and a person they respect very much. How can they not pay attention to such a person's injury? After reporting it to the higher levels of the Jihad Organization, a number of elders rushed back to the Organization headquarters.

In the Presbyterian, the saint is facing a group of jihadist elders. She is very tired and in a bad mood. Andisto, the elder of the Jihad Organization, came to her, and her face was not very good-looking. He asked, "what's the matter? Who won with the golden eagle?"

"I lost!" Said the virgin calmly.

"You lost? How could you lose? Clearly... " In the middle of saying this, the great elder andisto stopped, looked up at the other elders, and did not go on. The saint said, "clearly what? Elder elder, do you want to say that someone has been arranged to kill Li Yifei for me? "

"No, I won't do it, but I do think of a way for you. You can summon the scepter of saints. Can't you kill the Golden Eagle like this?" Said the great elder andisto.

Elder Andrew said in a hurry: "that is, the scepter of saints is recognized as a sacred instrument in the organization. If you can summon it, you will prove that you are one of the strongest saints in all ages. I don't believe that golden eagle can resist the attack of the scepter of saints."

"No, I lost. He is stronger than you think. It's useless for me to summon the scepter of saints. Even the light doesn't hurt him too much!" The saint said calmly, her eyes did not seem to move, in fact, she was also paying attention to the changes in the look of these elders.

"No way!" Andrew immediately shook his head, patted the table, glared at the virgin and said, "are you merciful? I know you love him, but you are the saint in the organization. Your duty does not allow you to let him go..."

"Elder Andrew, please don't tell me. I don't have any chance to keep my hands. Even though I played 120% of my strength, I was super normal, but I still couldn't beat him, so I lost." Virgin way.

Andrew still didn't believe it. Andisto raised his hand and pressed it. He said hoarsely, "so you lost?"

"Yes, I lost!" The virgin nodded.

"OK..." Andesto sighed and seemed to be shocked. After a few seconds, he said, "it's also God's arrangement. You can't beat the heart demon if you hold the sacred instrument. This is also your destiny!"

"How can it be, I don't believe it, saint. Where did you lose?" Another elder didn't believe it, so he came up and asked.

The saint looked at each other, and the elder was good to her at ordinary times, and even watched her grow up when she was a child. Therefore, the saint had a good attitude towards him, and replied, "from the beginning, I was in a bad position. Although I tried, I still lost!"

"This golden eagle!" When several elders heard this, they gnawed their teeth for a while, and the saint's defeat meant that ten years and twenty years' efforts of the Jihad Organization were in vain. Therefore, it is impossible for them not to hate Li Yifei. It can even be said that if Li Yifei were standing here, these old men and women could rush up and kill Li Yifei.

The saint noticed everyone's expression, and she couldn't help laughing in her heart. So far, no one has mentioned the UAV. Is the collective pretending to be ignorant, or is it true that they don't know?

"Golden Eagle has returned home? No, I'll send someone to assassinate him. If I can't kill him, I'll kill his family! " Andrew had a hot temper and jumped out of his seat.

Andisto looked back, but he did not stop him. Only one or two of the other elders felt that it was not appropriate. Other people even showed their approval. Can jihadists do it? Only when Murong Yuanqing and others use the power of the state level can they block the other party. Of course, if Andrew really issues a death warrant, it means a declaration of war at a certain level. After all, many people will enter China and spies trained by jihadist organizations will come forward.

But this is not a matter for the virgin to consider. Seeing Andrew going away, she said, "elder Andrew, I don't think you need to be so angry!"

"Why am I not angry? The Chinese people hurt our saint. Why can't I be angry? Is it easy to organize and cultivate a saint? I wish I could kill all his family. No, I wish I could kill hundreds of people Said Andrew, red faced and angry.

But the virgin shook her head and said, "elder, elders, the reason why you are told not to do that is because..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!