"Oh?" Liu Hao stood up this time. He was not tall. He stood up just like the shop owner's aunt. He was in sharp contrast to the several big men behind him. His tight clothes looked like a monkey. As soon as he stood up, several big men followed him.

As soon as the shop owner's aunt saw that he was going to make trouble with some women, she quickly walked a few steps, stopped Liu Hao and said, "you are not going to buy my shop, I have agreed, do you not hurry to sign the contract?"

Seeing the old lady in front of him, Liu Hao sneered, pointed to Qin muchu and said, "boy, you should sit down for me first. Don't go. When I finish my business, I'll see that I won't kill you. Do you dare to compare with me

"Don't worry, I won't go. I'd like to see which garlic you are. You've come here." Qin Mu Chu's ability to ridicule people is also very deep. Hearing this, Liu Hao would like to go back. As an aunt of the owner, he pulled the contract from his hand and said, "I'll sign it!"

"Well, sign it, and write down the five thousand. I won't take advantage of you!" Liu Hao glared at Qin muchu.

It is said that it is not cheap, but it is actually appropriate to take advantage of the stool. After all, he has only paid 150000 yuan, so he has to cash out the shop. With the popularity of this small shop, the net income of a month is more than 10000 yuan. In other words, he spent one year's income on this shop, which is a big advantage. He said that he would give more Five thousand. It's shameless.

The shop owner's aunt took the contract, looked at it, and then wanted to sign it. Liu Hao said in a gloomy and strange way: "the secret recipe of those dishes is also to be sold to me. Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance!"

"What?" The shopkeeper's aunt immediately raised her head, her face showed anger and asked, "by what can I sell it to you?"

"Why, don't you think your little shop is worth 150000 yuan? Don't be funny, old lady. Liu Shao, what I bought is the secret recipe of your dishes. If you buy the secret recipe, I will go back to the city center to find a shop and open a big shop. It's no more profitable than you! " Liu Shao sneered and said.

The shopkeeper and his wife looked even worse. Of course, they knew that this man was running for the secret recipe, but they only paid 150000. How could they possibly buy the secret recipe? They were not greedy. Otherwise, they would have gone to a better place to open a bigger shop, and their income could at least be increased several times A personal sustenance, a small shop, two people every day busy work, but also a lot of things to do, if not this small shop, two people suddenly idle down, but will not adapt to, and, this annual income, most of the two people will donate, for a few college students to go to school.

Few people know about this. It's strange that they have no children and no daughters. They also make a lot of money every year. How can they still live in a small house? Where are the money.

The secret recipe of these dishes is actually handed down from the ancestors of the shop owner's aunt. It is said that the ancestors of the imperial chef of the Ming Dynasty secretly hid them. There are several kinds of herbs in it, which may be poisonous if taken out alone. However, if they are combined and processed in a special way, the taste of these dishes will be increased. Moreover, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it can replenish qi, blood and nourish yin Yang, in modern terms, is medicated food.

When it comes to the generation of the shop owner's aunt, she has only one daughter, so she can only pass it on to her. In those years, the shop owner's aunt opened a small shop with her husband. Unfortunately, there are no children and no children. They have nothing to worry about. The money they earn is used to help poor college students. This is not to say. Who has a family suffering, both of them also reach out and occasionally have a flow Wave, two people will also invite to the restaurant to eat.

There is a steelyard in people's hearts. Two old people are very famous nearby. If you mention them, the neighbors will say "good" and say "good people"!

This is a hidden story. Even song lianyao and others don't know. They all know that when they come to the store, they are sometimes undercharged by a few yuan. If there are extra dishes when they leave, they will also be taken away.

Once, Baihe forgot to bring enough money and came over. On the other hand, he ordered several dishes to take home for his parents. The old man asked her to take them away. A few days later, the white crane came to give the money. The old man didn't say anything and asked her if she was in trouble. If so, the shop owner's aunt even offered 200 yuan to Bai He, which greatly moved the white crane.

The noble quality is reflected everywhere. At this time, such an old couple was bullied by a little gangster and forced to sell shops. All three women couldn't help it.

Liu Hao just patted the table and yelled, "hurry up, special sign, I have to clean up that stupid comparison!"

Qin Mu Chu also stood up, pushed aside the chair and came over.

The shop owner's aunt also said at this time: "the shop can sell, but the secret recipe absolutely does not sell, that is my ancestral, cannot sell to the outsider!"

"If you don't sell it, you have to sell it. To tell you the truth, the 150000 is the money for your secret recipe. As for this broken shop, I don't want it. Of course, you can't stop selling it. Otherwise, the old man, the small dilapidated building where you two live will be on fire and water. It's dark and slippery. If you break your arm and leg, it will hurt a lot, isn't it?"

"You are shameless!" The shopkeeper's husband finally couldn't help it. He raised his spoon in his hand and yelled, "if you can, you'll kill both of us. I won't believe it. Don't say 150000, 1.5 million. I won't sell the secret recipe. I'd rather take it into the coffin.""I shit, you still have a good time, don't you, old goods, I'll call you to the hospital today, and I'll get you the hospitalization fee, so that you can live comfortably in it!" With that, Liu Hao was ready to kick out.

Qin Mu Chu looked at him and quickly reached out to grab him. But the big man behind Liu Hao also saw him coming, with his arm across and blocking him in front of him. At this time, Liu Hao had already raised his leg and kicked out with weak strength.

"Ah Liu Hao didn't kick the shopkeeper's husband. Instead, he felt a sharp pain in his thigh, as if he was cramped. Then his feet slipped and he fell down. The back of his head knocked on the chair, and then he screamed again. As soon as the younger brothers behind him ran over, they grabbed Liu Hao with seven hands and eight feet.

Liu Hao covered the back of his head and glared angrily at the people eating in the restaurant. He was sure that he had been attacked by others. Lying on the ground with a chopstick was the evidence of his crime. Someone hit him in the leg with chopsticks, so he fell down.

"Who is it? If you can stand up, I will not kill you! " Liu Hao looked at everyone angrily.

The shopkeeper and his wife also looked at the people who ate in the shop blankly. Who did it?

At this time, the three women also stood up. Seeing Liu Hao's fall, the three women knew that it was Li Yifei who made the move and got his attitude. The three women were not afraid of making a big fuss. Song lianyao went directly to the shop owner's aunt and said, "Auntie, don't be afraid. We will help you."

"You Girl, you don't care about it. Take your boyfriend and go. And you, auntie, thank you. But maybe you won't be able to eat it later. I'm sorry The shop owner's aunt said apologetically. While she wanted song lianyao to push out, Yin Fenger grabbed the hand of the shop owner's aunt and said, "Auntie, we don't go. We haven't finished our meal. How can we go? You can rest assured that we are here today. No one wants to make trouble here. We have eaten this flavor for more than ten years in your shop. If you don't want to sell it, no one can buy it!"

White crane nods hard, big eyes glare at Liu Hao.

Liu Hao just slowed down a little. When he heard the three women say so, he snorted coldly, looked at the three people, and said scornfully, "OK, little ladies, it's hard to speak. Since you want to manage it, come on. I'll see what you can manage today."

"Bah, shameless!" Yin feng'er said.

Song lianyao is disdainful smile, said: "talk about your background, so arrogant, rely on such a few people is not good."

"Remember, Lao Tzu's name is Liu Hao. If you don't change your name or sit down, you can't change your surname. Liu Shao is also!" Liu Hao also wanted to show off at this time and said: "little ladies, I miss you most. Tut, this face, this figure, this fart..."

Whoosh, a chopstick flew over. This time, it directly hit his front teeth, making a Dang sound. Liu Hao closed his mouth directly and let out a painful cry. He felt that his two front teeth were going to be knocked out. He cried out in pain.

Naturally, Li Yifei was the one who made the move. This time, his speed was also very fast, but the younger brothers were also prepared. One of them saw Li Yifei shaking his hand and pointed to him and yelled: "it's him. He made his hand! Liu Shao

Liu Hao immediately opened his eyes, released his hand and saw a pool of blood in his hand. Liu Hao was furious. He vomited a mouthful of blood and called out: "damn you, give you face, dare to hit me, give me, hit these two men to me under the table!"

Qin muchu was originally stopped. As soon as he started, he immediately handed over to several gangsters and short soldiers. However, Qin muchu was also tall and fearless. Li Yifei, the God of war, was behind him. He was even more courageous. When he saw the other party around, Qin muchu grabbed the arm of the little gangster who was blocking him, and twisted the other side's body The body pulls over, then the other hand clenches into a fist, punches out, hits each other's cheek.

The other side covered his face with the fist and squatted down. The others didn't expect that the two men would dare to fight first. They were both angry and fought back one after another.

Liu Hao stood back and yelled: "yes, fight me, and dare to fight back. I want you two to kneel on the ground to sing conquest for Laozi and lick my shoes for me!"

Yin feng'er looked at Qin Mu Chu's hand, clapped his hands and exclaimed excitedly, "come on, Mu Chu, Mo Da!"

White crane also has a touch of excitement on her face. This kind of on-the-spot experience is also very helpful for her writing, which can be more authentic.

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