Shaolin Temple, known as "Zen" and "martial arts", is known as "the first temple in the world". Because it is located in the dense forest of Shaoshi mountain in the hinterland of Songshan Mountain, it is named "Shaolin Temple". Shaolin Temple was founded in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Emperor Xiaowen built Shaolin Temple at the northern foot of Shaoshi mountain on Songshan Mountain, opposite Luoyang, in order to place the revered Indian monk Batuo. Shaolin Temple is a world famous Buddhist temple, one of the ancestral halls of Zen Buddhism and the birthplace of Shaolin Wushu. Shaolin Temple is famous all over the world because of Shaolin Kung Fu. It is said that "the world's Kung Fu comes from Shaolin, and Shaolin Kung Fu is the best in the world".

In recent years, Shaolin Temple has been developing and has numerous good reputation, but it is also more and more unlike the pure land of Buddhism. Li Yifei did not hold too much hope in his heart when he came here. He just wanted to find every place as much as possible, and do not leave any omission within the scope of his ability.

There are still a lot of tourists walking into it. Li Yifei does not blindly look for it, but gives out his own prestige. This is a very mysterious momentum. For example, he will carry a murderous spirit that no one else can reach after he has gone through a lot of gunfire and bloodshed before. When he enters the congenital realm, Li Yifei understands this kind of prestige, and every congenital expert will also There is such momentum, such as Xu Shanshan, such as Jiang Ningxiang, and even more so like Murong Yuanqing.

Shaolin Temple is too big, not to mention the hundreds of monks and all kinds of tourists. Li Yifei wants to find some real monks, but the difficulty is not so much. So Li Yifei thinks of a good way to release his prestige. If there are real experts here, he can feel it naturally. If not, Li Yifei will turn around and walk away.

Therefore, even though there were many people around, Li Yifei was not close to him. Naturally, they did not know why. They just felt that the young man had a strange feeling when he stood there.

This is the prestige of Li Yifei, so he looks very special.

Li Yifei stood in front of the mountain gate and looked up at the dignified three characters on it. On the forehead of the gate, there were three big characters of "Shaolin Temple" mentioned by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. On the top of the center of the plaque is a six character seal of "the treasure of Emperor Kangxi". There is a pair of stone lions in front of the mountain gate, male and female opposite, carved in Qing Dynasty. On the East and west sides of the eight character wall of the mountain gate, there are two stone houses symmetrically erected on both sides. The outer banner of the east stone square is "zuyuandi Ben", and the inner banner is "Batuo creation"; the inner banner of the West Stone square is "Dacheng resort" and the outer banner is "songshaochan forest". The main entrance of the mountain gate is a three Bay single eave hilltop building. It is located on a two meter high brick platform with hard mountain side doors and eight shaped walls. When you step in, you will see Maitreya's offering in the shrine. He has a big belly and is always smiling. He is known as "Buddha with big belly" and "everyone is happy with Buddha". Behind the shrine stands a wooden statue of Wei Tuo, holding a magic stick. When the weather of the Mountain Gate shows, Li Yifei praises it as a holy land of Buddhism. As soon as he enters, Li Yifei can feel the breath that ordinary people can't feel. It is a kind of warmth, a breath that should be called Buddha Qi.

Beyond the mountain gate is the corridor. On both sides of the corridor is a forest of Steles shaded by pines and cypresses. Because of the forest of stones, it is called the forest of steles. Li Yifei only looked at some of the steles, and then continued to move forward. The inscriptions on the steles were all profound Buddhist dharma, but they had nothing to do with what he wanted.

The hall is located at the end of the forest of steles. It is dedicated to the four heavenly kings, which symbolize "wind, tune, rain and Shun", with red walls and green tiles, painted arches, and a King Kong statue in front of the screen inside the door. Three double eaves Xiesheng palace, outside there are two King Kong, inside is the four king of heaven, majestic.

The deeper he went, the stronger the Buddhist spirit Li Yifei felt. After nearly 2000 years of precipitation in Shaolin Temple, among them, countless monks with profound Buddhist dharma created the Buddhist spirit here more than any other Buddhist temple. Being wrapped up by the Buddhist spirit, Li Yifei felt more and more calm. He felt that at least he did not come in vain, even if he could not find what he wanted.

The sound of Buddha is curling up, and the visitors' looks become solemn. Further inside, the hall is the Mahavira hall, where the statues of Sakyamuni, pharmacist Buddha and Amitabha Buddha are provided. In the middle of the hall, the four characters of "Baoshu Fanglian" written by Emperor Kangxi are hung. There are Avalokitesvara statues on the back wall and the statues of eighteen Arhats on both sides.

The buildings on both sides of the hall are the bell tower and Drum Tower on both sides of the hall. The bell tower in the southeast and the drum tower in the southwest. The so-called morning bell and evening drum came from here. Li Yifei stayed here for a while and then continued to walk inside.

Then inside is the thousand Buddha Hall. Behind the Lixue Pavilion, also known as Pilu hall, it is the last hall in the temple. According to the map in hand, it is the Abbot's room. Li Yifei didn't go any further, because a monk in ordinary clothes had already walked towards him.

The monk has a rich face and broad ears. He is not tall or short. He is about 1.7 meters tall. He has a string of ordinary Buddha beads on his chest. He has no hatred or joy in his eyes. He has just stepped out. Although there is still some distance between them, Li Yifei already knows that the opposite side is running for himself. So he turned around and watched the monks move quietly.

I can't tell my age, maybe 40 or 50, or 50 or 60, but I don't have many wrinkles on my face. I'm thin, but I don't look thin.

The visitors saluted the monks with their hands together, or they raised their hands with one hand and bent slightly. The monks also saluted one by one, so it was a few minutes before Li Yifei came to him.

"Amitabha." The monk stopped two meters away and flew a salute to Li Yi. Li Yifei also saluted him. After the two sides saw the ceremony, the monk said, "it's noisy here. I've been ordered by my master to ask the benefactor to go to the meditation room."Li Yifei nodded slightly and said, "please, master."

In his heart, he thought that it seemed that he had released his power effectively. The monk did not say much. He led Li Yifei into a small road.

Visitors looked around and guessed about Li Yifei's origin, but none of them kept up with the excitement. They just thought that Li Yifei was really extraordinary and could be met by the master.

Of course, more people don't understand the reason. There are not many people who can meet Shaolin monks. But there are some, Li Yifei, who belongs to a special kind.

After winding the path, Li Yifei was taken to a meditation room. He had already walked a long way. But after all, Shaolin Temple is very big. Ordinary people don't know how it is.

After saluting him, the monk said, "benefactor, master is waiting for you inside."

Thank you very much Li Yifei has a slight feeling. There is no special breath in the room, but the Buddhist spirit is stronger. The monk says no thanks and turns away. Li Yifei looks around and walks forward and gently opens the door. Li Yifei opened the door when he pushed it. Inside, there was a small room. Inside, it was probably a monk's bedroom, and the outside was a place for meeting and meditating.

A monk was sitting on a Futan, closed his eyes and meditated. Li Yifei came in and opened his eyes.

This is a monk who is older than the monk just now. His eyebrows have turned white, even more like the old monk seen in the movie. His white eyebrows are very long, hanging on both sides of his cheek.

Wearing an ordinary cassock, he is not as Jeweled as the abbot of Shaolin temple that Li Yifei has seen on TV. The white eyebrow monk is thin and thin. Sitting on a futon, he looks very thin. But when he opens his eyes, he is shining. His eyes are like a scanner, sweeping Li Yifei.

Li Yifei put his hands together, bent slightly and said, "master!"

The white browed monk did not stand up, but returned a salute and said, "don't be too polite, please sit down."

Sit? There are only two futons in the room. There are no chairs or stools. Li Yifei thinks about it for a moment, and then he goes straight to the room. He pulls the futon and sits cross legged in front of the old monk.

After sitting down, Li Yifei didn't think about how to open his mouth. He always felt that the old monk was unfathomable. He didn't feel any danger from the other person. He didn't even have a breath of breath. But he thought that the man would be very fierce. When the white eyebrow monk opened his mouth first, he said, "since you have been cultivated to be introverted, why do you want to release yourself?"

"To find the master." Li Yifei replied.

"It has been found now."

"That's why I've been restrained."

After they finished, there was a short pause. Li Yifei laughed, and the white browed monk no longer had a straight face and began to laugh.

After laughing enough, Li Yifei asked, "I come here to ask for something."

With a smile, the white browed monk said, "the old monk sits in the meditation room and never asks about foreign affairs. Besides, Shaolin Temple is the place of Buddhism. It's full of people from other places. I don't know what I can do for you."

Li Yifei said: "please rest assured, master. I'm just here to inquire, not to cause trouble."

"I'm already at ease."

"That's good. I'll stop beating around the Bush and come straight to the point."

"The benefactor is already making detours."

Li Yifei took a special look at the old monk with white eyebrow, nodded slightly, and said, "that's what I said. When I came to the temple, I had two things to do. One is to ask for Buddhist truth, and the other is to ask the master of speech."

The old monk with white eyebrows stroked his long eyebrows twice and shook them. Although the amplitude was not large, it might be the reason why he opened his eyes. So Li Yifei saw this tiny movement.

The old monk with white eyebrow laughed and said, "Amitabha, what the almsgiver asked can be big or small. Do you know, I don't know. I look at the extraordinary benefactor and the posture of sitting and lying, I have the appearance of an expert, but I don't know why?"

Seeing the old monk with white eyebrow, Li Yifei saw that he was carrying blood. He increasingly believed that he had found the right person. He did not hide it. He said, "I have been in the army for several years, and it is normal to have blood on my body."

As soon as this was said, the old monk with white eyebrow was relieved. He was a hermit monk in Shaolin Temple. He would only practice Buddhism once again and would not pay attention to the affairs in the temple. However, once a practitioner like Li Yifei arrived, he was the only one to receive him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!