"Contraband indeed However, there was only one group of machines in production, which was temporarily ordered by the customer. I thought it was also tens of millions of orders, so I took it. Who would have thought that all of a sudden, they came to seal up today... " The more sun Mingli said, the smaller his voice was. Before he finished, sun Fugui slapped him suddenly. Sun Ming Li's head tilted, subconsciously covering his face, staring and asked: "Dad, you hit me?"

"Why don't I kill you? You're a brute. You're not filial. You don't know that our Sun family is in a critical period. You dare to take private orders. Do you want to kill the sun family? You don't know that the Li family is staring at our family all the time. Do you know that other families would like to trip us up secretly, and you even secretly accept private orders at this time. When did our Sun family send you money, do you and Ma Dongxiang get less money? Sun Mingli, you are more than 40 years old, can't you grow up? When do you want me to take care of you, you unfilial son... " Sun Fugui understood the reason immediately. He was so angry that he wanted to kill sun Mingli with a stick. This unfilial son was so angry that he would die.

Sun Mingli was so bloody that he didn't dare to dodge. After sun Fugui almost scolded him, he said, "Dad, I didn't mean to do it. It was Dongxiang who advised me that he could earn more than 10 million yuan after receiving it. Good cooperation. There are still bigger contracts in the future, so I took it Otherwise, the factory can't shut down... "

"I'll kill you!" Sun Fugui raised his hand and slapped him again. Sun Mingli did not dodge. He let the old man finish the fight, his face was swollen, and there was a trace of blood on his mouth. Sun Mingli did not dare to avoid it. When the old man was tired, he said in a jar: "dad, I know I'm wrong, but things have to be solved. No, I think this is just an accident. It may be reported by the surrounding residents Either the pollution is a little serious. If we look for someone, it should not be a big problem. "

"I should have killed you!" Sun Fugui looked at this frustrated son, but the old man was too helpless. He was dizzy and panting for breath. Sun Mingli quickly helped sun Fugui and let him sit by the bed. Sun Mingli said, "Dad, things have happened. Even if you kill me, it's useless. Our family has already died a grandson. If you kill another son, who will send you to the end …”

Sun Fugui choked for a moment. He clapped his hands on the bed and hit him. He couldn't stop saying that he was not filial or filial.

Sun Mingli finally didn't dare to speak. He was afraid that the old man would faint. After half a day, he regained his strength and asked weakly, "the sun family can't stand this kind of trouble. Can't you see clearly the current situation? Do you dare to make mistakes at this time, and dare to commit crimes against the wind? You're going to kill me!"

"I think, it's a very simple case. If it's sealed up, find someone to dredge it up, and it'll be fine at most!" Sun Mingli pulled over a chair, sat down, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and bared his teeth.

Sun Fugui spits phlegm on his son's face. He stares round and is about to attack. At this time, the mobile phone rings. Sun Fugui finds the mobile phone and picks it up. The other side only says a few words. Sun Fugui's face suddenly changes, and the mobile phone slips down from his hand.

Seeing the old man like this, sun Mingli quickly asked, "what's the matter, dad. Who called? "

After a long time, sun Fugui sighed heavily. This time, he did not vent to his son, but said powerlessly: "Zheng Keli was taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission."

Sun Mingli said in surprise, "you say Zheng Keli. How could uncle Zheng be taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection? It's impossible. Uncle Zheng ate like this in the provincial capital... "

Zheng Keli is a good official of the sun family in the provincial capital. He is in charge of the economy, and his rank is not small. A word from sun Mingli about Uncle Zheng shows the relationship between the two families.

Therefore, sun Fugui's reaction was so great. In addition, the previous factory was suddenly closed down by the industrial and commercial bureau which had made good friends in the past. If these two things were linked together, it would definitely not be good news. Even if they were not linked together, it would be difficult for sun Fugui to feel not afraid.

Sun Mingli urged: "Dad, call quickly to ask what's going on. How could uncle Zheng be taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

Sun Fugui broke out again, pointing to sun Mingli and swearing: "I hit you? You're a waste, you idiot!"

The old man's mental cultivation skills are good. Maybe he didn't sleep well today, and his son's performance made him angry.

Sun Mingli didn't dare to wait any longer and ran away. Sun Fugui scolded someone alone for a while. He calmed down, picked up his mobile phone and began to call.

But the bad news is not only about these two things. On this night, sun Fugui didn't sleep all night. At his age, he couldn't bear it. But what made him even more annoyed was that suddenly no one could help him share the burden. The son is not a success, the daughter-in-law is even more corrupt, to the sun family caused a great trouble.

Sitting in bed all night without sleeping, sun Fugui seems to be 20 years old overnight, his hair is completely gray, and his face has more wrinkles. All night, his mobile phone has been out of power, and he can hear no good news. Sun Fugui finally understands that it is the Li family who has an attack. The sudden thunder strike makes the sun family fall into a passive and flustered state. The phone call of this night is very good Most of them call for help and report bad news.In the past half a month, the Li family has been making small troubles, which can also be solved. Many of the sun family members have relaxed their vigilance. As a result, they suddenly become confused. They are simply in a state of consternation. They even don't believe that the government officials who had a good relationship with their family suddenly changed their attitude. For example, when the deputy director of the industry and Commerce Bureau led the team, when sealing up things, it was called a selfless iron face, and he did not give a little affection at all.

It's just from the evening to the morning. After the morning, the sun's family is in constant bad news. Unfortunately, we can't contact sun Fugui, because the old man's brain blood is surging, and he suddenly falls to the ground in his bedroom.

The Song family was also hard. Song Zude slept more than sun Fugui this evening. It was because he went to bed early and was smarter than sun Fugui. He took sleeping pills very early and forced himself to sleep. As a result, he received a phone call at 3:00 in the middle of the night, saying that it was a multinational investment company. A stock in Europe and America was suddenly invested by unidentified funds Stream sniping, the stock price is instantly raised, originally only small shares of small stock acquisition, Song people ignore, this kind of thing often happens, even they secretly release some of the stock in hand.

But a few hours later, there was a wave of selling. Fortunately, some retail investors were taking in. The Song family made a false alarm. The company didn't have much stock, but it was worth about 2 billion yuan. The loss was a lot.

But in the early morning of China, when the European and American stocks closed, a sudden sell-off broke out, which was dozens of times larger than that of the last wave. The stock price fell sharply and reached the bottom soon

Song Zude was startled. This is not a normal phenomenon. However, the capital flow can not be found in any case. It is not clear who made the move. Of course, the Li family is the first one to be suspected, but it is impossible to find the head of the Li family after checking.

This is just the beginning. Many companies of the Song family in China, such as import and export trade, clothing business, high-tech products companies, etc., all happened in an instant.

Who could have thought that, in the middle of the night, the Li family suddenly got into trouble and made the sun and song families panic.

This is just a beginning, even Li Yifei didn't intervene, but his women suddenly got angry.

Li Yifei slept on the sofa last night. He got up in the morning and made more than ten breakfast. He asked the nanny to give it to every woman in the Li family. Even though she hurt herself, she was innocent. Li Yifei couldn't have put her anger on her head.

After breakfast, the women have to continue, but Li Yifei is already distressed. Looking at the girls with red eyes, Li Yifei forces them to go to bed and replenish their sleep. As for the fight, they are not in a hurry. They can't sleep for a while.

Su Mengxin stretched himself and yawned heavily. He said to the girls through the contact device: "well, sisters, let's have a rest. It's no fun killing the sun and song families at once! Wake up, let's go on! "

"Copy, Sue sir, repeat one side, copy!" Xu Shanshan's voice came from the contact.

After a while, other women came back one after another. Li Yifei looked at Zhile and directly picked up Su Mengxin. He carried her to the bedroom, put her on, pulled the quilt, and gave Su Mengxin a kiss on the mouth. He said, "hard wife, sleep well, wake up and continue to fight!"

Su Mengxin smile, close his eyes, soon came to the uniform breathing sound.

Li Yifei watched for a while, and then went to check whether every woman was sleeping well. When he found Chu Xiaoyao, Li Yifei frowned. Chu Xiaoyao was still struggling with puffy eyes and dark circles. The desk was in a mess. A printer was not far away, and a stack of printed paper, beverage bottles on the table, yoghurt, and all kinds of opened snacks had fallen out Five computers are still working. Chu Xiaoyao still has ten fingers flying, and her mouth cries out "little things" from time to time "I dare to intercept my aunt. I won't teach you a lesson!"

Such words, Li Yifei stood beside her for a long time, Chu Xiaoyao did not find out.

"Ah Husband, when did you come? God, I didn't find out! " Chu Xiaoyao finally turns around and sees Li Yifei startled. After reflecting, she jumps up from her seat and pours into Li Yifei's arms. But it may be that she has been sitting for too long and her body is stiff. She falls down in Li Yifei's arms. Chu Xiaoyao cries out and falls down. Li Yifei reaches out and hugs her.

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