As soon as he reached out, Li Yifei suddenly hugged Sophia. Sophia didn't expect Li Yifei to hold her in this situation. Instinctively, she wanted to fight back.

But because Li Yifei was also a sneak attack, she had already clamped her arm tightly so that she couldn't move at all. When she was about to speak, she immediately gave a low roar, and her eyes almost didn't stare out. Because there was a cool feeling in his lower body, which was obviously Sophia's flying knife. As long as the woman's fingers moved, he would To be a real eunuch.

But Li Yifei still did not let go. He glared at Sophia and said, "I will live and die with them. If any of them is hurt, I will die with them!"

Sophia then knew why Li Yifei wanted to hold her. She looked at Li Yifei coldly. Her lips moved, as if she had said something. But the wind and waves were so strong, Li Yifei didn't hear her at all. The Throwing Knife in her hand had been put away. Li Yifei immediately released her, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on her body. This woman is really dangerous.

Once again, Li Yifei was more careful. However, Sophia didn't do anything, which finally comforted Li Yifei. It seems that what he said just now still has some effect.

After Li Yifei and Sophia had just said that, Su Mengxin, Xu Shanshan, and Michelle were obviously more excited when they took their breath with Li Yifei. The words Li Yifei just said were more moving than any love words.

After holding on for more than half an hour, Li Yifei seemed to be losing her strength. Although Su Mengxin and her wife did not spend much effort, the sea water under the storm was very cold. In addition, they also consumed a lot of physical strength by going up and down. If they went down like this again, they all knew that only death would greet them.

However, it seems that their lives should not be cut off. The storm seems to have weakened all of a sudden, and the waves are no longer so big. This makes Li Yifei very happy. He quickly reminds everyone to cheer up. At this time, everyone feels that he has a lot of strength and persistence all over his body for a long time.

The wind stopped and the rain stopped. Li Yifei and they were floating on the sea, and they didn't want to move their fingers.

The afternoon sun has become a little warm, so that they also have a warm sense, and finally slow down some spirit.

"Brother-in-law, we finally survived." Xu Shanshan took a long breath and held Li Yifei's hand tightly under the water.

Li Yifei grinned and said, "yes, I've survived." But the heart is not a bit relaxed, now a few people's physical consumption is so big, but now it is in the vast sea, want to find land can be regarded as a real escape, and the most fatal is that Li Yifei's watch does not know when it fell off, there may be a positioning system on it, Zheng Mingrui can find him according to this, but now it is lost This is the most important life support.

"Brother in law, I'm hungry!" Xu Shanshan murmured at this time.

Li Yifei nodded and said, "that's easy. Brother in law will invite you to eat sashimi." Then he turned to Sofia and said, "can you help us catch some fish now?"

Sophia snorted. Although she didn't promise, she also dived into the water. After a while, she already had two more fish in her hand.

Li Yifei said with a smile: "thank you very much. By the way, lend me a knife."

Sophia was very happy this time. He gave Li Yifei a knife. Li Yifei immediately sliced the fish skin skillfully, and then cut the meat into thin pieces. He said, "this is real sashimi. It's fresh. We can hardly eat it at ordinary times." Then he took a piece and put it into his mouth. He chewed and praised: "good, really fresh, really fragrant. Come on, everyone will eat it."

Sophia is not polite. Take it up and eat it immediately. For people like her and Li Yifei, as long as they can survive, not to mention eating sashimi, even if they are poisonous snakes and scorpions.

Su Mengxin, Xu Shanshan and Michelle have also eaten raw fish fillets, but they are all eaten in restaurants with seasonings. I don't think it's good to see that sashimi is cut out now, so I can't help but feel a bit of resistance.

But Li Yifei and Sophia ate very well, and they were hungry. Finally, they insisted on eating a few pieces. The raw fish slices were not so delicious and fishy. But they all knew that if they did not eat, they would not have the strength, which was a great burden. They all showed extraordinary strength at this time.

"Why, as soon as we fly, we seem to be drifting along with the current?" After eating sashimi, Su Mengxin said suddenly.

Li Yifei had already found out and said: "this should be the current. If we are lucky, the current will bring us to the place close to the shore. If we are unlucky, we can only be carried farther and farther away."

"What shall we do?" Xu Shanshan asked worried.

Li Yifei laughed and said, "we have no choice. We are already in the current. If we want to swim out, it is impossible, so we can only follow the current.""Well, let's go with the flow. We can enjoy the scenery and eat sashimi. It's very good." Su Mengxin's mentality is very good, at this time or tone relaxed.

Sophia can't compare her experience in the sea with Li Yifei. Otherwise, she would not want to take Li Yifei to the island with a boat. At this time, she could only follow Li Yifei.

The current is getting more and more urgent. Now we feel that we can't swim even if we want to swim. We can only swim downstream.

It's impossible for us to know which ocean current has slowed down for more than three hours.

But now the sun is getting closer to the horizon, but Li Yifei is more and more anxious. At night, the temperature of the sea will be much lower. At that time, people will consume a lot of energy in order to keep their body temperature. It's really not good whether people can persist in this evening.

"Brother in law, brother-in-law, is that land over there?" Xu Shanshan suddenly cried out.

Li Yifei turned his head and saw a piece of black. He was overjoyed and said, "that's an island. We must swim to that island."

"Good!" Xu Shanshan and they immediately responded in unison.

Li Yifei looked at Sophia and said, "now we must work together, or neither of us can swim."

Sophia again had the idea of abandoning the three women, but Li Yifei said so, she gave up the idea and nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!