I don't know if the experts are concerned or they are all very flexible. Anyway, in the end, everyone also switched from offline to online. Of course, it doesn't mean that they give up offline. Offline is fundamental. Online is research. Online hypothesis, offline verification.

Under the leadership of Vice President Yuan and Minister Zheng, the "Farmer Agricultural Development and Reform Committee" was established. Minister Zheng served as the chairman, and Xiao Lao, Wu Lao, Zhao Chenggong, and Dongfang Herring were the vice presidents. In addition, honorary directors 10 people, the rest are members.

The meeting determined the online-based research direction. Offline, 1,000 large and small large-scale experimental fields and 10 online experimental schools will be established in major provinces and cities across the country, in various terrains and in various climates.

Zhao Chenggong was very smart, and expressed on the spot that he would donate 100 million yuan on behalf of "The Great Northern Wilderness" to fund the development of agriculture. Dongfang Herring cursed inwardly, bit the bullet, and said that he would also donate 100 million RMB, and the CEOs of several other companies also donated generously. You 20 million, I 50 million, and raised 580 million RMB in one fell swoop.

It is estimated that the big bosses are also scolding their mothers in their hearts, but their faces are full of righteousness. The big media are watching from the sidelines, who dares to lose their composure?

"Thank you bosses, you are all conscientious, socially responsible, and visionary entrepreneurs. On behalf of the "Farmer Agricultural Development and Reform Committee", Zheng thanked you all." Minister Zheng, as the "Farmer Agricultural Development and Reform Committee" Chairman, it is a good mood to see these entrepreneurs so supportive.

"In order to celebrate the "Farmers' Agricultural Development and Reform Committee", I have prepared a little beer next door, and everyone chatted while eating." Minister Zheng said.

It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and everyone was hungry. The young Dongfang Herring drank two bottles of mineral water hungry. I really don't know how the old experts in their 60s and 70s could resist.

Everyone heard the words and got up immediately, and they didn't care about the identity issue at the moment, let's talk about filling their stomachs.

Dongfang Herring doesn't like to share a table with the old senior. Your courteousness, eating well and being too tired, he purposely found a corner to sit down, ignoring other people, and swept away the delicious food on the table. It has to be said that the standard of the big hotel is high, whether it is a famous dish or a home-cooked dish, whether it is lobster abalone or radish and green vegetables, the taste is first-class.

Dongfang Herring has eaten a lot of delicacies, but he can't find any faults with the dishes in front of him.

"Are you hungry?" A voice rang out from beside my ear.

"That's not—Vice President Yuan!" Dongfang Herring turned her head to look, and stood up quickly in fright.

"Sit down, don't be too polite. The dining table is a place to eat. If you have too much etiquette, you won't be able to eat enough." The person who appeared next to him was Vice President Yuan, who was pressing Dongfang Herring's shoulder.

"You're here, Vice President Yuan." Dongfang Herring didn't dare to use force, so he could only sit down.

"How is it? Does the food suit your taste?" Vice President Yuan asked.

"Couple." Dongfang Herring hurriedly said.

"I would like to thank you for the "Space Bureau" matter." Vice President Yuan said: "If it wasn't for you, this project would have to be postponed for many years to start."

"Is there anything the country can't do?" Dongfang Herring was a little surprised, and Vice President Yuan's expression didn't look fake. This is very unreasonable. Other countries don’t mention it. In our country, if the country is determined to do something, there is nothing it can’t do, whether it’s an unprecedented solution to the problem of starvation of more than one billion people, or households with electricity. In the eyes of many people, things that are impossible to accomplish, as long as the country says and does, it will surely succeed.

Spaceships are very difficult, but rockets and space stations were also very difficult, and they were not made in the end.

"For this matter, the international situation has changed, and it is not suitable for the country to contribute at this time." Vice President Yuan said.

"In our country, there are still a lot of Aiguo entrepreneurs." Dongfang Herring said, some enterprise groups may have relatively little cash, but they can definitely be paid out in installments. There are others who can do it without him.

"Multinational corporations have this strength, but multinational corporations are too involved, and "Space Bureau" can't make it too complicated." Vice President Yuan said.

Dongfang Herring seems to understand but not understand.

"Being the vice president will bring a lot of pressure, but I believe you can handle it." Vice President Yuan said.

"I like to use my strengths and avoid my weaknesses." Dongfang Herring said.

"Agriculture is related to the foundation of the country, you have to pay more attention to it." Vice President Yuan urged.

"Yes!" Dongfang Herring shuddered.

"Eat slowly, I'm leaving!" Vice President Yuan patted Dongfang Herring on the shoulder. He walked to the exit, and two bodyguards in plain clothes appeared from nowhere, escorting him away with light steps.

Dongfang Herring watched Vice President Yuan leave, and continued to eat and drink until his back disappeared, probably because he was already half full and felt that it was not so delicious. However, whether it was delicious or not, he didn't have time to eat it. Governor Luo and Minister Zheng came hand in hand.

"Governor Luo, Minister Zheng!" Dongfang Herring quickly stood up.

"Sit down, let's chat while eating." Minister Zheng said. Dongfang Herring saw that the two of them had already sat down, so she followed suit, stopped holding the chopsticks, picked up the cup, and drank the water slowly.

"You were thoughtful just now, and you seem to have thought of a good idea?" Minister Zheng asked.

"We can cooperate with universities." Dongfang Herring said.

"How?" Governor Luo asked.

"I don't mean to hit the experts. Experts are definitely not as good as college students when playing games." Dongfang Herring said, Governor Luo and Minister Zheng both nodded.

"A large part of college students are associated with life occupations, and there are not a few farmers. This is a very important force." Dongfang Herring said.

"This idea is fine." Governor Luo said.

"I'm going to communicate with the leaders of the Education and Sports Bureau." Minister Zheng agreed after thinking about it.

"Or let college students who are interested in this field be the assistants of the experts in the game, so that the students can improve their skills and complete our tasks." Dongfang Herring said.

"You surprised me." Minister Zheng looked at Dongfang Herring with undisguised admiration in his eyes. Minister Zheng is very talkative, and Governor Luo is very knowledgeable. Dongfang Herring must concentrate on chatting with the two of them, so as not to be inattentive and unclear, which would be embarrassing.

Through the conversation, Dongfang Herring learned that Minister Zheng and Governor Luo are both gamers, and they go online 2-3 times a month on average, and there are very few changes.

One after another, when experts couldn't bear to leave the field one after another, Dongfang Herring immediately offered to leave. He was not tired, but mainly uncomfortable. Minister Zheng and Governor Luo glanced at the time. It was almost early morning, so they could only end the conversation.