Chapter 73: Strength Enhancement Potion

"Just hold on for a few more minutes; we'll be there soon," Lin Weiran encouraged the two of them.

Sure enough, after about ten more minutes of walking, the group finally caught sight of a flowing river, which excited everyone greatly.

Although they had been camping in the wilderness before, this was the first time they felt such excitement.

Xiao Qingyang and Gu Xiaotian were the most thrilled among them. When they saw the river, their legs couldn't hold them any longer, and they immediately lay down on the ground, reluctant to get up.

Lin Weiran and the others knew that it had been a tiring day for both of them. One was an alchemist (pharmacists), and the other was a cook, neither of whom had a particularly robust physique. Yet, they had walked such a long way together. Their perseverance alone was enough to earn admiration.

"Both of you rest here for a while; we'll go set up the tents," Lin Weiran said, then turned to Zheng Kainan, the specialist in mech repairs, and said, "You can rest here too. The four of us are enough."

Zheng Kainan didn't hesitate and sat down with Xiao Qingyang and the others.

Although his physical condition was slightly better than the other two, he had also reached the point of extreme exhaustion after walking for so long.

Indeed, Lin Weiran and the others were highly efficient. Not only did they quickly set up the tents, but they also managed to find some wild vegetables and mushrooms similar to the ones Gu Xiaotian had picked at noon.

"We don't recognize any others, so let's make do with these for tonight. Tomorrow, we can look for something else," Gao Lingqi said somewhat apologetically.

They didn't have many demands when it came to food. After all, they were used to consuming nutritional supplements. Being able to eat natural food was already considered fortunate. However, Gu Xiaotian and Xiao Qingyang, who were accustomed to enjoying delicious meals every day, might feel a bit dissatisfied eating the same thing twice in a row.

But Gu Xiaotian and Xiao Qingyang were not the type to be picky. Having something to eat was good enough for them. Who would complain?

After everyone finished dinner, the night had completely fallen, and they could only wait until the next day to search for Xu Kaiyang and the others.

"Qingyang, Xiaotian, Kainan, you three go to sleep first. Tonight, the four of us will take turns keeping watch," Lin Weiran arranged the night's watch schedule.

Gao Lingqi and the others had no objections. After all, they had indeed walked a long distance today, and Xiao Qingyang and the others were starting to feel fatigued. If they continued to keep watch, they might not be able to move forward tomorrow.

Xiao Qingyang and the other two didn't refuse, mainly because their bodies weren't up to the task. In order not to slow down the group, they had no choice but to obediently rest.

However, this was only the first day. In the future, they would also have to take turns keeping watch. If they couldn't contribute to the battle or even the night watch, then they would be of no use.

To be helpful, their physical condition had to be stronger. However, enhancing their physique wasn't something that could be achieved overnight, and even if they started training now, it would be too late.

Xiao Qingyang looked at the potions he had concocted at noon, and a bright idea flashed through his mind.

Although it was too late to start training their physique now, using strength enhancement potions might be able to help them to some extent.

However, the potions he carried with him were all healing potions, including the ones he had brewed at noon. To make strength enhancement potions, he needed to brew them again.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late, and they didn't need to go to sleep immediately. So Xiao Qingyang took out his set of potion-making equipment once again, ready to start brewing the strength enhancement potions on the spot.

"Qingyang, are you planning to make potions? But it's already dark now, won't it be affected?" Liu Jiaming asked with concern.

"It's fine, it won't be affected," Xiao Qingyang replied with a smile.

The potion-making process required his natural energy. Even without any light, he could use his spiritual consciousness as his eyes. Although the state seen with spiritual consciousness was different from what the eyes could see, it was enough to identify various spiritual plants.

It wouldn't take much time for Xiao Qingyang to brew two vials of enhanced potions. Half an hour would be enough.

Although everyone had already witnessed Xiao Qingyang's speed in potion-making once, they were still amazed when they saw it again.

"Here are two vials for you. You can drink them now, but sip them slowly. Once you feel a slight tingling sensation in your body, stop," Xiao Qingyang handed the two vials of prepared enhanced potions to Gu Xiaotian and Zheng Kainan, emphasizing his instructions.

He wasn't sure about the current condition of their bodies and whether they could withstand the transformation caused by one vial of enhanced potion. Hence, he advised them to drink it slowly, sip by sip.

If they were at school, as long as they could endure the pain of their bodies being transformed, they could consume all of it in one go.

But they were currently in the wilderness, undergoing trials. Xiao Qingyang only wanted their physical condition to be slightly enhanced, without demanding too much improvement all at once.

If they had to endure the intense pain of body transformation now, they would definitely lack the energy to continue with the group tomorrow.

"What kind of potions are these?" Liu Jialiang asked curiously.

"Strength Enhancement potions. They can improve their physical condition and increase their body strength," Xiao Qingyang honestly replied, completely unaware of how astonishing his words were to the others.

"Improve physical condition? Can it raise their physical attribute level?" Liu Jialiang hurriedly asked.

He had never heard of potions that could increase the level of human physical attributes. If it was indeed possible to improve physical attribute levels, wouldn't they become stronger?

Especially for students in the Mecha Engineering department, the level of their physical attributes determined how far they could go in their future careers.

Xiao Qingyang responded, "If their physical attribute level is initially relatively low, then it is possible to improve it."

"What about those with higher levels? Can people with higher physical attribute levels also improve?" Now not only Liu Jialiang was excited, but everyone else became excited as well. Even the supernatural being Gao Lingqi looked at Xiao Qingyang with excitement, waiting for his answer.

For supernatural beings, their physical attribute levels were generally higher, and further improvement didn't have much effect. After all, during battles, they mainly relied on their beast form and supernatural abilities, and the physical strength of the beast form was already relatively high.

But if they could really improve their physical attribute level, they wouldn't refuse it. After all, who could refuse becoming stronger and more excellent?

"If the level of the enhancement potion is high, it should also be effective for people with higher physical attribute levels. However, I can currently only brew non-grade enhancement potions, which are only effective for those with C-level or lower physical attribute levels," Xiao Qingyang truthfully replied, without any intention of using this opportunity to increase his fame or influence.

Even so, everyone's eyes still shimmered with anticipation and hope as they looked at Xiao Qingyang.

Xiao Qingyang had just started his freshman year, and his future was still long. Even if he couldn't currently brew higher-level enhancement potions, what about in the future?

If one year wasn't enough, then two years... three years... ten years... They believed that one day Xiao Qingyang would be able to brew advanced enhancement potions. By then, would their physical attribute levels also be able to improve?

Just the thought of that day made everyone unable to control their excitement.

Being able to know Xiao Qingyang early, being able to participate in the freshman training with him, and knowing that Xiao Qingyang can make enhancement potions, they are truly fortunate!

This was almost the true thought of everyone present, a rare consensus.

Gu Xiaotian and Zheng Kainan felt that the potion in their hands, though physically light, weighed as heavy as a fortune.

"This... this is too precious. I can't accept it," Gu Xiaotian said as he tried to return the potion to Xiao Qingyang.

"They are just some non-grade potions, not considered precious. Quickly take them, they can only enhance your physical strength," Xiao Qingyang pushed the potion back, refusing to accept it.

Both Gu Xiaotian and Zheng Kainan had C-level physical attribute levels, so this strength enhancement potion was just an added bonus for them and wouldn't improve their physical attribute levels.

But even so, they still felt excited and grateful.

"Quick, take them and let us see the effect," urged Liu Jialiang and others, eager to see the effect of the strength enhancement potion. They had never heard of any potions that could improve a person's physical attributes before, so this was an eye-opening experience for them, and they naturally didn't want to miss out.

Moreover, if the enhancement potion really worked, when Xiao Qingyang was able to brew advanced potions, they would definitely buy a bottle.

Seeing that Xiao Qingyang insisted on giving them the potions and that everyone was waiting to see the results, Gu Xiaotian and Zheng Kainan understood that Xiao Qingyang gave them the potions so they could enhance their physical attributes and keep up with the rest of the group.

To avoid slowing down their teammates, the two immediately took the enhancement potions and followed Xiao Qingyang's instructions, slowly consuming them one mouthful at a time until they felt a slight tingling in their bodies, then they stopped.

At this point, there was only a tiny amount of potion left in their hands.

Because of Xiao Qingyang's instructions, they didn't dare to continue consuming it, but they also didn't want to throw it away. They looked to Xiao Qingyang for help.

"How do you feel now? Is your body in a lot of pain? Can you hold on?" Xiao Qingyang asked.

"It's only a little painful, but I can endure it," Gu Xiaotian replied.

"Qingyang, there's only this tiny amount left. It would be a shame to throw it away. Can't we just drink all of it? We can bear this slight pain," Zheng Kainan hurriedly asked.

Xiao Qingyang looked at the remaining amount of the enhancement potion, seeing that there was indeed not much left, he nodded and agreed to their request.

It was clear that the non-grade enhancement potion had little effect on people with C-level physical attributes. If they wanted to improve their physical condition, they would need to consume the primary-level enhancement potion.

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