"Ah? Oh

The stewardess was a little stunned. She immediately reacted and ran to the captain's room with Lin Xuan.

Qin poetry also rose, followed closely.

Sure enough, the captain is dying, but he is still sitting in the driver's seat, with the only remaining willpower, strongly supporting the flight.

Lin Xuan's sword eyebrow was slightly heavy. Facing the Deputy captain, he yelled, "you're going to take over the captain right now. Master the direction. I have to treat the captain immediately!"

The co pilot was stunned and faltered, "but, I I can't fly a plane... "

"You sit next to the captain every day. You can operate as he does!"

Lin Xuan ordered him to roar.

The co captain hesitated and got up in a panic, waiting for Lin Xuan to pull the captain out of the driver's seat.

"Come on

Lin Xuan Li voice way, a will the co pilot into the driving position.

He had already put his hand on the captain's pulse, and felt the pulse for him. The pulse was very accurate, and soon he knew the captain's condition.

"Lin Xuan, Captain, what's his condition?"

Qin Shi Shi stood by and watched, the plane was constantly bumping.

"Acute myocardial infarction!" Lin Xuan is indifferent.

After a few words, he took out the silver needle from his practicing medicine Yanjia skin bag and pricked it into the captain's whole body acupoints with nine Yuqi needles.

Then, Yuanli in the pill field, a warm air stream condenses in the palm, and instills Yuanli into the captain's body along the captain's chest.

Yuan Li wandered through the captain's eight meridians, waiting for a long time as if he finally took a breath, "Hoo!" "Ah Two, pale face, immediately returned to the blood color.


"The plane is going to crash. I can't control it. I can't fly it!"

All of a sudden, the co pilot screamed, the plane issued a "beep, beep" alarm, and the plane went down.

Like the wild geese in the middle of an arrow, they keep accelerating their descent.

And in front of it is just a small isolated island in the sea area.

The plane was about to crash and hit a small island in the sea.

The captain regained consciousness, leaped like a carp, pulled the Deputy pilot away, "get out of here, let me come!"

At this time, the cabin has already been extremely nervous, "ah ah..." The passengers panicked and screamed.

All faces were shrouded in fear, their eyes dilated and their pupils dilated, as if waiting for death.

Even these stewardesses, often on the plane, encounter such a crisis situation, but also nervous pale face.

After Lin Xuan treated the acute myocardial infarction with excellent medical skills, the captain was calm and calm, holding the control lever of takeoff.

He clenched his teeth, his eyes filled with incomparable firmness and roared: "get up!"

Only one percent, the plane is hit by a small island in the sea, and almost in this second, the plane floor clings to the island, and it is soaring.

At the last moment, the captain managed to rescue in a timely manner, and the plane rushed steadily to the sky.


In the cabin, the passengers burst into sobs and cheered.

"Mother! Is this a safe escape? "

"I thought I was going to crash and die. That's great!"

"That's great. We have to add drumsticks to the captain..."

"Daughter in law, if you survive a disaster, you will have a good fortune. We will go to rose coast to take wedding dress and get a certificate to get married immediately..."

"Husband, I'm scared to death."

"If you want me to say, besides the captain, the one who saved us was the kind-hearted man. His medical skills were so excellent, he was a miracle doctor!"

At this time, many passengers already knew that it was Lin Xuan who rescued the captain just three or two minutes ago.

At the moment of the crash, the captain was able to fly the plane again, which avoided a tragedy.

Lu Sheng and Hu min were beaten up by Lin Xuan. They thought that the plane would crash and die. Now the danger is over.

The plane flew smoothly to the rose coast. Lu Sheng and Hu min scoffed at him and didn't care, "hum, it's just that you're such a showman that you dare to hit me. When you get off the plane, you'll see that I won't kill him!"

"I'm afraid he doesn't know how powerful I am on the rose coast." Lu Sheng thought to himself.

However, because he yelled on the plane, now, the passengers on the plane are very indifferent to Lu Sheng and Hu min.

On the contrary, when Lin Xuan and Qin Shi Shi walked back to their seats from the captain's room, "Pa Pa Pa Pa" burst into a burst of thunderous applause.

"My friend, your medical skills are too good. Which hospital are you from in Shenzhen? Doctor

"Handsome boy, you are such a good doctor. Let's make a friend and add a wechat?""Your daughter-in-law is so beautiful. She looks better than a star."

"Are you going to the rose coast to take wedding photos?"

"I always feel that you two are familiar with each other. This beautiful woman looks like Qin Shishi, the No.1 Beauty in Shenzhen. You are especially like Qin Shi Shi's son-in-law who is very troublesome to me!"

"Oh, don't think about it. Maybe you just look like it. You are not. After all, the son-in-law, who is a soft eater, I have never heard of his medical skills... "


Many of the passengers talked with each other and even began to guess the names of Lin Xuan and Qin Shishi.

When the passengers asked about the identity of Lin Xuan and Qin Shi Shi Shi, Lin Xuan smiled and calmly said, "I am Lin Xuan, she is my daughter-in-law Qin Shishi!"

The smile of those passengers was stiff and embarrassed.

Some people even didn't believe it at all. They waved their hands to Lin Xuan and said, "man, you can really be a joke. How can you be that rubbish? Cough You look just like me

Lin Xuan and Qin Shi Shi Shi secretly looked at each other with a smile, and did not continue to argue with those passengers or prove that they were Lin Xuan and Qin Shi Shi.

Because even though they all went to the rose coast to take wedding photos on this flight, they met by chance, and there was no need to prove their identity.

Although other passengers no longer ask about the identity of Lin Xuan and Qin poetry, Lu Sheng and Hu min firmly remember them.

They secretly gnash their teeth. It turns out that Lin Xuan, the biggest trash in Shenzhen, and the sad and cheap woman Qin Shi Shi Shi.

It's just a waste. If you dare to beat me, I will make you pay the price. Lu Sheng murmured bitterly in his heart.

Mu Kun and his assistant Moya, who always loved the wedding shop, did not say much. Naturally, they could not justify Lin Xuan and Qin's poetry.

After a short plane accident and a flight of about half an hour, everyone was chatting and soon arrived at the rose coast

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