"Brother Yang, if you have anything to say, you may as well say that we are absolutely on the united front and united with the outside world." Qin Ruyan coincides with Qin Yang on the matter of Qin poetry.

Qin Yang stares at Qin Ruyan, looks up and down a few eyes, sees Qin Ruyan is some whole body uncomfortable, "Yang elder brother, what do you do? Keep staring at me... "

"Don't think about it. I'm thinking. Do you think it's because Fang Yue gave the hidden rules to Qin's poetry, so Fang Yuecai was so hard at Qin family?"

This sentence reminds Qin Ruyan, "eh? If you say so, you can't rule out this possibility. Although Lin Xuan's waste has been in the Qin family for three years, he has never even had a chance to touch Qin's poetry. If Qin's poetry is regulated by Fang yueqian, Fang Yuezhen may have worked hard for her life... "

"Yes, in addition to her being hidden rules, I really can't think of any reason for Fang Yue to approve Qin poetry so much."

Qin Yang thought for a moment, "Hey, Ruyan, I have a plan. I don't know if you would like to. Of course, this is certainly good for you."

"What plan?" Qin Ruyan is good at listening to it. Her eyes are bright and she is interested.

"I'm thinking, if Fang Yuezhen is an old lecher, we might as well adopt the beauty scheme..." Qin Yang said, glancing at Qin Ruyan. Although Qin Ruyan is not as good as Qin's poetry in terms of her appearance and beauty, she is at least a beauty with a little beauty.

"Beauty trick? Yang elder brother, you should not mean, let me go, that can't do! I am the future daughter-in-law of the Lin family... "

"Ruyan, what's the matter? It's inevitable for us to sacrifice a little bit for our big plan," Qin Yang said. Besides, if you have conquered Fang Yue, it will be very easy to ask him about your future husband, who is the bride price of the Lin family? "

Qin Ruyan turns to think, Qin Yang said, is such a reason.

Although the Lin family has paid tens of millions of betrothal gifts, as long as the future Lin family husband does not appear for a day, those betrothal gifts are still in the air.

If you can get to know the bride price of the Lin family through Fang Yue, you may soon marry into the Lin family and become a rich wife.

As for whether it's a girl with yellow flowers, it's harder to find a dinosaur than her daughter, Hong, who was not in Kaifeng. Although there are dinosaur fossils, it's really fossil level.

Therefore, in order to be able to marry into the Lin family and become a rich wife, what chastity is nothing.

"Brother Yang, can this plan work?" Qin Ruyan was obviously moved, but also doubted.

Qin Yang couldn't think of any bad ideas in order to achieve his goal. He saw that Qin Ruyan, in order to marry into the Lin family and become a rich wife, was so obsessive that he naturally took advantage of Qin Ruyan.

"Ruyan, you can't even compare the poems of Qin Dynasty? She can be ruled by Fang yueqian. Don't you have confidence in your appearance

This sentence of Qin Yang undoubtedly pinched Qin Ruyan's throat. What Qin Ruyan cared about most was the comparison with Qin's poetry, especially in her appearance. She always believed that she was more beautiful than Qin's poetry.

The title of the first beauty in Shenzhen should have belonged to her, Qin Ruyan, rather than Qin's poems and poems. Those blind people made random comments on them.

"Brother Yang, how can I lose to Qin Shi Shi Shi? It's a beauty trick. I'll take the Fang Yue." Qin Ruyan said indignantly.

"OK, I'll send the location of Fang Yue's home to you on wechat. You'll take action tonight, so as not to have a long night's dream."

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