"Yes." Luo Mushan nodded and said firmly: "As long as you get rid of Ling Tian and regain the power of the Hongmeng world, your mother will be able to wake up."

"My bound Hongmeng system, the spirit of the system is your mother!"

Hearing this news, Luo Xiaoman looked excited.

She is more determined to regain the power of Hongmeng world. Not only to save the world, but also to save her fairy mother.



The green forest is full of insects and birds around, and there is a thriving scenery.

However, under this kind of scenery, there are countless omnipotents patrolling, making this green atmosphere more cold.

"Is this an omnic?!" Luo Xiaoman crouched on a tree, while Mo Yuan was lying beside her, her tall body almost blocking her.

As for the two sides, C0 and C1 are lying on their stomachs, looking at the three omnics with metallic luster in front of them warily.

These omnipotents are like spiders, with eight legs and twelve eyes on their round heads, which can observe a 360-degree view.

"In order for these omnipotents to carry more weapons and observe more details around them, they are all designed like this." C0 explained.

"But, aren't you also omnic? Why are you totally different from them." Luo Xiaoman learned from Mount Luomu that Ling Tian realized the importance of the environment to this world, so that he could feel at ease before he became otherworldly Self-improvement, he specially transformed the post-war environment.

Later, some of the omnipotents also became aware of themselves and began to reflect on themselves.

They believed that Ling Tian was wrong to raise humans in captivity in order to be otherworldly.

After all, humans created them and are their own fathers.

Destroying mankind is equivalent to destroying one's own origin, which is not in line with the will of heaven!

For this reason, these omnics chose to rebel.

Later, they met Mount Luomu, and there was such a rebel organization.

"We used to be as ugly as these omnics. Brother Luo gave us a chance to be reborn." C1's eyes flashed with respect.

Seeing his face full of admiration for his father, Luo Xiaoman felt guilty. After all, she and Yuan couldn't help but stunned them directly.

If it were not for C0 and they came in time, it is estimated that the two of them would have to take down C1 cleanly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." C0 looked at the three omnipotents in front of him, and said: "These three omnipotents all have a panoramic surveillance system. We can't get close. But, I It can create an electromagnetic storm and temporarily disable them."

Having said that, he glanced at Luo Xiaoman and said: "At that time, you will have ten seconds to approach and absorb their data."


Luo Xiaoman nodded, then took a deep breath and adjusted his state. At the same time, she glanced at Mo Yuan next to her, and the two of them smiled tacitly without saying more.

"I really envy you humans." Suddenly, C1 looked at Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan with envy, and said quietly: "Although we can think independently, there is no way you can understand each other like you humans. Thoughts."

"In addition to dictation, we can only link our own thinking system with each other to read the other's thoughts."