Nine in the morning.

A dozen doctors in white coats stood outside No. 1 chemotherapy room of Linhai hospital.

The expressions on these faces are different, including surprise, shock, disdain, doubt, excitement

"Here comes the patient."

In an instant, the eyes of more than a dozen people all looked at the past. Four medical staff pushed the patient to the chemotherapy room, and three patient families followed silently.

Looking at the patients on the cart, these senior doctors couldn't help but come up with a detailed information.

Deng Shangwei, male, 51 years old, late stage of liver cancer, cancer cell proliferation and seven complications.

Not to mention these senior doctors, even an intern knows that this situation has almost declared Deng Shangwei's death.

His life may come to an end at any time in a short time, and he will suffer great physical pain with the aggravation of his illness.

Looking at Deng Shangwei, who was almost skinny, a trace of intolerance flashed in the eyes of all doctors. As doctors, they could only watch the patient die.

This is a very cruel thing for them!

Deng Shangwei's state is obviously not optimistic. He is in a semi coma and can't even communicate normally.

Three patients' families followed the medical staff into the chemotherapy room.

This is Su Mo's request. Today's treatment, he hopes the patient's family can witness it with their own eyes.

After the hospital staff pushed Deng Shangwei into the chemotherapy room, the doctors standing outside whispered.

"You say, is Su Mo really sure?"

"Personally, I'm not very optimistic. Although I also hope Su Mo can save a life, Deng Shangwei's condition has deteriorated to an uncontrollable situation. No matter what treatment means, it has lost its effect. If you're not polite, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, he has no power to return to heaven!"

"Yes, it's not another disease. It's cancer. If it's in the early and middle stages, effective treatment measures can be taken, but Deng Shangwei's condition has entered the late, middle and late stages, and there is no hope at all“

"I don't think so. Su Mo is the spokesman of miracles. He knows Deng Shangwei's condition and dares to put forward treatment suggestions. He must have a certain grasp. What's the matter with advanced cancer? Su Mo hasn't created miracles!"

"Yes, I also believe that Su Mo, no matter how incredible things come to him, there are infinite possibilities. We ordinary people should not make a conclusion easily, so as to avoid being slapped in the face."

Hearing these comments, Qi Zhiyuan in the crowd snorted coldly and couldn't help saying, "you look up to Su Mo too much. How old is he?"

"Moreover, Deng Shangwei is in the advanced stage of liver cancer!"

"In order to conquer the forbidden area of cancer, medical personnel all over the world have spent decades without making any progress. It's just a su mo. even if he is a genius, what waves can he turn out?"

Speaking of this, Qi Zhiyuan swept around all the doctors present, with a trace of sarcasm in his tone, "do you think Su Mo can stand the world alone?"

Because of what happened in Song Qinghe's office that day, Qi Zhiyuan was very upset to see Su Mo now. When he heard that someone thought Su Mo could succeed, he couldn't help jumping out immediately.



That's cancer. A suckling boy can never succeed.

The doctors who supported Su Mo just now didn't know how to answer the phone, and the atmosphere outside the chemotherapy room became a little embarrassed.

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand it."

Just then, a light voice rang through the ears of more than a dozen doctors.

Not far away, Su Mo and song Qinghe came over, and everyone shouted hello.

"Good teacher Su, good Dean."

"Good teacher Su, good Dean."


Su Mo and song Qinghe nodded in response one after another. Song Qinghe was about a foot behind Su Mo, which was obviously dominated by Su mo. after everyone saw this small detail, their attitude on their faces was more respectful.

Even their Dean is headed by Su Mo, and their minions should pay more attention to their attitude towards Su mo.

If you can't get one, you may lose your job.

Of course, the only exception is Qi Zhiyuan.

When he heard Su Mo's words, he sneered and ran out: "Mr. Su is really worthy of being the first genius of Xia country. I really feel inferior to him with such a tone!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the doctors present, including song Qinghe beside Su Mo, couldn't help but change their faces.

This is a naked provocation!

"You don't have to sigh."

For Qi Zhiyuan's words of running, Su Mo's mood did not fluctuate at all. He walked slowly to Qi Zhiyuan and said faintly, "because you are not as good as me!"

With that, Su Mo turned and walked into the chemotherapy room, leaving Qi Zhiyuan alone in place“ You are not as good as me, you are not as good as me... "These words kept echoing in Qi Zhiyuan's ears, and his face gradually became extremely gloomy. What is arrogance? No, that's it! It was arrogant to ignore him in front of so many people... For a moment, Qi Zhiyuan's eyes were as cold and poisonous as a poisonous snake. But seeing him unhappy, others are happy. More than a dozen doctors present did not have a good relationship with Qi Zhiyuan. Qi Zhiyuan's character is so arrogant that he has few friends in the hospital. Just because this guy does have two brushes, they don't want to provoke Qi Zhiyuan for no reason. Because of this, Qi Zhiyuan became more and more arrogant in the hospital. In addition to song Qinghe, even the vice president was ignored. Qi Zhiyuan had a quarrel with the vice president some time ago, which made the vice president angry and rested at home for more than ten days. Up to now, he hasn't slowed down. Because of this, many people are very unhappy with Qi Zhiyuan. Seeing Su Mo's crisp face and Qi Zhiyuan, everyone couldn't help cheering secretly. Two other male doctors gloated“ Alas, I really don't understand some people. "“ What do you say? "“ You said, "why do you insult yourself?"“ Maybe I have a hobby in this regard! "“ Poof - "poof -" several female doctors covered their mouths and snickered. This made Qi Zhiyuan's face more ugly. He stared at the two male doctors who spoke just now and said angrily, "are you sick?"“ Hum! " Song Qinghe couldn't see it anymore. He said in a deep voice, "don't you think you've lost enough? Now hurry to disappear, and if you speak ill of Miss Su again in the future, you can resign directly! "“ Dean, you... I... I'm the elite in the hospital, and now the experiment has... "Are you deaf?" Song Qinghe's eyes were cold. "Now disappear for me!"“ I'll... Leave now... " Even if he was angry again, in the face of song Qinghe in this state, Qi Zhiyuan didn't even dare to fart, and left disheartened. Outside the chemotherapy room, there was a burst of low laughter. At the same time, the atmosphere in the chemotherapy room is very tense“ All acupoints have been determined! "“ All electric wires are fixed! "“ The pulse current has been shunted. Mr. Su, can we start now? " Hearing these reports, Su Mo's face became more and more serious. She turned and looked at the patient's family ten meters away, and couldn't help taking a deep breath“ Let's go! "【 The author has something to say] I wish you a happy New Year ❤~ The universe is uncertain, you and I are all dark horses. If the universe is settled, let's reverse the universe!!! 2021, go!