"Su Mo, do you have any questions?"

Annie looked at Su Mo unexpectedly. She didn't know what he was going to say. She put down her brush. Half a vivid horse body had appeared on the easel in front of her. It was less than two minutes before announcing the title. She drew such an effect. It can be seen how high her painting skills are!

"Teacher, I have never seen a professional painter draw on the spot. I wonder if I can see the process of your horse painting, which should benefit me a lot."

Since you can't draw, learn on the spot!

This is Su Mo's way. Although it is impossible for ordinary people, he is Su Mo and nothing is impossible in him!

Many people's eyes looked at Su Mo, and their faces showed a look of surprise.

Edward, in particular, couldn't help laughing, "what a bumpkin!"

Who in the classroom hasn't learned to draw since childhood?

Professional painter?

That's just their personal teacher!

Su Mo doesn't care about Edward's ridicule. In his eyes, Edward is just a clown.

"Of course!"

Annie smiled gently and waved to Su mo. as long as the requirements put forward by the students were not too excessive, she would generally try her best to meet them. Not to mention that Su Mo still wanted to learn painting, she wouldn't refuse.

Su Mo turned to Yan Jiuxi and smiled in a low voice, "Xiao Xi, wait for me."

Then he got up, went to the podium and stood behind Anne.

"Since you want to learn, I'll draw another one."

Annie took down the semi-finished piece on the easel and started painting again. Su Mo cheered up, showed a rare serious look on her face, and looked at Annie's hand intently.

Yes, just watch your hands!

"Su Mo, watch it!"

Annie smiled, picked up the brush and began to draw. The understatement outlined the horse's body. With a few more strokes, a fine horse had begun to take shape. She decorated it at will, and a vivid fine horse appeared on the drawing paper, which was very flexible.

The whole process lasted no more than five minutes. Su Mo was so drunk. It was the first time he saw such powerful painting skills, and he was amazed at Anne in his heart.

He deserves to be a third-class painter. He's really powerful!

You know, since the death of the legendary painter Archie Neville three years ago, there is no level 5 painter in the world, and there are less than 20 level 4 painters in the world. Level 3 painters are already masters.

Annie looks only about 30 years old. It's really not easy for her painting skills to reach this level!

"Su Mo, how do you feel?"

Putting down the brush, Annie turned to look at Su Mo with a trace of inquiry on her face.

Su Mo smiled faintly and exclaimed heartily, "very powerful!"

"There are many people better than me. I still have a long way to go."

Annie smiled and said slowly, "you too, not only painting, but every art is endless. You can realize this problem only when you stand at a certain height, so come on!"

"Thank you for your advice. I will work hard."

Su Mo nodded, then returned to his seat and carefully recalled the whole process of Anne's horse painting just now, especially the charm on her, which gave him a lot of inspiration.

Yan Jiuxi wanted to ask something, but looking at Su Mo's serious thinking, he was embarrassed to disturb him, so he had to wait quietly.

One minute, two minutes

Five minutes later, Su Mo's eyes flashed, picked up the brush in his hand and began to draw.

Yan Jiuxi, sitting beside Su Mo, hurried to watch it carefully. At first, he was curious and was gradually replaced by shock.

In less than three minutes, a strong horse appeared on the easel in front of Su mo. this horse is very similar to the horse painted by Anne, but it is a little different.

The horse painted by Annie gives people a flexible charm, while the horse painted by Su Mo has the spirit of a king in the world, just like the king of horses!

The ink pen is as green as clouds and flowing water around the plain paper. It shows the vast sea and mountains and still looks beautiful. How can it be a good word!

Let Yan Jiuxi use four words to describe Su Mo's painting. She can only think of an idiom - wonderful pen and flowers!

The whole process was completed at one go without a pause. It was so powerful to outline such a fine horse with a few strokes!

"Xiao Xi, what do you think of my painting?"

Su Mo looked at his achievements and nodded with satisfaction. This was his first painting. He thought it would be very general, but he didn't expect to draw such realistic effects. Even he was surprised.

In fact, what Su Mo doesn't know is that his body has been transformed by the fruit of intermediate proficiency, which has already made his mastery of the body reach the top level. Coupled with the blessing of golden eyes, he can see all the details of Anne's painting clearly.

For various reasons, Su Mo was able to draw such realistic effects for the first time“ Good... Great! " Yan Jiuxi swallowed her saliva, and her eyes were full of shock. She never knew that Su Mo had this unique skill. She thought that Su Mo's painting skills were at best good, but she never expected to reach such an amazing level“ Xiaomo, you paint so well. Why haven't you mentioned it? " Before that, Yan Jiuxi didn't know that Su Mo could draw. Looking at Su Mo, she had a trace of complaint in her eyes. If she had known that Su Mo's painting skills were so powerful, she would have asked Su Mo to teach her to draw“ This... "Su Mo smiled and said tentatively," girl, if I tell you, I've just learned to draw, do you believe it? "“ I believe you, ghost! " Yan Jiuxi glanced at Su Mo and whispered, "Xiao Mo, do you think I'm stupid?"“ Can you draw so well just after learning to draw? "“ Don't be kidding! " Yes. As soon as Su Mo saw Yan Jiuxi's reaction, she knew that the girl didn't believe it at all and didn't explain anything. After all, this matter has indeed gone beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding“ Oh, there are less than twenty minutes left. " Yan Jiuxi looked at the time, and his little face was full of worry. He coquetted with Su Mo and said, "Xiao Mo, teach me quickly. It's too late."“ Order, my wife! " Edward, who was sitting behind them, looked colder and colder. He was very upset when he heard the whispering between Su Mo and Yan Jiuxi, because they talked in Xia language. He couldn't understand what they were talking about. But Edward is sure that Su Mo's painting skills are not as good as his own. He has learned painting since childhood. He will be ready to participate in the assessment of first-class painters in July this year. As long as he can successfully pass the assessment, he will be a professional painter! Edward is ready. When Annie checks her homework later, she will make a good mockery of Su Mo, or show her face in front of Yan Jiuxi.