
The teacher building has a growing impact.

Finally, even the person in charge of the Security Department of the Qing Dynasty came to inquire about the situation.

Fortunately, Li Renhui immediately brightened up as soon as he saw the person in charge of the security department.

So all the guards and security guards of Qingda were transferred.

The scope of protection is much larger than before.

As for the vicinity of the teachers' building, it has long been surrounded by students.

Everyone wants to know what happened in the teacher building and let so many teachers play the role of security.

More and more students know about it.

As time went by, many students showed impatience.

After waiting so long, no one knows what happened.

Slowly, students began to leave.

However, this is always a minority. Most students still choose to stick to their positions, and their curiosity becomes stronger and stronger.

Li Renhui's office.

Su Mo is still immersed in the thought of cracking SJJ, and the whole brain is like a high-speed machine.

A mathematical formula from establishment to denial, only in a moment.

Until he found out the correct mathematical formula in the end, and Su Mo was still multi-purpose.

Cracking multiple links at the same time is simply shocking.

Yan Jiuxi looked at Su Mo's handsome side face and his eyes were full of worship.

Her little stranger is so powerful

In less than a year, Su Mo changed so much that even Yan Jiuxi sometimes felt whether he was dreaming.

Although there are many questions, Yan Jiuxi never asked Su mo.

As long as

Su Mo is still her little mo. the others are not important!

In a twinkling of an eye, four hours passed, and Yan Jiuxi had more than 100 draft papers in his hand.

From nine o'clock in the morning to one o'clock now, this high and continuous brain use also made Su Mo's face a little white.

His appearance also made Yan Jiuxi on one side feel distressed in his eyes.

Li Renhui didn't know when he had appeared in the office and brought a rich lunch.

However, seeing Su Mo's serious appearance, Li Renhui didn't dare to disturb him, so he had to wait silently.

This kind of waiting is undoubtedly the most painful

Finally, at 2:20 p.m., Su Mo suddenly stopped after writing a draft paper.

He raised his head, looked at Yan Jiuxi around him and smiled guiltily.

"Girl, I'm sorry. I'm too serious. You must be hungry?"


Yan Jiuxi was startled by Su Mo's sudden move.

"No... nothing, I'm fine."

"What is good?"

Su Mo protested discontentedly: "if you are hungry and thin, I will be distressed. In other words, why is the headmaster so unreliable? He wants to starve us to death?"

Yan Jiuxi: "


Li Renhui stood at the door and couldn't help turning black.

Even if I showed my love in front of him, I finally threw him a big pot for no reason.

He doesn't carry this pot

"Headmaster, didn't you go out?"

When Su Mo heard the cough, he looked up and saw Li Renhui near the wall at the door. Immediately, he was also guilty.

Just now, Su Mo was too involved in solving the problem, so she didn't know Li Renhui was in the office. It was embarrassing.

Li Renhui must have heard those words just now.


However, Li Renhui did not say anything.

Instead, he brought the lunch already prepared on his desk to the tea table.

"You two hurry to eat. Although things are very important, your body is more important."

With that, Li Renhui walked out of the office.

Su Mo looked at Li Renhui's back and couldn't help muttering.

"Didn't you scold me? Take the wrong medicine? "

When Yan Jiuxi heard this, he stroked his forehead and was completely speechless.

Not without scolding you?


"Xiaomo, you'd better eat quickly."

Yan Jiuxi looked at Su Mo's pale face and was distressed.

"Eat together."



As soon as Li Renhui came downstairs, he was pulled aside by Chen Daoming.

"How's it going?"

"I don't know what's going on."

For Li Renhui's answer, Chen Daoming glared at Li Renhui unhappily.

"Then why did you go upstairs?" Li Renhui: "..." it is estimated that only Chen Daoming dares to talk to Li Renhui like this. Who makes Chen Daoming senior. At the beginning, Chen Daoming gave Li Renhui a math class. Facing Chen Daoming's inquiry, Li Renhui also gave a bitter smile“ Professor Chen, I just went upstairs to deliver a meal. " No, Li Renhui was also very wronged. He just sent a meal. As a result, he ate a mouthful of dog food and had to carry a big pot for no reason. Now I'm asked by Chen Daoming. I'll feel wronged on who I put it on Qingda campus forum. More and more students have participated in the discussion of this matter. In four hours, almost 90% of Qing college students expressed their views. The remaining 10% of the students almost know the situation here in the teacher building 506 girls' dormitory. Zhao linger: "Xiaoran, lily, do you think this matter will have something to do with Su Mo?" When the two women heard this, they all looked at Zhao linger in a fog. They didn't know why she said so“ It's very simple! " Zhao linger helplessly explained, "didn't you find that Xiao Xi was gone?" Two women: "..." Yan Jiuxi is gone. What does it have to do with this? Zhao linger looked at the two women and said again, "I heard Zhao Tian say that Su Mo went to the headmaster early in the morning and hasn't come back yet." After hearing this, the two women immediately understood Zhao linger's meaning“ It seems possible. " Ma Lili whispered, "they are almost inseparable." As everyone knows, this sentence is very unpleasant to hear in Enron's ears“ You're so boring. You might as well sleep when you have time. " Zhao linger: "..." Ma Lili: "...... Li Renhui's office. Have to say. The lunch Li Renhui prepared for the two was quite a feast! The exquisite four dishes and one soup are made by the chef. Yan Jiuxi just ate a little at will, then held his chin in one hand and looked at Su Mo for dinner. For Yan Jiuxi, watching her little street eat is also a very happy thing. Su Mo was not polite, because he used his brain too much, he was already hungry. After eating three bowls of rice in a row, Yan Jiuxi was satisfied. With a shallow smile, he took a paper towel from the tea table and gently wiped the oil stains on his mouth. Su Mo felt Yan Jiuxi's action and felt comfortable in her heart! This is the peak of life