The real-time picture sent back by the frequency detector clearly marked one M-21 missile in the night sky.

Count carefully, it's as high as hundreds!

Each M-21 missile is loaded with ten high explosive bombs.

In terms of explosion power, the instantaneous explosion lethality of high explosive bombs is higher than that of nuclear weapons.

However, there is no nuclear radiation from nuclear weapons missiles.

Therefore, high explosive bombs are called "devil bombs" by many countries.

The most powerful bomb under nuclear weapons!

One hundred M-21 missiles, that is, one thousand high explosive bombs, can wipe out a second rate country.

No one expected that magic Xuguo took out this lineup as soon as he came up.

A thousand high explosive bombs, plus eight aircraft carriers and thousands of warships of all kinds, are simply blind!

The top leaders of all countries could not help but be distracted and stood in the same place with a look of amazement.

Is this the terrorist force of super first-class countries?


In the office, the atmosphere is dignified.

Brooke leaned back against the sofa and stared calmly at the picture on the wall.

Two men in magic Xuguo military uniforms stood behind, with an iron blood smell on their bodies, and the five crescent moons on their shoulders represented their identity.

Admiral may!

This is the highest ranking general of huanxu country. At present, there are only two in the world.

One is general Durant of the magic Xuguo Navy, and the other is army general Godwin. They have supported half of the magic Xuguo military and are also Brooke's two most powerful generals.

"Sir, will this arrangement be a bit of a fuss?"

Durant looked at the picture on the wall and frowned: "this is a whole thousand high explosive bombs. There is only one person on the other side."

"Make a mountain out of a molehill?"

Hearing this, Brooke's face showed bitterness. "To tell you the truth, I also feel a little fussy."

"Then you..."

"Not long ago, Chen Lao, general secretary of the state of Xia, personally reminded me by telephone that China should make every effort to deal with this alien creature."

"He personally told me that Su Mo thought China could not stop the alien creature. Xia was already making an emergency plan and needed China to stick to it for two hours."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help sighing: "you should be no stranger to Su mo. if I were an ordinary person, I wouldn't put this in my heart, but since this is what Su Mo said, even if it's only one in ten thousand, I don't dare to take a risk."

"After all, we can't afford the cost of failure!"

Durant and Godwin looked at each other silently. Their eyes were quite complicated.

If they had been six months ago, they might not have believed Xia Guo, but since the alliance with Xia Guo, Xia Guo has given too many benefits to huanxu Guo.

Especially in the military, it can be called giving money to help.

As the military spokesmen of huanxu state, they know how much Xia state has given.

Godwin patted Durant on the shoulder, nodded respectfully to Brooke and said, "Sir, it's absolutely no problem to resist for two hours!"

"I hope so."

Brooke's face wore a faint melancholy.


Gus stared at the warning picture in front of him, and his laughter rang out again.

The pace of advance stopped and floated in the air more than ten meters away from the sea.

"Just let you natives feel what despair is!"

Under the control of Xia Guo's technicians, the picture of the frequency detector continues to enlarge.

Just more than ten seconds, it was locked on the sea 298 nautical miles away from Nora sea area. Soon, the golden armor appeared in front of all the high-rise buildings.

Smooth lines, strange metal, and the air disorder around the armor.

Everything gives everyone an endless sense of strangeness.

No fuel injection?

I don't know how many people were shocked by this alone!

"Why doesn't it move?"

"Stopped moving?"

"What's the situation? Is it because this alien creature is not easy to provoke when seeing the magic Xu country, and is ready to change its target?"


Such sounds are heard in all corners of the world.

In conference room 1.

The old faces of the head of state and the crowd were as heavy as water, their eyes were locked on the projection screen, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

In the picture, when an M-21 missile is 100 nautical miles away from alien creatures, the warhead shell retreats, and ten high explosive bombs are fired continuously according to the flight track set in advance.

The tail of the high explosive bomb sends out a blue flame in the air at night. From a distance, it feels like a ghost fire.

Thousands of high explosive bombs were fired in a few seconds, occupying the whole night sky.

Like a super meteor shower, the picture is very spectacular.

The speed of high explosive bomb flying in the air is extremely fast, which is twice as fast as that of M-21 missile. The distance of 100 nautical miles has arrived in only about 10 seconds.

Gus looked up at the countless high explosive bombs approaching rapidly in the high air in the distance, and his arms spread out slowly.

Sooner or later, high explosive shells hit Gus accurately.

At Dayton time, tens of nautical miles with Gus as the center were set off by the explosion aftermath, and with the continuous explosion of high explosive bombs, the waves became larger and larger.

"Boom -"

"Boom -"

"Boom -"

The deafening explosion was as frightening as the wrath of God.

When high explosive bombs are most dense, almost 30 bombs explode together in one second.

The whole explosion lasted for more than a minute, until finally, the huge waves on the sea were blown away, and there was a drizzle in the sea area.

As the dense explosion gradually attenuated, until the last high explosive bomb completed its mission, the explosion stopped completely.

The sea was filled with white smoke, and the visibility was almost zero.

The top leaders of all countries who are paying attention to the war have raised their voices.

Logically, nothing can withstand the continuous bombardment of thousands of high explosive bombs.

Carbyne sulfide is the hardest thing in the world discovered by human beings. Its hardness can reach 200 times that of steel and 40 times that of diamond; Even so, Carbyne sulfide will be a sensation even if it faces such a crazy bombardment.

But somehow, there was a bad feeling in everyone's heart. Staring at the picture in front of them, they were so nervous that they didn't even dare to blink.

There was a strong wind on the sea, and the smoke dispersed quickly.

In the center of the picture, a golden figure is exposed, and there is no change on the whole outer metal. Even a scorched trace can not be found.

No matter how deep the city government is and how good the Qi cultivation skill is, the high-level leaders of all countries show their surprise uncontrollably when they see this scene in front of them.



On the sea, Gus still kept the posture of stretching out his hands, and the harsh laughter sounded. He used the civilized language translator to speak the language of huanxuguo, "is this the only level? It's not even tickling!"

Then the metal left leg bowed slightly, "are you ready for destruction?"