On this day, it was the day when the residents of Biluo Island went to sea for a fair.

The islanders of Biluo island got up early and carried the goods to their sailboats in boxes, ready to take them to Sirius Island, a big island tens of miles away.

Zeng Xiaoyu has not been out since he came to Biluo island for more than a month.

For the whole star islands, it still stays at the level of hearsay.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu plans to follow Robin Hood and go to Sirius island to have a look.

By the way, you can find out the way back to Yingzhou or to gunling island.

The distance between Sirius island and Biluo island is about dozens of nautical miles. It takes more than half a day for small ships to go back and forth.

The residents of Biluo Island do not often go to Sirius island. They usually wait until the goods are almost accumulated, and then they take them to the market of Sirius island to sell money for food.

There are three or four hundred families on Biluo island. Each family basically has a fishing boat that can go fishing.

At the moment, the cabins of these two or three hundred fishing boats were full of all kinds of sea cargo.

Two or three hundred fishing boats set out together. It was magnificent.

Zeng Xiaoyu and Robin Hood and Robin Hood's father-in-law Deng Laobo in the same boat.

Shark carvings follow them on the bottom of the sea just in case.

Although Zeng Xiaoyu is not a dry duck, he was born in the inland area since he was a child, and his water quality is not first-class.

Now, although he has cultivated immortals and can fly with his sword, Zeng Xiaoyu still has a trace of awe in his heart for the vast sea.

That is the awe of human beings for the great power of nature.

Although man can conquer nature.

However, it is not so much the conquest of nature as the transformation of nature by using the laws of nature.

Natural law, in Zeng Xiaoyu's view, is a kind of heaven.

If anyone violates the law of nature and wants to conquer nature, what he gets will be the reverse of nature.

Human beings are also a part of nature. Nature is also affected by the way of heaven. No one can escape from the control of heaven.

The movement of the sun and the moon, the alternation of seasons, the withering and flourishing of vegetation, the ebb and flow of the sea, the birth and death of human beings and so on, all have laws to follow.

Law is an invisible hand that drives the development and change of these things.

Although invisible, it actually acts on everything.

This is the way of heaven.

Zeng Xiaoyu stood on the boat, facing the sea, looking at the vast boundless sea, his heart suddenly had some feelings.

Zeng Xiaoyu suddenly thought of some classics he had seen on earth.

Laozi said: Tao can be Dao, but it is not.

Sakyamuni said: everything that has a form is illusory. If you see that all things are not the same, you will see the Tathagata.

Lao Tzu believes that Tao can not be said. Once the name and appearance are lost, it is the extraordinary Tao.

The road can't be said or seen, but it really exists. It can only be understood and can't be expressed in words.

According to Sakyamuni, Tao is invisible and can only be seen through the various phases and observed and experienced with insight.

In contrast to the illusion of birth, birth and death, the Tao, which cannot be named, seen or described, is the reality of everyone.

The ancients often said that Tao became immortal.

However, the ancients did not say, or did not say very clearly.

This makes Zeng Xiaoyu feel even more confused about the so-called Tao since he cultivated immortals.

Scratching his head, Zeng Xiaoyu sighed: "sure enough, the way of heaven is not something ordinary people can guess and imagine."

See with their limited intelligence, can not pry out the mystery of the road, Zeng Xiaoyu can only choose to give up.

Half a day later, a long coastline is in sight.

Sirius Island, one of the 36 largest islands in the star islands.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a continent with a radius of nearly 900 Li.

Because Sirius island is a large island in the nearby sea area, the residents of the surrounding small and medium-sized islands often travel between Sirius island and other islands, and the goods at the wharf are piled into mountains.

This makes the trade of Sirius island very developed.

There are large fairs near several ports on Sirius island.

The past merchants in the market are bustling and bustling, which is a prosperous scene.

Sirius Island, a large port, has already berthed numerous ships, large and small.

The two or three hundred small fishing boats on Biluo Island disappeared in the numerous tall merchant ships in the harbor after entering the port.

Looking at the dozens of meters high hull, high mast, huge sail.

Zeng Xiaoyu's heart was filled with emotion, as if he had returned to the Ming Dynasty, where marine science and technology were advanced, and met Zheng He's fleet, who was sent to the West.

In Biluo Island, a group of small fishing boats shuttle between the big boats.

The fishing boats moored on the shore and moored at one corner."Everyone, be quick, sell out and gather at the dock right away!

Our village is not close to Sirius island. It will take at least two hours to go back! "

Robin Hood, carrying two bags of several hundred pounds on his shoulder, called on the villagers and headed for the market not far from the port.

Other villagers also carry their shoulders and carry goods to the market.

From the wharf to the market, there is a spacious road paved with huge granite bricks, leading directly to the market.

It is very busy and prosperous to gather people and cars on the road.

Zeng Xiaoyu followed Robin Hood to the entrance of the market. He made an appointment with Robin Hood to reunite at the wharf, and then he wandered into the market alone.

The folk customs on the island are quite different from those in the inland. Even if you wear clothes, they are very different from those in the mainland.

Because of the coastal waters, many islanders like to wear short shirts and shorts, or barefoot, or straw sandals woven from tough seaweed.

This is convenient for going to sea.

Unlike inland, most of the time, they wear long clothes and cloth shoes.

Due to the hot climate of Ocean Islands, the skin color of residents here is generally dark.

Many of the men wore short shirts showing their dark, strong chest muscles.

Walking between, vitality, to this originally prosperous Island added a lot of enthusiasm.

Only those who looked like rich merchants walked around the bazaar in long clothes and cloth shoes, with their hands turned upside down.

But behind them were often three or five sailors in short shirts.

On their hands and shoulders, more or less, they carry the goods just purchased by the rich merchants.

Zeng Xiaoyu went through the bustling crowd and came to a relatively quiet market.

In the market, there are many stalls where all kinds of strange things are sold.

Most of these things are harvested from the sea. There are corals, minerals from the sea floor, hard willows, huge seashells and conches...

these things are randomly placed on the ground for people to choose from.

These things can only be regarded as ordinary objects for the islanders who were born on the island since childhood.

But for Zeng Xiaoyu, who was born in the inland, he felt very strange.

There are many things in it. It's the first time Zeng Xiaoyu has seen them. Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu looks down all the way and feels here and there. It is very interesting.

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