Act 1. My Brother Lost His Memories

‘How did this work? My divine power is really little, no?’

Wasn’t it said holy relics could only be activated with tremendous divine power!

My divine powers had always been minimal since they manifested in the orphanage at the age of five.

‘To think that the holy relic reacted to the divine power of an apprentice like me… Did you look kindly on me because I was so pitiful and desperate? So merciful…’

Well, even if I thought hard about it, I couldn’t get the answer, so I decided not to think about it. Since a reality more important than that was right in front of my eyes.

‘So I’ve returned to 10 years ago…’

I crossed my arms and organized what I was going to do next.

‘The fact that I’m at the residence of the County of Noart means that my brother is still alive.’

Julian Noart.

My older brother, who is 12 years older than me.

The heir to the County of Noart, who brought me here and cherished me.

I knew very well what happened after Julian lost his memory after an accident. I had heard from Zahid before regressing.

“All his property was robbed by his relatives, and he was killed by an assassin from the temple while leaving the count’s residence. The temple has been targeting your brother all along.”

The wounded Julian who lost his memory was no longer the strongest he used to be. He was just a 17-year-old country boy who didn’t know anything.

That’s why he died so easily, making his previous tremendous abilities become insignificant and futile.

“Of course, Count Noart was overseas… There was no one to protect Julian Noart.”

When I heard the story then, I cried for days in prison.

I must protect Julian so that such a thing would not happen again.

And then…

I was able to get a second chance like this thanks to the holy relic Zahid gave me.

I could never forget that grace. I really wanted to meet him.

‘And if it’s 10 years ago, Zahid would be having a hard time now…’

But at this point Zahid didn’t know me. Even if I went to the Duchy of Diefenril, I would be restrained at the doorstep.

‘Soon the right time will come. Let’s wait for now.’

Next, I thought about my goal.

I wanted to take revenge on the temple. It’s where I was imprisoned and subjected to painful experiments, and the ones who killed all my precious people.

‘Even if we stay still, we will all die because of the temple.’

If it couldn’t be avoided, it had to be defeated.

‘The power of the temple is very great, but I still know the future!’

Even though I was imprisoned, I heard many stories from Zahid. So I knew in detail what was about to happen.

‘I was curious about the situation outside, and Zahid always explained in detail.’

There was even internal information about the temple that I learned naturally while being experimented on.

‘I can’t let the County of Noart go bankrupt.’

Shortly after Julian’s death, our grandfather also passed away. After that, the County of Noart, inherited by incompetent relatives, was completely ruined by the temple.

‘To face the temple, a strong County of Noart is absolutely necessary.’

So, first of all, I had to stop my relatives from taking over the County of Noart.

‘I can do it. I can do it. I’m not locked up anymore.’

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath.

‘In my past life, I was always powerless and useless. I can’t live this life like that.’

And roughly when I was flipping through today’s newspaper to get a better understanding of the current time period.

“Lady Rosie!”

With an urgent knock, my maid, Heidi, entered.

“Lady Rosie, Lord Julian has regained consciousness!”


Only then did I know exactly what day it was.

A few days ago, Julian had a serious accident while carrying out a secret mission under Count Noart’s orders.

I didn’t even know what the mission was. However, I could vaguely guessed that it was related to the temple.

Zahid said something like this before.

“At that time, only the temple could make your brother like that.”

Anyway, he was brought to the county residence in a state of disrepair and remained unconscious, but he regained his senses today.

“Yes, but…”

Heidi looked at me for a moment before continuing with a happy yet sad face.

“…Lord Julian is said to be suffering from partial amnesia… and the last memory is said to be seven years ago.”

The dry saliva passed automatically.

I regressed exactly to the day I left Julian.

‘Now, really…’

Once I took a deep breath.

‘The time has come.’

Now I had to prepare for a stupid brat, a brat who was completely different from the brother I knew, the strongest Julian.

“I went through a rough puberty. If you saw me back then, would you be frightened? A ferocious black flame dragon, I was hopeless… What will you think?”

The current mental age of Julian was not twenty-four, but seventeen.

At this time, only relatives who wanted to harm him were in the count’s mansion.

In order to protect Julian in this situation, now was the time to harden my heart.

“Lord Julian probably won’t remember Lady Rosie.”

It was 14 months ago that Julian came to the temple looking for me, an orphan. So if it was seven years ago, of course, it was when he didn’t know me.

Heidi looked at my face and asked with hesitance.

“…Would you like to go anyway?”

I shut my eyes, and reopened them. And I firmly answered.

“Yes. I want to go see my brother.”

´⛧ ⛧ ⛧´


Julian held his head and sighed heavily.

“I’m 24-years-old? Not 17? Seven years of memory gone?”

“Yes. Right now, Lord Julian is suffering from partial amnesia.”

The life of 17-year-old Julian, the only son of a butcher, was miserable.

His gambling addict father and alcoholic mother fought every day. According to what he eavesdropped on, his mother was the daughter of a wealthy family and his father was a servant who worked there.

While enjoying a tryst, they ran away all the way here because they got him…

Eventually, his mother left home when he was young.

After that, Julian went through a stormy adolescence in a messed up family environment and was called a ‘thug butcher’ in the area.

But when he woke up, he suddenly found out that he was 24-years-old.

He was even the heir to the County of Noart!

“Did you really say my mother is the daughter of Count Noart?”

“Yes. So, Lord Julian is the grandson of Count Noart. He found out about you when you were 19, so you entered the county and took the surname ‘Noart’.”

Julian’s aide, Schulva, patiently explained.

Schulva was Julian’s childhood friend. So he was acquainted with Julian when he was 17-years-old.

“And for the past five years, you’ve grown incredibly dazzlingly in various fields, and was by far the strongest among ordinary people. So much so it’s natural for you to become the heir to the county. This is our 15th conversation on this, Lord Yulian.”

At Schulva’s answer, Julian shouted while clenching his fists.

“Damn it, I really can’t get used to this tone! Since when did you use such formal speech towards me?”

“I am no longer Lord Julian’s neighborhood friend. An aide in an employment relationship. By the way, this is also the 15th time I said this.”

After Julian let out a sigh of disgust, Schulva held his hand tightly and met his eyes. And he said lowly.

“If Lord Julian still doesn’t believe me, would it be okay for me to go back to when we were 17 for a while and speak directly to you like before?”

Finally, another answer came out from Schulva, who kept repeating the same thing.

Julian shouted in delight.

“Yes! Let’s go back to the way we were! How the hell do I believe in this situation?”

As soon as Julian nodded, Sulva spoke very seriously.

“Don’t repeat the same question like a baby parrot, and trust people when they tell you, you punk.”

“…Uh, huh?”

“It’s said it will take you a few months to move properly, but I’m barely holding back from wanting to hit your head hard right now. Cut it out, you crazy bastard.”

Schulva finished his words and added politely.

“Should I continue?”

“Oh, no. It’s okay, that’s… uh.”

Julian was startled and shut his mouth.

He saw himself reflected in a full-length mirror in the distance.

The face of the young man with smooth silver hair and fresh green eyes was blank.

However, his body was not intact. Due to his injuries, he couldn’t even get out of bed.

He heard he was the strongest in sword fighting as well as handling various business and tasks, but it didn’t feel real. Except for his arm, he could barely move.

It was then.

A cautious voice was heard along with a knock.

“Hey, Julian, did you cough?”

The soft-spoken maid went on politely.

“Lady Rosie is here. Can she see Lord Julian now?”

‘Rosie? Who is that?’

As Julian tilted his head, Schulva pressed his forehead in distress. And he slowly answered the maid.

“That… Well, I’m afraid that Lady Rosie will be shocked… I haven’t told him about the lady yet…”

It was when Julian was about to ask Schulva who the hell was ‘Rosie’.

“It’s okay. I am aware of the situation.”

A small but clear, strong girl’s voice came from outside.

“I want to see my brother.”

‘…Brother? What is this again? I don’t have any siblings.’

Ame: I will get this to regular 2x a week updates… I will… I WILL! *rawr*