Chapter 1004: : Don only cares about interests

Tang Dao saw that the umbrella company collided with famous companies. Of course, the two parties are still far apart in terms of size and influence. They are pharmaceutical companies with large investment, large returns, and high risks, but according to the small grid marked on the system The display: "Undertake various genetic experiments!" It can be seen that the other party is awesome.

Most importantly, the customer evaluation of "Umbrella" Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is very good, and the 98% favorable rate makes him rank first in a series of competitions.

What Tang likes to read the most are other people's comments, and he can see a lot of them objectively from the side. He randomly searched for a few, and the first one with the most likes reads.

"Damn it, I love them to death. The biscuits produced by this company are so good. My dog ​​ate them and gave birth to 3 children. Can you make a curry flavor, I like this taste." Point 210,000 likes!

In the public disclosure, pharmaceuticals, medical hardware, daily cosmetics, consumer goods, food, etc. are the main businesses of this company.

Some people took selfies in the comments below, saying that after using the mask from the umbrella company, their headaches and feet are no longer sore, and it is not difficult to go up to the fifth floor in one breath. .

But looking back, this is called public relations!

Tang Dao hesitated, then clicked on customer service, a virtual screen popped up, and a woman with an ordinary appearance but a gentle smile stood out, and when she saw Tang Dao, she bowed slightly, "Hello, sir, I need What service?"

Someone Tang frowned, and just about to speak, he saw a line next to the dialog box: "According to Civilization Act III, consumers have the right to keep their privacy, and all companies cannot obtain any consumer privacy in basic UC. , Enjoy the automatic blocking of the system during the conversation, this act will be implemented from January 1, 4715."

In other words, I can see the customer service, but the other party cannot see me?

At least on the surface?

Tang Dao pondered for a while, and said, "I want your company to help my thesis be more rigorous. If possible, it's best to simulate a test product."

"Of course, but you need to contact the logistics department for the specific price. You can give us the paper first. Of course, according to the third bill, these conversations will be recorded." The customer service said.

Tang Dao wanted to see what the consequences would be if he followed the experiment of the "Superman Organization", and deduced whether something that shouldn't have appeared in their organization. After all, when God's key was in his hand, there was no People will be willing to give up this authority.

Of course he believed Herman's words and understood the difficulties involved, but the difference between the pharmaceutical company and the other party is that the latter still has a bit of "conscience". For Tang Dao, who pursues interests, he can only feel that he is great spiritually , but in fact he is just a poor scientist.

From the initial fear, complexity, and trepidation to the end... he was already thinking, since the "Superman Organization" is doing it, why can't he do it himself? As long as the source is controlled and the technology is improved, then Herman's so-called monster is nothing but nonsense.

Of course, this is also Tang's ability to protect and promote the results. Otherwise, ordinary people wanting to change the day is just a moon in the dream.

Tang Dao nodded, made an appointment with the customer service, and paid the deposit, which was only 15 million U.S. dollars. More refunds and less compensation. Anyway, he didn't have any price to bargain. After leaving the pharmaceutical company's store, he found several other This company looks like a small boss learning advanced experience.

Watching "Grandma Tang" is dazzling and deeply shocking. The promotional video hanging on the store interface is more like a movie, and the virtual projection brings great enjoyment to people. In the International Genetic Technology Company I watched two breeders open the mouth of a pterosaur, revealing sharp teeth, and said with a smile that the mouth was good. The domesticated pterosaur was very cooperative and didn't struggle at all, but Tang was terrified.

In the promotion of the Resource Development Administration, soldiers were seen manipulating mechas and covering targets with individual firepower, while explaining various data.

Tang Dao took a sip of water to stabilize his mind, leaned back on the sofa, rubbed his temples, and felt a slight headache. He seemed to feel that he was a frog sitting in the sky, and what he saw and heard completely subverted his three views .

However, the strength of someone Tang is that he can always mark the price of the things he encounters first, just like the "deep-sea challenger" that Herman "sent" to him. If used properly, then this is the ultimate Flexible individual aircraft carrier killer!

If you put it in a "cloak" that can avoid radar strafing, this kind of gadget hides in the deep sea, and then you get out when the aircraft carrier comes over, hehehe, the Millennium Killer is enough to paralyze the opponent.

Of course, the premise is that you can avoid radar strafing, you can reserve enough nutrients and energy on the opponent's advancing route, and you must have enough weapons to destroy the aircraft carrier with one shot!

These are all opportunities for future research and development (to make a fortune).

Use the money earned to continuously exchange for new technologies from the basic UC. Perhaps, one day, the savior company can also become a part of the mall.

However, with the current size, the development is still too slow!

The eagle who has seen the blue sky no longer cares about the three-acre land in the bird's nest. He was born for money and profit.

A ray of light from outside the window shone in through the gap and shone on his face, completely printing the face of this gambler. His right cheek was a little swollen, as if making up his mind.

About ten minutes later, after four or five cigarette butts fell off the ground, he stood up slowly on his knees, opened the door, and walked out. Seeing a bodyguard standing not far from the corridor, he reached out to wave.


Tang Dao nodded slightly, "I told the people in the secretariat that at eight o'clock in the evening, a video conference will be prepared, and all department-level personnel will participate, and leave is not allowed."

"Okay." The bodyguard nodded.

"Who is the secretary on duty today?" Boss Tang asked.

"Ms. Gallin, she's gone to the cafeteria."

"On a?"

"There is also Mr. Lloyd." The bodyguard said immediately, and then looked at the boss's increasingly cautious expression, and said simply, "He is out."

Tang Dao nodded and said nothing, but not speaking is actually the biggest dissatisfaction.

The economy of Elpis is developing rapidly. Under this trend, the entertainment industry has also begun to rise. A popular local game is called: 嚤头, which is gambling in the open sky. Prepare a lot of pots and hide them inside. More or less coins, let people smash them with stones three meters away, as long as they can hit, the money inside belongs to him, but also, there may be nothing.

This kind of business ~ ~ don't feel ashamed.

There can be about 30,000 new Somali currency a day, which is equivalent to about 120 US dollars. Such a profitable business is not something ordinary people can eat. Four or five strong black men can be seen not far away.

But they didn’t dare to act recklessly. Elpis’s oppression of the vitality organization is very strong. The streets are full of police and foreigners. When the first phase of the airport is put into use, there will be soaring rockets hanging here.

Lloyd twisted his tie and licked his dry lips. In this weather, he was a little annoyed, but what was even more annoyed was that he spent $3 and now he didn't even pay a fart!

Kuo Tuo is a deceptive trick!

But... this kind of gambling is easy to be addicted to.

Just as he was about to vote, the cell phone in his arms rang. Lloyd showed impatience on his face. After hesitating for a while, he still moved half of his body and signaled the people behind to come first. He took out his cell phone and answered it. On the phone, there was a burst of cursing on the other side.

"Idiot, bastard! Where are you!"

The cursing made Lloyd's eardrums almost burst, but he could hear who it was immediately, besides Gerlin, who was the oldest in the office, who else?

"What's the matter, I'm out to do some shopping," Lloyd said.

"Get out of here! If you don't come back, you'll get out of the secretariat!" Gallin had the confidence because she was the person in charge.

Lloyd's heart fluttered, he quickly dropped the tool, turned around and ran away, if he was really fired, he would lose a lot.