Chapter 715: : Submit the certificate early, and pull out the list less.

[Net] Hardy, the strongest arms dealer, received a call from Philip Gregg half an hour after the air strike. The other party's tone was very happy, and even a little "arrogant" that highlighted the microphone.

"Minister Hardy, I'm glad to tell you that your money was not wasted. Our airstrike target achieved the expected results and bombed a marked point in the city. According to our intelligence agencies, the third Hutu tribe was killed on the spot. The No. 1 man and his bodyguards, congratulations." Why Philip Gregg said this was a little bit flaunting.

Hardy heard that the other party was showing off their company's intelligence network, because Hardy still didn't know what happened in the city, and Philip Gregg said that he was the third person and had died.

In order to prevent Philip Greg from promoting their intelligence business, Hardy felt that he had to speak, "Thank you very much, the Savior Company has never let us down. I think, Mr. Consultant, what you should not think about now is how to fight in the street. Wipe out the enemy?"

"It's up to God." Philip Gregg muttered a few words.

"What?" Hardy asked indistinctly.

"Oh, nothing, I just came to tell you, I think, the boys can't wait to have a candlelight dinner in the city now." Philip Gregg hung up the phone and put the mobile phone on the table , raised his head, just in time to meet the eyes of other members of the upper advisory group.

"Guys, Mr. Hardy rejected our offer, but we can understand him. After all, the color of his pocket is not as conspicuous as his skin." Philip Gregg half-jokingly said,

This caused another burst of laughter.

"Okay, boys, we have to continue to assign combat missions."

This is the difference between rmb players and ordinary players. They are krypton gold, and you can only krypton your life. The street fighting you solve is definitely the most dangerous. Of course, in order to protect or improve your reputation, the company will also, to a certain extent, Give help, it's called downgrading the difficulty.

If you rely entirely on your life, you will die!

Of course, the consultant team of the Savior Company is definitely professional, and there will be regular training, which needs to be refurbished to adapt to future wars, so they must not be eliminated.


Tang Dao set foot here for the first time and got off the cruise ship. He could feel the relief of some people behind him. Who made him follow so many "boys"? It looks like a big guy out shopping.

Moreover, the situation in Lisboa has been unstable recently, and it is the locals who suffer the most. Bai De'an and Beng Yaju are fighting to the death. Now the latter has escaped, and it is said that he has escaped to Spain.

And all the properties under his name were seized, and even Shuifang Lai didn't have time to do it. Bai De'an was determined to win, and that master Shi Yongxiang was killed in St. Mary's Hospital.

This incident caused a big commotion, and Beng Yaju also offered a reward for the murderer, but he has already fallen. At this time, who cares about this matter?

They only looked at the casino under his name, who will get started?

Naturally, Tang Dao would not go off in person. He is a civilized person, and he finally went ashore with nothing. He needs a white glove.

But Bai De'an introduced the He family to him in such a situation!

This is not He Hongshen's He, but He Xian's He. The two words written in one stroke have different meanings. If we say, who has a deep connection with the mainland, including He, Cui, and Wansan Family.

This is a deep friendship with a certain high-level.

Moreover, if Tang Dao remembers correctly, he had learned about the development history of East Asia at Stanford School in his previous life, and he was inseparable from the development of Lisboa. It seems that the top leader later belonged to the He family.

You want to say, let them be white gloves?

No, no, it should be said that it is a cooperative relationship. After all, if you are familiar with them, can you also get into the eyes of the mainland high-level executives? .

Moreover, I am a businessman and I just want to do business. Now the arms business is more difficult, but I can't guarantee it in the future, what about the Internet, aviation, industry, etc.

Making money is inseparable from rabbits.

Bai De'an has a good relationship with the He family, and the two sides agreed on a time to meet at the Lisboa Hotel.

The He family's status in Lisboa is very high, because he really does things for the people. He used to do evil in Lisboa and fooled him, but He Xian went to settle it alone.

On December 6, 1983, He Xian died of illness in Elizabeth Hospital at the age of 75. At the memorial service, there was a wreath that was very eye-catching. There was no head, no signature, only a large ink dripping character: "Serve".

No one knows who wrote this word, but this is probably the greatest admiration that enemies and friends have for him in his life.

After getting off the cruise ship, Tang Dao and others had just stepped out of the pier.

I saw several luxury cars parked on the opposite side of the road. One of them was a sharp-looking guy with a crew cut, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and was looking at the pier. When he saw them coming out, his eyes lit up, and he walked over with his hands in front of him.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Tang?"

"I am." Tang Dao looked at the opponent. The calluses on the back of the hand showed that the opponent often practiced boxing, and his legs were very stable when he walked, and his lower body moves were also very hard. He was a trainer.

In Lisboa and hk, the most common ones are actually martial arts. This generation has the most sound cultural preservation, and not many people are ravaged by chickens. Moreover, people here are martial arts. To a certain extent, this is also true. Promoted the development of the society.

"Mr. Tang, hello, we are the He family, we are here to pick you up to the hotel." The crew cut guy said meticulously.

Tang Dao nodded, tilted his head, looked at the luxury car on the opposite side of the road, and pondered for a while, "Thank you."

The flat-headed guy led the way, and there were seven or eight men in Chinese tunic suits over there. When they saw the guests arriving, they stood on both sides of the car and looked around vigilantly. Everyone who had a relationship with him knew that Tang Dao came back to Lisboa today. The He family met.

I'm afraid that some people who are not afraid of death will come here The guy with a flat head opened the car door and invited Tang Dao to sit in. Along with him were little angels and old Robert, and the other people sat in the back car, with a flat head The guy sat in the co-pilot and put on his seat belt.

"What's your name?" Tang Dao asked.

"He Jin." The guy with the crew cut said very simply and politely.

Tang Dao nodded. From the surname, it can be seen that the He family actually still retains the appearance of a certain ancient clan. The family system is very common here, and it is also very united. This is why, in the 80s and 90s, clans often occurred. One of the reasons for fighting.

Rabbit just wants to appease Lisboa and HK. There are some things that cannot be said to be smart. They can only be said to be aware of current affairs and the overall situation. Of course, this is the greatest wisdom.

Submit the application form early, and the list is less.

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